ZOE-Realm of Mecha

Ok, first things first! Pop in your ZOE disc and don't you dare touch the
controller! I said no touch! Watch the awesome intro movie before the title
screen. Super cool. After that, watch another one by dawdling again on the
title screen, or you could just start a new game and watch the same one; up
to you. But anyway, start a new game to begin the endless fun!


After the lengthy, but amazing cut-scene, you will be able to control Jehuty
(the giant robot you are in) in your first battle. It doesn't matter whether
you know the controls or not. Just mash the Squ. Button and you will get
through. It's also ok if you've received some damage. You can heal later.

Once the raptor is dead, you will be introduced to Jehuty's AI, ADA. After
some dialogue, she will take you to an on-screen training course. I suggest
you go through it to understand the controls a little better. Take some time
to master the Dash tenchnique, Burst attacks, and what not. Remember, the
game doesn't have a set time limit on when you have to finish, so take your

When you've feel you have gotten the hang of the controls, proceed forward to
receive your first Metatron Ore. Metatron Ores replenish Jehuty's health to
maximum. So don't use these unless you are about to die. Next, like ADA said,
go in the direction the green spiral is pointing, and ascend through the

Once outside, you will fight in a series of battles. Get used to it, as
you'll be doing that throughout the game (duh). I hope you spent enough time
training like I told you to. Here is when those new abilities come into play.
Slash and hack (or shoot) away at the enemies while using the dash technique
to dodge their attacks. When that is that, Viola will appear and give you a
beating of your life. That is, if you don't retaliate. She is simple, just
use dash attacks continuously. When enough damage is dealt, she will retreat.

Small sequence here. Afterwards, proceed to the Local Server to acquire the
ability to monitor Jehuty's menu screen (which is really your command screen
if you're confused). Plus, you now have the ability to lock-on to enemies.

---= Mission 1 =---
Location: FACTORY.1
Objective: Obtain the flight mode module and move to another area using "AREA
CHANGE" in the Command Menu.

Dispose of the 4 squads in the area. One of them has the pass_global which
you will need to leave the area. Once you have the passcode, look for the
server. Open up your map and look for a green dot on the map. Hook up with
the local server to receive the global.fcmd program which enables you to move
to other areas in the colony. Kill off the remaining squads and head out via
AREA CHANGE on the Command Screen.

***Head to TOWN.1***

---= Mission 2 =---
Location: TOWN.1
Objective: Destroy the large Orbital Frame in TOWN.1

Upon entering a series of cinemas will take place. Leo will then fly off to
face the spawn of Satan who burned down his home. Holy mother of...! Here,
you encounter your first boss battle against...
\   TEMPEST   \
He isn't hard assuming you've gotten pretty good with the Dash Technique. For
now, circle and stay a good distance away from him. When he's not throwing
any fireballs at you, take this time to use a Burst Attack while he is using
the flamethrower. Do this until you've done about 50% damage. Now, he will
strip down to his second form. He can send a myriad of fireballs at you, so I
recommend you defend until he stops. Also, now he jumps into the air and
tries to squash you flat while shooting some missiles (?). Just keep a move
on and don't stop. To pull this off, immediately prepare a Burst attack from
a distance right after he lands. Then let him have it the second his head
comes out again. Defend other times. It may take a while if you're having
trouble with the buttons.

Tempest malfunctions and ADA suggests you destroy him. Leo, of course,
refuses (since he is a wimp) and ADA questions his motives. Well, you can see
the rest of the dialogue yourself. >_<

Afterwards, the town will be swarming with enemies. So get a move on and kill
them. Find and destroy the squad with pass_javelin to attain your first sub-
weapon which can be equipped using the Command Menu. Continue your violent
assault against the army of Orbital Frames until they are all dead. Now, whip
out your map and locate the local server. You will obtain javelin.drvr which
allows you to use Javelins as a sub-weapon. There isn't anything else to do,
so head out.

---= Mission 3 =---
Location: TOWN.1
Objective: Avoid any unnecessary battles and move to another area.

You don't necessarily avoid battles here. One of the squads possesses the
pass_javelin. So do away with them first. Finish off the remaining squads and
you may level up. Once that's done, pull out your map and locate the server.
Head into the trenches and hook it up with your first sub-weapon: JAVELIN.
Equip it if you'd like and head out.

