Odd Thoughts

These are just random things that float through my brain in the course of the day.

When cooking, there is no such thing as too much garlic. [Amended 3/3/2004--Okay, there is such a thing, but you really have to work to get there.]

They say that the animal with flesh most like human flesh is the pig. Which begs the question: If you're allergic to pork, would you be allergic to human flesh?

There are certain books that give the reader a definite and unmistakable pride in being human. And I mean that as in, as opposed to being one of any of a half dozen other sentient species. (Hey, I'm and SF&F fan.)

There are moments when I'm quite certain that I'm just barely on this side of sane. I'm thinking specifically of the times when I can literally feel how close I am to believing that characters I have written or read are, somewhere, quite real. Now I *know* that they're not...but there are times when I feel like I'm standing close enough to look across that fine line and see what it would be like to believe that they are.