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Realm of Mecha
Big O

Main Characters>

Roger Smith - Millionaire, ladies' man, and Negotiator.Roger Smith's job is to defuse crises and help the citizens of Paradigm City unravel their lost past. He has friends in every level of society, from rich politicians to gossiping bottom feeders, and makes his rounds in the Griffon, his sleek, powerful high tech black car.

R. Dorothy Wayneright - An ill-tempered android (the R in her name stands for "Robot") who resembles a teenaged girl. Dorothy is a recent addition to Roger's household. Since she's the product of very advanced technology, she must have some connection to Paradigm City's forgotten history-- but what? She openly detests Roger's habits and mannerisms, but holds his skills in high enough regard to place herself under his care. Dorothy is intelligent, but very chilly-- still, she shows occasional flashes of humanity, and even adopts a kitten at one point in the series.

Norman Burg - Roger's dry, chipper butler.Norman's a mysterious gentleman; an impeccable servant, he wears a patch over one eye, and when under threat, protects Roger and his estate with surprising ferocity.

Major Dan Dastun - An officer of Paradigm City's military police force. Dan Dastun is an old friend of Roger's. He regards Roger with some warmth, mainly because of their past as cops together on the force, but strongly disapproves of Roger's current position as negotiator, thinking Roger's place is still on the force. Dastun loves seeing the Big-O defuse criminal activity, but the massive public damage that always ensues gives him a splitting headache.

Beck Gold - Paradigm City's most flamboyant career criminal.Beck loves dressing well and stealing money. Always surrounded by his "family" of henchmen, he's prone to fits of bumbling and egoism, but he's surprisingly sharp and tenacious-- his schemes aren't always successful, but he's a genuinely worthy foe of Roger. He's also prone to fits of incredible violence.

Angel - An alluring woman, shrouded in mystery.Angel confounds Roger immediately-- she first identifies herself as Casey Jenkins, and then Patricia Lovejoy, all while slyly telling him to just call her "Angel". She seems to be investigating the Paradigm Group, and claims that she doesn't come from Paradigm City.

Schwarzwald - A destroyed man with nothing to lose.Schwarzwald (German for "black forest") used to be an honest reporter for Paradigm Press named Michael Seebach. His greatest goal in life was to uncover the mysteries of Paradigm City's amnesia and its old technology and report on them for the people. But somehow, Seebach learned too much...

Alex Rosewater - CEO of the Paradigm Group, the corporation that runs Paradigm City.On the surface, Alex Rosewater is easily the most powerful man in Paradigm City. He runs the Paradigm Group, the mega-corporation that manages the entire city, and he keeps tabs on the city's events and people firsthand. Rosewater seems to know quite a bit about the nature of the Event and the secrets of Paradigm-- just what is he hiding?

"Big Ear" - Roger's informant. Identified only as "Big Ear" (a previous version of this page ID'd him as "Big Ya", due to my spectacular inability to read katakana) initially, this Hasid (perhaps the only one in anime) seems to live up to his name, always wearing an earpiece and listening. Roger finds him at the Speakeasy, the local tavern, listening for something and waiting to share information... for a price.

The Bartender - Provider of beer. Proprietor of the Speakeasy, this man watches over the city silently. Who knows what enigmas lurk behind his furrowed brow? I'll bet he knows the cheapest places to buy pretzels in bulk, and other terrifying secrets.

Minor Characters>

Miguel Soldano - A powerful industrialist, and perhaps a key to the past.In the BIG-O's first episode opening sequence, the job that Roger is doing is for this gentleman. Mr. Soldano is a proficient inventor and rich tycoon-- his access to knowledge of high technology might be the key to Paradigm City's lost past. But what is his connection to R. Dorothy?Appears in: Roger the Negotiator.

Timothy Wayneright - Dorothy's "father". While Miguel Soldano financed the creation of R. Dorothy Wayneright and raised her himself, this is the man whom Dorothy considers her real father. Wayneright was an inventor before the Event, and retained enough of his memories afterwards to realize that his precious daughter had perished in the catacylsm. Distraught, he creates R. Dorothy in her image. How successful is his creation? Is Dorothy really alive, with the memories of her dead predecessor?Appears in: Roger the Negotiator, Dorothy, Dorothy

Sven Maurisky - A man of lost memories and dreadful secrets. Sven Maurisky was a genetic researcher before the Event, but in Roger's time, he's a hermit who lives near the derelict hydroelectric dam in Electric City. He created something monstrous before the Event-- something that he remembers and fears. Will he tell his secrets in time for Electric City to be saved?Appears in: Electric City