***RESCUE MISSION in TOWN.2*** See Rescue Mission for details.

If you choose to skip the Rescue Mission, you should head to FACTORY.1

---= Mission 4 =---
Location: FACTORY.1
Objective: Obtain the info necessary for mission completion from the local
server in FACTORY.1

Upon entering, ADA will give you a few tips and direct you to the squad that
possesses the passcode: pass_antilia. They are a Lv. 3 Frame party so it
wouldn't be surprising if the battle were tougher. Once vanquished, take your
passcode to the local server stationed in the warehouse, near a Metatron Ore.
From that server, you will receive antilia.info. Once obtained, exit area.
Take out all the squads if you are in the mood. If not, leave the area and be
on your way.

When back on the Antillia (global screen), ADA will go in-depth on your
ultimate mission. Your mission is to deliver Jehuty to the transportaion
ship, the Atlantis. From there, Jehuty will be transported to Mars for a
major war. Again, watch the dialogue yourself to understand it better.

***RESCUE MISSION in TOWN.1*** See Rescue Missions for details.

If you've chosen to skip the rescue mission, you should head to CITY.1

---= Mission 5 =---
Location: CITY.1
Objective: Move to CITY.1 where the colony shaft is located and destroy the
EPS relay block.

On your arrival, you will notice a greenish energy shield along the center of
the area. You can't go through the energy field, so space is limited. Now,
ADA informs you that you don't have the proper weapon to destroy the colony
shaft with. If you want, you can fight whatever enemy squads you can attract
with your lock-on mode. The enemies here tend to be tougher. Other than that,
there's nothing else to do. Check your MISSION on the Command Menu to find
your new objective: Find long-distance bullet weapon necessary to destroy the
relay block. The weapon isn't lying around anywhere nearby, so head out.

***HEAD TO TOWN.2***

---= Mission 6 =---
Location: TOWN.2
Objective: Destroy the Porters in TOWN.2 and obtain the hidden item.

In TOWN.2, you'll find that the enemies have returned and are in greater
numbers. You'll also receive a message from ADA stating that there is a
"vector trap" in the area and in order to disclose the item, you must destroy
all the Porters in TOWN.2, like said in the mission's objective. Before that,
however, kill off all the enemy squads. If you haven't received the Phalanx
in the last rescue mission, this is a good time to do so. Anyhoo, seek out
and destroy the 6 Porters strewned throughout the area. If you are having
trouble hitting them, use the right analog stick. When that is done, the
hidden item will no longer be hidden. Head to the slope where the two downed
Frames are, to pick up the Sniper from the red item box. Now that you've
found what you've been looking for (SNIPER), you may exit the area, or kill
off the remaining enemy squads if you wish.

***HEAD TO CITY.1***

---= Mission 7 =---
Location: CITY.1
Objective: Use the newly obtained SNIPER and destroy the EPS relay block in

Now that you have the right weapon to the destroy the EPS relay block with,
hover to the revolving platform in the middle of the tower. Watch as the
white dots go by and read the pattern. Start blowing them up, one by one,
until they have all been destroyed. The green energy field should disappear
then. Annihilate the squads and the squad leader holding pass_geyser. With
that, go on over to local server to obtain the geyser.drvr program! Mission
accomplished! Move out to the Global Stage.

***HEAD TO EPS.1***

---= Mission 8 =---
Location: EPS.1
Objective: Destroy the power supply facility of EPS.1 and EPS.2

If you'd like you can go to EPS.2 first to receive a few passcodes and an
Item, but you can't get any further than that. So it is better off starting
at EPS.1.

Upon entering, notice the huge satelite dish at the top of the steppes. Make
your way over there by battling the baddies around the area. Once you get to
the satelite, you find out that you cannot destroy it in this situation. ADA
tells you to look for an underground passageway leading to the emergency
back-up EPS supply. Proceed to sweep the enemy squads of the area and destroy
all the Porters to receive pass_halberd. Pick up the halberd.drvr program
from the server and pull out your map to find an underground passage. On your
map, look for white arrows. That usually indicates there is an underground
passage somewhere. Go there.

Underground, just follow the corridor. Keep moving in the same direction. You
will have fights in almost every room, so be vigilant. Once you reach the
generator room, hover in front of the generator and blow up the core with a
Burst attack. Once done, backtrack and head back out.

On the global stage, you will notice a question mark (?) next to CITY.1. At
this point, your curiosity should get the best of you. So fly to and enter
CITY.1. Here you will find a new sub-weapon (without using any programs), the
Mummy. Mummy revitalizes Jehuty's health slowly, while depleting its "ammo."
DO NOT use the Mummy unless you really need to.

