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The body is, obviously, the most basic part of the wanzer.  It contains the
wanzer's power source, and the combined total weight of all parts and weapons
on a wanzer cannot exceed the body's Power rating.  Any surplus power (from
equipping lighter parts and weapons and/or adding power to the engine) will
increase the damage done by the wanzer's melee attacks.  The body also
provides the wanzer's potential Class Defense upgrade.

Statistics provided are the power of the engine, weight of the body, HP of
the body at both no upgrade and full upgrade, the percentage class defense
increase per level of class defense upgrade, and the battle skill contained
(thanks to Eric Willis).  I've also put a rating of each part's performance;
5 stars is best, 1 is worst.  (The ratings don't have anything to do with the
part's Battle Skill, just its statistics.)  For convenience, I've organized
this list by weight class rather than purely alphabetically.

Name            Power   Weight  HPMin   HPMax   Def-C   B.Skill       Rating

Grapple M1      206     39      464     1211    5%      Melee-III     *
Kasel M2        206     39      464     1461    10%     Melee-II      ***
Lanze           206     39      464     1647    15%     Tackle-III    *****
Lenghe 1        206     39      464     1647    5%      InitiativeIII ***
Tiandong 3      206     39      464     1211    10%     Tackle-II     **
Wude 3          206     39      464     1461    15%     E-Acc-2       ****
Zeros           206     39      464     1211    10%     E-Evade-1     **

Kyokei Mk108    220     40      340     887     10%     Melee-I       **

Qibing 0        231     42      452     1423    15%     Revenge-II    ****
Zenislev        231     42      452     1604    5%      Tackle-I      ***

Prov PAW2       253     44      364     950     15%     Auto-II       ***
Yongsai 3       253     44      364     1292    10%     BackupMelee   ****

Getty           254     42      340     887     10%     Revenge-III   **
Jinyo Mk110     254     42      340     887     5%      Revenge-I     *
Kyojun Mk107    254     42      340     1071    10%     Zoom-I        ***
Shunwang 1      254     42      340     1207    5%      E-EvadeNul    ***
Vinedrai        254     42      340     1207    10%     E-Evade-2     ****

Grezex          269     38      276     979     10%     Zoom-III      ****
Pare PAW1       269     38      276     720     10%     E-Acc-1       **
Rekson M4F      269     38      276     720     15%     Zoom-II       ***
Shangdi 1       269     38      276     979     5%      E-AccNul      ***
Shunyo Mk111    269     38      276     979     5%      DMGFix400     ***

Tieqi 4         287     43      312     1107    15%     E-DefC-2      *****

Drake M2C       344     60      292     762     15%     Chaff         ***
Enyo Mk109      344     60      292     762     5%      Auto-I        *
Foura M12A      344     60      292     762     10%     Pilot Eject   **
Genie           344     60      292     919     5%      DefC+1        **
Laiying 1       344     60      292     919     5%      DefC+2        **
Meledyne M1     344     60      292     762     15%     E-DefC-1      ***
Mingtian 1      344     60      292     1036    10%     DefCMax       ****
Whisk           344     60      292     1036    10%     E-DefCNul     ****

Hoshun Mk112    350     37      408     1661    15%     Revenge-Body  ******


A wanzer's arms hold its weapons.  Arms with higher accuracy ratings are a
must for wanzers using range weapons, whose accuracy can quickly degrade
against distant targets.

Statistics provided are the weight of the arms, HP at no upgrade and at full
upgrade, weapon accuracy increase percentage at no upgrade and at full
upgrade, the battle skill contained (again, thanks to Eric Willis), and
performance rating (since I just can't help but rank things in lists).

Note: Accuracy increases from the arm are a percentage of the weapon's base
accuracy, not a flat increase.  Thus, the accuracy of a machine gun installed
on the arm of Kyojun Mk107 with no accuracy upgrade would NOT be 90% (80+10)
but rather 88% (80*1.10).  Don't forget that number will be further reduced
by the evade attribute of the target.  It seems that FM3 always rounds down
when calculating a weapon's accuracy.