Bonny Frazier - The epitome of a good cop, and a martyr - or is he?The pudgy, kind-faced Frazier was a cop in Paradigm City's military police-- until a riot over a land buyout resulted in him being shot and dumped into the river. His horrifying death stopped both the rioters and the police in their tracks-- but was his death really the result of the riot? Appears in: Bring Back My Ghost

Melissa Frazier - An aged matron with a strong sense of intuition.Melissa Frazier was once a ruthless and powerful attorney. In retirement and nearing her end, she wishes only to atone for her life as a cutthroat lawyer-- and to see her son, Bonny, just once more. But isn't Bonny dead? She doesn't think so. Appears in: Bring Back My Ghost

Rick Frazier - a lawyer's lawyer.Crabby and cynical, this Frazier is Roger's natural enemy. He reacts with disbelief and disgust when Roger agrees to help his mother-- but he might be wrong about Roger.Appears in: Bring Back My Ghost

Antony Gauss - A high-ranking officer with skeletons in his closet.This military police officer is incredibly paranoid, and with good reason-- he knows things. BAD things. Will his knowledge save him, or destroy him?Appears in: Bring Back My Ghost

Dr. Amadeus - A dead genius.A brilliant inventor who created a mechanical "son", R. Instro, and studied the principles of soundwaves. Dead at the time of the story.Appears in: A Legacy of Amadeus

R. Instro - A robotic master of the piano.One of Paradigm City's few functioning androids. He maintains the club Amadeus, named after his dead "father". A gifted pianist who delights his audiences, particularly when he plays Chopin's "Raindrop".Appears in: A Legacy of Amadeus

Giseng - An obvious villain.The former research partner of Dr. Amadeus. Holds some sway over R. Instro. Would be an intriguing character, if he didn't have "HEY!! I AM A BAD GUY!!" written all over him. Appears in: A Legacy of Amadeus

Perot -
A tiny black kitten.The kitten that Dorothy finds abandoned in a garbage heap on the way home one rainy day. She immediately senses that the kitten has been abandoned, and that there's something very, very wrong with it. But what? Appears in: Lost Cat

Robert and Louise Fery - A desperate couple with a terrible secret.The true owners of Perot. They refer to the kitten as Roy, and know the horrible secret that the poor creature contains. Not a happy pair of campers. Appear in: Lost Cat

Eugene Grant - An absolute, irredeemable fiend.A rogue geneticist who gets his rocks off by turning normal human test subjects into rare domestic animals. Unfortunately, his creations are always flawed, resulting in bizarre, destructive mutations. Perhaps the most disturbing villain in The Big O, because he's completely and utterly amoral. Appears in: Lost Cat

The "Beck Family" - Goons. Hired goons.These men seem fairly capable, but they're too easily-led, and always end up wrapped up in Beck's hair-brained schemes. I like how the skinny one looks like Marilyn Manson.Appears in: Beck Comes Back

Mr. Wise - A powerful businessman with a dark secret indeed.Chairman of the Wise Group, a large financial concern. He contacts Roger to help get back his kidnapped son-- but he's got a secret about the kid that could lead to his undoing.Appears in: Beck Comes Back

Francis Wise - Does he even deserve an entry?Son of Mr. Wise. The real hero of The Big O! Just kidding.Appears in: Beck Comes Back

Sybil Rowen - A haunting vision of beauty from the distant past.The star of the film Winter Night Phantom, a film from before the Event. Dan Dastun is desperately trying to remember something about her, something important.Appears in: Winter Night Phantom

Oliver - An idealistic but dirt-poor sax player.An optimistic young man who spends his days working as a garbage man and his free time playing saxaphone on street corners. Devoted to Laura, his girlfriend.Appears in: Daemonseed

Laura - Blind, but still perceptive.The girlfriend of hopeful street musician Oliver. Blind, but more perceptive than she appears.Appears in: Daemonseed

Evil Santa - Ho ho ho!He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you're awake. And he's got a present for you-- a strange seed.Appears in: Daemonseed

Gordon Rosewater - A link to the past.Founder and first chairman of Paradigm City, now a retired tomato farmer. Seems to be the father of current Paradigm CEO Alex Rosewater. He knows things about the city, terrible things, but he isn't ready to tell Roger about them... yet.Appears in: R.D.

R.D. - ...R.D.?Appears in: R.D.