***HEAD TO EPS.2***

---= Mission 9 =---
Location: EPS.2
Objective: Destroy the emergency EPS generator of ESP.2

Likewise, this area is very similar to EPS.1. Take out the squads and look
for the underground passage. In the tunnel, you will find that you cannot
go any further since there is an energy field blocking the way. ADA informs
you that you will have to find another way. Turn around and leave. As you
leave, 3 higher level Cyclops will come and greet you. Take them out to
receive the passcode: pass_control1. Now leave the area.

***HEAD TO TOWN.1***

---= Mission 10 =---
Location: TOWN.1
Objective: Find the necessary module to get past the EPS.2 energy field.

In TOWN.1, you will find the second of the "control" passcodes to unlock your
next server. Most the enemies in the area will be tough, if you are at lower
levels. Find the squad with the passcode and pulverize them to receive
pass_control2. The Mummyheads in the area are especially annoying, since they
have a new beam cannon attack. It can't be blocked, it will pierce through
your shields like a knife in butter. To keep them from using that attack,
keep firing at them while you rush toward them to deliver a few nasty pokes
in the stomach (cue Pilsbery DoughBoy). When you've obtained the passcode,
leave the area.

***HEAD TO EPS.1***

The squads are back! Arggh! You can choose to kill them or not. Either way,
head back to the underground passage and go all the way until you hit the
intersection. Make a right, and access the local server to receive
rap_ctrl.drvr. With this baby, you can now control uncontrolled Raptors.
Backtrack, and leave the area.

***HEAD TO TOWN.2***

The Raptor you are looking for is on the downhill slant, where you found the
Sniper. You can find more Sniper ammo at the same place. Next to the Sniper
box is the Raptor you want. Approach it to trigger ADA's AI system. She will
then send it to EPS.2 on auto-pilot. Once it arrives, you will get to
experience being the bad guy!

---= Mission 11 =---
Location: EPS.2
Objective: Destroy the emergency EPS generator of EPS.2

You are now playing as a common Raptor. Face it, your Frame sucks. So try to
avoid any battles. Period. Unless you happen to be highly skilled at using
a Raptor. You may be good with Jehuty, but Jehuty and Raptors are two
completely different types of Frames. Anyhoo, avoid the enemies and make your
way to the tunnel in one piece.

Again, you will encounter battles in some rooms. Take the fork in the tunnel,
to obtain Detector from the local server. Destroy all the former invisible
Porters to disclose a Metatron Ore. Don't use it if you don't need it. Now,
continue your journey deeper into the tunnel until you reach a dead end. Use
a Burst attack to blast a hole in the wall and go on. You will reach another
generator room. Do the same thing to it as you did with the other one. After,
you will lose control of the Raptor and you will switch back to Jehuty.


---= Mission 12 =---
Starting Location: TOWN.2
Objective: Move to MOUNTAIN.1 and meet up with the Atlantis.

As you make your way to Mountain.1 a sudden cannon shot blasts you out of the
sky. What the?! That wasn't very nice at all...

***RESCUE MISSION in TOWN.3*** See Rescue Mission for details.

---= Mission 13 =---
Location: PARK.2
Objective: Avoid battle with large Orbital Frame located ahead and move to
another area.

A boss fight?? No! Just a friendly, neighborly welcome just to let you know
he's here. Obviously, there is no way in hell you can beat that thing. Not
now anyway. No matter how hard you try you will die every time. Think I'm
BSing? Fine go ahead and try. Anyhoo, for the people who believe me, leave
the area if you know what's good for you.

***RESCUE MISSION in CITY.2*** See Rescue Mission for details.

If you choose to skip the rescue misison, head to FACTORY.2

A virus of somesort has somehow sneaked into Jehuty's AI system and has
incapacitated Jehuty of it's health. Oh the horror! What to do?? Don't bother
using Metatron Ores, as they won't work. Just head to the factory and you
will find out soon enough.

---= Mission 14 =---
Location: FACTORY.2
Objective: Find the program in FACTORY.2 necessary for the repair of ADA.

When you enter, take a look at Jehuty's health bar. You'll notice that his
life meter is nearly depleted. One hit and you'll die. Plus, to make
matters worse, the area is swarming with enemies. So a good idea is to stay
low and avoid them.

The Metatron Ore won't work at the this point, so ignore that for now. Pull
out your map and look for an underground passage. Remember to stay low as
you make your way the tunnel entrance. Once underground, just follow the
corridor and you will eventually reach a circular room. In the center of the
room is a local server, but there is an enemy there to welcome you. Make sure
you don't get hurt. It's not difficult, as the enemy Frame is a Lv.1 Raptor.
Afterwards, the enemy Frame will drop pass_vaccine. Now you can get the
vaccine from the local server below. Service Jehuty and ADA and all functions
will return to normal. Now you're ready to kick some butt! Leave and go back

Note: The other local server will need two passcodes for it to unlock. Until
      you find those passcodes, ignore it.