Name            Weight  HPMin   HPMax   AccMin  AccMax  B.Skill       Rating

Grapple M1      15      292     919     5%      37%     Dbl Punch-I   ***
Kasel M2        15      292     762     5%      52%     Stun Punch    ***
Lanze           15      292     762     5%      25%     ShieldAtk-II  *
Lenghe 1        15      292     1036    5%      25%     ShieldAtk-III ***
Tiandong 3      15      292     1036    5%      37%     Eject Punch   ****
Wude 3          15      292     1036    5%      52%     Dbl Punch-II  *****
Zeros           15      292     919     5%      25%     ShieldAtk-I   **

Kyokei Mk108    25      212     667     7%      73%     Hit/Miss      ****

Qibing 0        20      284     894     5%      37%     Topple Punch  ***
Zenislev        20      284     894     5%      25%     Dbl Assault   **

Prov PAW2       33      228     718     9%      94%     Dbl Shot-I    ****
Yongsai 3       33      228     809     9%      66%     ROF Up-III    ****

Getty           36      212     667     10%     105%    Firing Squad  ****
Jinyo Mk110     36      212     553     10%     105%    ROF Up-II     ***
Kyojun Mk107    36      212     667     10%     105%    ROF Up-I      ****
Shunwang 1      36      212     752     10%     105%    Aim-Body      *****
Vinedrai        36      212     752     10%     74%     Aim-Arm       ****

Grezex          51      172     448     14%     103%    Aim           **
Pare PAW1       51      172     448     14%     103%    Topple Shot   **
Rekson M4F      51      172     448     14%     147%    Backup Fire   ***
Shangdi 1       51      172     610     14%     147%    Dbl Shot-II   *****
Shunyo Mk111    51      172     448     14%     147%    Revenge-Same  ***

Tieqi 4         44      196     617     12%     88%     Aim-Leg       ***

Drake M2C       45      184     480     12%     126%    Pilot DMG-I   ***
Enyo Mk109      45      184     480     12%     126%    Leg Smash     ***
Foura M12A      45      184     653     12%     60%     Arm Smash     ***
Genie           45      184     579     12%     60%     Pilot DMG-III **
Laiying 1       45      184     653     12%     60%     Pilot DMG-II  ***
Meledyne M1     45      184     480     12%     126%    Panic Shot    ***
Mingtian 1      45      184     653     12%     88%     Random Smash  ****
Whisk           45      184     653     12%     88%     Salvo         ****

Hoshun Mk112    25      300     1065    12%     126%    Body Smash    *****


Legs dictate the movement speed of the wanzer, its dashing and jumping
ability, and its ability to evade enemies' attacks.

Statistics provided are the weight of the legs, HP at no upgrade and at full
upgrade, type (two legs, four legs, or hover), base movement rate, booster
and dash level at full upgrade (note that the BST upgrade increases booster
and dash together), the evade rate at full upgrade, the Battle Skill
contained (thanks to, you guessed it, Eric Willis), and rating.

Name           Wt.  HPMn HPMx      Type Move B/D  Eva% B.Skill        Rating

Grapple M1     59   384  1002      2L   6    6/5  47%  Skill+2        ***
Kasel M2       59   384  1002      2L   6    7/4  47%  AP-30%         ***
Lanze          59   384  1363      2L   6    6/5  24%  Avoid 40       ***
Lenghe 1       59   384  1363      2L   6    7/4  47%  Gang Beating   *****
Tiandong 3     59   384  1209      2L   6    6/5  24%  Avoid 20       **
Wude 3         59   384  1002      Hvr  6    -/-  24%  E-Skill-3      *
Zeros          59   384  1209      2L   6    7/3  24%  Initiative-II  **

Kyokei Mk108   45   280  730       2L   4    7/3  35%  DMGFix100      **

Qibing 0       55   372  1171      2L   5    6/5  24%  DMGFix200      **
Zenislev       55   372  1171      2L   5    7/4  47%  Initiative-I   ****

Prov PAW2      48   300  783       Hvr  4    -/-  47%  Guard Body     ***
Yongsai 3      48   300  1065      2L   4    6/5  24%  Avoid 80       ***

Getty          43   280  882       4L   3    4/5  24%  E-Skill-2      **
Jinyo Mk110    43   280  730       2L   3    7/3  47%  Fast Attack    ***
Kyojun Mk107   43   280  730       2L   3    7/4  47%  Brace-I        ***
Shunwang 1     43   280  730       4L   3    4/5  47%  EvadeMax       ***
Vinedrai       43   280  994       2L   3    6/5  24%  EXPx4          ***

Grezex         38   228  595       2L   3    7/4  47%  Hard Knocks    ***
Pare PAW1      38   228  718       2L   3    7/3  35%  Evade+1        ***
Rekson M4F     38   228  595       2L   3    7/4  35%  E-Skill-1      **
Shangdi 1      38   228  595       2L   3    7/4  35%  EXPx3          **
Shunyo Mk111   38   228  718       2L   3    7/4  47%  AP-60%         ****

Tieqi 4        44   256  806       2L   5    7/4  24%  Brace-II       **

Drake M2C      18   240  626       2L   2    7/4  24%  EXPx2          *
Enyo Mk109     18   240  756       2L   2    7/5  47%  Prevent Loss   ****
Foura M12A     18   240  852       2L   2    7/4  24%  Escape         ***
Genie          18   240  852       2L   2    7/4  47%  Auto Counter   *****
Laiying 1      18   240  852       2L   2    6/5  35%  Skill+3        ****
Meledyne M1    18   240  626       2L   2    6/3  35%  Skill+1        **
Mingtian 1     18   240  852       2L   2    6/5  24%  Blackout       ***
Whisk          18   240  852       2L   2    6/3  24%  Evade+2        ***

Hoshun Mk112   35   400  1420      2L   5    7/5  59%  AP-0           ******


Backpacks can be used to provide additional power (to hold heavier weapons
and do more damage with melee weapons) or to hold items.  Some enemies carry
packs that aren't on this list, but their performance is always identical to
one of these.

