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Realm of Mecha
Big O
Mechas and Orgas>

The BIG-O - The mysterious, towering robot that safeguards Paradigm City. The BIG-O protects the public from everything from a bank-robbing behemoth to a gigantic electric eel. It is the tool that Roger Smith uses to dispense justice and keep the peace, but it's quite mysterious. Apparently, it comes from Paradigm City's forgotten past. Dan Daston refers to it as a "Megadeus"-class robot. It has a wide array of weapons, from pile-driver driven fists to eye lasers to chest-mounted missiles to its powerful, head-mounted "Chrome Buster" cannon. And each time Roger activates it by speaking the words "BIG-O, showtime!" into his watch and climbs aboard, the display flashes the words "CAST IN THE NAME OF GOD... YE NOT GUILTY".Appears in: Every episode.

Dorothy-1 - The BIG-O's first opponent. Not much can be said about Dorothy-1 without revealing some crucial plot points-- needless to say, it's a tougher robot than it looks. Amusingly, the robot resembles a Baltanian from the classic TV series Ultraman.Appears in: Episode 1, Roger the Negotiator, and episode 2, Dorothy, Dorothy.

The Electric God - A living sea serpent that channels electricity. When Roger Smith goes to determine what's keeping the Electric City dam out of comission, this is what he finds. This monster is a man-made creation, probably originally developed to generate electricity-- it absorbs power from the dam, and then outputs even more power. But when the Big O encounters it, it's huge and very, very angry.Appears in: Episode 3, Electric City.

"Proto-deus" - A mysterious Megadeus buried deep in Paradigm City's underground tunnels. Roger is astounded to find this robot deep in the tunnels-- until Schwarzwald appears, bragging that he'd been the one to unlock the war machine. When Dorothy attempts to communicate with it, the machine powers up-- but its attempts to communicate with Dorothy scare her almost senseless. Essentially, it's a Megadeus just like the Big O-- only without any armor.Appears in: Episode 4, Underground Terror.

The Ghost - A grotesque apparition that lurks by the Hudson river. Certain high-ranking officers in Paradigm City's military police are filled with nameless dread at the mere mention of this ghost-- for it seems to prey on them and only them. It appears to be completely insubstatial-- so much mist. But it still packs deadly firepower. What is its secret? Appears in: Episode 5, Bring Back My Ghost.

Kontstanz - A giant robot with six arms and a deadly photosonic attack. This robot, created and developed by Dr. Amadeus and Giseng, may look a little silly, but its focal cone and ability to spin its six arms like rotors produces a powerful gale force and soundwave, which makes for a devastating attack. Appears in: Episode 6, A Legacy of Amadeus.

The "Sea Monster" - A howling creature made of muck-- or is it? This behemoth rises to the surface of Paradigm City's harbor after being disturbed by ocean floor-dwelling humans. When the muck is blasted away, a grinning giant robot is revealed underneath. Despite its menacing appearance and missile payload, this robot's really a pushover.Appears in: Episode 7, The Call from the Past.

Neo-Perot - A biological miracle, except that it's a biological nightmare. Once a small kitten with a terrible secret, Neo-Perot is the titanic result of horrible mutations brought about by genetic experimentation. With spiky armor, sharp teeth, and numerous tentacles, this is one bad kitty.Appears in: Episode 8, Missing Cat.

Beck Victory Deluxe - A stupid-looking robot for a stupid-looking crook! A flashy, silly-looking robot. Easily more than a match for Paradigm's MPs, this robot has quite a bit more trouble with the Big O. Despite that, it's loaded with gimmicks and weapons, like missiles and lasers. Plus, it has a big "B" on its codpiece! B is for Beck!Appears in: Episode 9, Beck Comes Back.

The "Tin Toy Bomber" - A giant robot apparently modeled to resemble a vintage wind-up tin toy. A boxy, plodding monstrosity. Strange writing in an unknown language is stamped on it. It has a secret mission and a payload of high explosives. But when will it strike, and why?Appears in: Episode 10, Winter Night Phantom.

Der Tannenbaum - Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree... When a crazed horticulturalist wants to show Paradigm City the value of nature, this is what he creates-- a menacing, fast-growing mutant fir tree, just in time for Heaven's Day. This tree is resilient and grows astonishingly quickly, but the nutjob scientist built in a feature that would keep it from completely destroying Paradigm City. Thing is, will that be enough?Appears in: Episode 11, Daemonseed.

The Big Duo - A Megadeus with the power of flight. A natural complement to the Big O-- a robot with similar features and appearance, only meant for flight instead of ground combat. This Megadeus' method of flight is entertaining to watch-- basically, picture the Big O with a pair of propjets attached to its arms. The Big Duo is weaker than the Big O, but with the element of surprise and far greater speed, it just might be able to defeat Roger's Megadeus.Appears in: Episode 12, Enemy Is Another big, and episode 13, RD.

The Big Trio(?) - A powerful Megadeus from a half-forgotten vision. We don't see much of this menacing Megadeus-- it's equipped with devastating lasers, but is only seen in Roger's flashbacks. Presumably, it was designed as a third segment to the team of the Big O and the Big Duo, which would mean it's probably built for sea combat. (Shades of Getter Robo!)Appears in: Episode 13, RD.

Mysterious Attackers - What are they? What are these robots? Megadeii? Something else? Will we eventually determine their purpose? It's a mystery.Appears in: Episode 13, RD.

The Griffon - Roger's powerful black sedan.The Griffon isn't as stupendously powerful as the BIG-O, but it has an elegance that the robot lacks. Roger's favorite mode of transportation, the Griffon is fitted with hidden cameras, surface-to-air missiles, and god only knows what else.

Norman's motorcycle - Is there anything this man can't do?On the surface, this seems like a regular motorcycle that's driven by Roger's distinguished servant, Norman Burg. But it can apparently smash through brick walls. What secrets does it hold?