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Adventures in Pursuit of Smallville | |
Okay, this story of obsession is just too good not to
share with all person who wander through my webpage actually reading
the randomness of my mind. //grins//
I'm in Vancouver, Canada. For this reason, Smallville is only available on our local WB carrier, which is WPIX. Unfortunately, WPIX is on channel 67. I live in residence. In res, I get channels 2-59. At my parents place we have digital cable, which means we get a couple hundred channels, including 67. Normally, I would solve this problem by having my mom tape the eps for me. She does that all the time. (I have a great mom.) However, my mom watches JAG on Tuesdays and must program the VCR to tape it. Now, Smallville is on at 6pm and JAG is on at 8pm. So this *still* wouldn't be a problem...except that the digital cable box interferes with the VCR programming. This means my mom can only tape on one channel while she's not there. So, events conspired to render me Smallville-less. I was going to settle for having a friend in Seattle bring me eps every few weeks, when I had a brainwave. My last class on Tuesdays end at 4pm. 2 hours is just barely enough time for me to catch the bus and get all the way home. This requires a transfer at the midway point, but I *can* get there in time for Smallville. After the show, the bridge will have closed, which means I have to take four buses (three transfers) to get back to res, but I *can* get back by 9pm. Not bad. I even managed to rationalize this as being productive. I do my best, most concentrated reading on the bus because there are no distractions there (i.e. no web, phone, tv, food etc.). And I have a lot of readings to get through for classes. I'm behind on them all. So out of the 5.5 hours I will be off campus doing the trek-home-to-see-Smallville thing, I'll be reading for 3.5 of them. Heck, those other two hours would constitute a couple of study breaks normally! //grins// I did it for the first time today (October 30, 2001). It worked really well! I got caught up on my readings for two subjects and I got Hot Head on tape. //grins// Yes, I am insane. //grins// Totally insane. But in a really productive way! |