Name           Weight    Capacity  Add.Power

BX002          10        4         -----                                 
Mk3 Pack       10        4         -----
Mk6 Pack       30        6         -----
Rucksack L     30        6         -----
BX090          50        8         -----
BPT3A          10        -----     30
Mk5 E-Pack     10        -----     30
Mk7 E-Pack     20        -----     60
Placid         20        -----     60
BPT9MAX        30        -----     90


A wanzer's computer is accessible from "Pilot" section of the Setup menu, and
holds whatever learned Battle Skills are entered into it.  Be sure to re-
enter your Battle Skills when changing a wanzer's computer.

Name           Capacity  Function

COM4           4         No special features
COM5           5         No special features
COM6           6         No special features
COMB554        6         Low Activate% increase; low Combo% decrease
COMB603        6         Med Activate% increase; med Combo% decrease
COMB652        6         High Activate% increase; high Combo% decrease
COMC554        6         Low Combo% increase; low Activate% decrease
COMC654        6         Med Combo% increase; med Activate% decrease
COMC754        6         High Combo% increase; high Activate% decrease
COMG10         6         Acquire% increase

5. Weapons

DC: The Defense Class of the weapon; Impact, Piercing, or Flame.
Wt: Weight of the weapon.
Acc.: The base accuracy of the weapon.
Rng: The range of the weapon in squares.
Attack: The base attack value of the weapon.
AP: AP consumed by using the weapon.
AD/Rg: Accuracy decrease over range, per square.
AD/Ht: Accuracy decrease by elevation, per unit of height.
Ammo: Ammo capacity of the weapon.

Melee Weapons

Unarmed arms have the Hardblow weapon by default.  While there is no accuracy
penalty for elevation, a target with a height difference of 2 or more cannot
be hit with a melee weapon.

Name          Type     DC Wt   Acc.  Rng  Attack    AP  AD/Rg AD/Ht Ammo

Hardblow      None     I  0    100%  1    25 (x1)   1   -0%   -0%   Unl.

War Hammer    Baton    I  18   120%  1    56 (x1)   1   -0%   -0%   Unl.
Cleave Axe    Baton    I  21   120%  1    67 (x1)   1   -0%   -0%   Unl.
Mk9 Baton     Baton    I  25   120%  1    80 (x1)   1   -0%   -0%   Unl.
Mk13 Baton    Baton    I  29   120%  1    96 (x1)   1   -0%   -0%   Unl.
Venus         Baton    I  33   120%  1    115 (x1)  1   -0%   -0%   Unl.

Sharp Spike   Spike    P  20   110%  1    63 (x1)   1   -0%   -0%   Unl.
Heavy Spike   Spike    P  23   110%  1    75 (x1)   1   -0%   -0%   Unl.
Mk18 Spike    Spike    P  28   110%  1    90 (x1)   1   -0%   -0%   Unl.
Mk22 Spike    Spike    P  32   110%  1    108 (x1)  1   -0%   -0%   Unl.
Last Strike   Spike    P  37   110%  1    129 (x1)  1   -0%   -0%   Unl.

Bone Buster   Fist     I  22   100%  1    76 (x1)   1   -0%   -0%   Unl.
Fear Fist     Fist     I  26   100%  1    91 (x1)   1   -0%   -0%   Unl.
Mk10 Fist     Fist     I  30   100%  1    109 (x1)  1   -0%   -0%   Unl.
Mk12 Fist     Fist     I  35   100%  1    130 (x1)  1   -0%   -0%   Unl.
Big Buster    Fist     I  35   100%  1    130 (x1)  1   -0%   -0%   Unl.
Fatal Buster  Fist     I  40   100%  1    156 (x1)  1   -0%   -0%   Unl.

Range Weapons (Burst)

More AP can be used when firing a flamer to increase the number of shots in
the burst.  Shotguns distribute their damage evenly over the target's hit
locations; flamers and machine guns hit parts at random.

Name          Type     DC Wt   Acc.  Rng  Attack    AP  AD/Rg AD/Ht Ammo

Odin M98      Shotgun  I  42   75%   1-3  12 (x12)  3   -2%   -5%   Unl.
SPPG 14       Shotgun  I  50   75%   1-3  14 (x12)  3   -2%   -5%   Unl.
Chongdu 2     Shotgun  I  59   75%   1-3  16 (x12)  3   -2%   -5%   Unl.
Chongta 3     Shotgun  I  69   75%   1-3  19 (x12)  3   -2%   -5%   Unl.
Desoto M300   Shotgun  I  80   75%   1-3  22 (x12)  3   -2%   -5%   Unl.

Kodo SN990    M.Gun    P  48   80%   1-4  11 (x10)  5   -10%  -5%   Unl.
DGS-25        M.Gun    P  56   80%   1-4  13 (x10)  5   -10%  -5%   Unl.
Mingda 2      M.Gun    P  65   80%   1-4  15 (x10)  5   -10%  -5%   Unl.
Huida 3       M.Gun    P  78   80%   1-4  18 (x10)  5   -10%  -5%   Unl.
Nissai 90MF   M.Gun    P  78   80%   1-4  18 (x10)  5   -10%  -5%   Unl.
Arc Barrel 4  M.Gun    P  91   80%   1-4  21 (x10)  5   -10%  -5%   Unl.

Heat Stream   Flamer   F  51   60%   1-2  17 (x4)   4   -2%   -5%   Unl.
Huoliu 1      Flamer   F  60   60%   1-2  20 (x4)   4   -2%   -5%   Unl.
Huosai 2      Flamer   F  70   60%   1-2  24 (x4)   4   -2%   -5%   Unl.
Huoyao 3      Flamer   F  81   60%   1-2  28 (x4)   4   -2%   -5%   Unl.
Hot Gazel     Flamer   F  93   60%   1-2  33 (x4)   4   -2%   -5%   Unl.

Range Weapons (1 Shot)

The Hvy P-Gun is obtained along with the Hoshun Mk112 wanzer.

Name          Type     DC Wt   Acc.  Rng  Attack    AP  AD/Rg AD/Ht Ammo

Franbar FF    Rifle    P  45   75%   1-6  58 (x1)   4   -2%   -5%   Unl.
Mk9 Sniper    Rifle    P  53   75%   1-6  69 (x1)   4   -2%   -5%   Unl.
Laoxing 6     Rifle    P  62   75%   1-6  82 (x1)   4   -2%   -5%   Unl.
Laohu 3       Rifle    P  73   75%   1-6  98 (x1)   4   -2%   -5%   Unl.
Scarab F2     Rifle    P  73   75%   1-6  98 (x1)   4   -2%   -5%   Unl.
Mk11 Sniper   Rifle    P  84   75%   1-6  117 (x1)  4   -2%   -5%   Unl.

Hvy P-Gun     Beam     N  127  90%   1-9  250 (x1)  15  -0%   -5%   Unl.


Shields are used only defensively, as a "counter".  They can be used a number
of times equal to their durability, and reduce the total damage of the attack
they're blocking by their damage reduction factor.

Name           Wt   AP  Dur Dmg Red.

Mk9 Shield     18   2   4   -50%
SN-100G        24   2   6   -50%
Buckler        22   2   4   -70%
Hvy Shield     28   2   6   -70%
Mk10 Shield    28   2   6   -70%
SN-107G        36   2   4   -90%

Shoulder Weapons

"Grenades" in this game are really more like artillery; each square in a 5x5
area around the target has a chance of being hit.

Name          Type     DC Wt   Acc.  Rng  Attack    AP  AD/Rg AD/Ht Ammo

Quill         Missile  F  81   80%   3-9  73 (x1)   10  -0%   -0%   6
Wagtail 2     Missile  F  96   80%   3-9  87 (x1)   10  -0%   -0%   6
Yunsheng 34   Missile  F  109  80%   3-9  104 (x1)  10  -0%   -0%   6
Zhiniao 50    Missile  F  123  80%   3-9  124 (x1)  10  -0%   -0%   6
Nightingale   Missile  F  123  80%   3-9  124 (x1)  10  -0%   -0%   6
Bjariger      Missile  F  137  80%   3-9  148 (x1)  10  -0%   -0%   6

Wanzerfaust   Grenade  F  92   60%   3-6  62 (x1)   12  -0%   -0%   4
Type 10 GR    Grenade  F  109  60%   3-6  74 (x1)   12  -0%   -0%   4
Type 13 GR    Grenade  F  124  60%   3-6  88 (x1)   12  -0%   -0%   4
Type 14 GR    Grenade  F  140  60%   3-6  105 (x1)  12  -0%   -0%   4
Faust GGR     Grenade  F  156  60%   3-6  126 (x1)  12  -0%   -0%   4