You can choose to, or not to, fight the enemy squads here. Either way, leave

***RESCUE MISSION in CITY.1*** See Rescue Missions for details.

EPS.1 has a question mark (?) next to its marker. So stop by to pick up some
Mummy and Sniper ammo.

When done with everything, fly to CITY.2

---= Mission 15 =---
Location: CITY.2
Objective: Find the module necessary to avoid the laser attacks of the large
Orbital Frame in PARK.1

In the city, destroy each of the squads to gain experience (if you have the
time, or if you are already at a Lv. 8, then you don't need to.), or simply
look for the squad with one of the two passcodes you will need. You will
receive pass_decoy1. If you are ambitious, destroy all the Porters to receive
pass_comet and pick up the Comet driver from the local server. You know the
routine. Job finished here, so leave the area.

***HEAD TO TOWN.3***

---= Mission 16 =---
Location: TOWN.3
Objective: Find the anti-stealth module necessary to defeat the enemy in

When you first enter the town, you will notice that there aren't any enemies
around. Well, think again! As you roam around, thinking you can explore the
area freely, you are able to get into several battles with...what? Nothing's
there! So it seems the enemies are invisible. Although, you can probably see
the contour of their Frames, you can't lock-on to them or hurt them. So how
the hell do we get out of this predicament? Start by retreating and leaving
the area. It's sad, but yes, you have to.

On the Global Stage, ADA will explain that the enemies in TOWN.3 are under
Stealth mode, which basically means they cannot be seen or touched. What you
will need is an anti-stealth module to reverse the effects, allowing you to
defeat the enemy squads. To find that, go back to your Raptor friend.

***HEAD TO ESP.2***

---= Mission 17 =---
Location: ESP.2
Objective: Find the anti-stealth module necessary to defeat the enemy in

Retrace the steps the previously controlled Raptor had taken, and head into
underground tunnel again. Keep going until you meet up with the Raptor. You
guys will now enter battle. The Raptor will be pretty tough (Lv.6), but it's
not too much for you to handle. Once you shut him down, Jehuty will receive
the detector.fcmd from him and ADA will install it into Jehuty's system. Ok,
backtrack and leave.

Once outside again, you will now be able to see Porters. Eliminate all the
Porters to receive pass_gauntlet. Then go to the local server to receive the
Gaunlet driver. Equip sub-weapon Gauntlet, as it is very effective and
useful. Now, switch areas.

***HEAD TO TOWN.3***

---= Mission 18 =---
Location: TOWN.3
Objective: Find the anti-stealth module necessary to defeat the enemy in

This time, you can kinda see the enemies buzzing around. Enter battle with
them and you will find that Jehuty can now lock-on to the enemy. To waste
less time, quickly dispose of the squad that has the pass_decoy2 and leave


In FACTORY.2, return to the tunnel and claim your prize from the formerly
locked local server. Now you should have decoy.drvr in your possession. You
have now found what you need to destroy the Orbital Frame in PARK.1. Before
heading there, seek and destroy the previously invisible Porters in the
factory to pick up some Decoy ammo, 5 to be exact. Five should suffice. Now
change area and fly to PARK.1 to face your next boss.

***HEAD TO PARK.1***

*Before entering, equip Decoy to your sub-weapon slot.

---= Mission 19 =---
Location: PARK.1
Objective: Destroy the large Orbital Frame in PARK.1

I hope you've equipped Decoy as your sub-weapon prior to this. If not, do it
now! After the dialogue, prepare to face...
 \   TYRANT   \
He's got to be the biggest boss you'd have to face in this game. But size
does not matter here; survival does! Waste no time in delivering your first
blow to the big guy with a Burst attack. Avoid his lasers and aim for the
head. When you see a red CAUTION! beacon, quickly summon a Decoy so Tyrant
will focus on that while you recover. If not otherwise, you will DIE! While,
he tries to register what has just happened, quickly give him a Burst attack
or two. The least number of Decoys you will have to use is 2, if you don't
dawdle behind. Once you've dealed about 50% damage, he will transform into
a second form: a small battleship. He is now deadlier, so be very careful.
Plus, do away with your Decoy and equip Gauntlet instead. Focus your
attention on avoiding his charges and do not attempt to hurt him with any
attacks just yet. Once he stops to send out some missiles or whatever, let
him have it with a Burst attack (two if you have the knack). Continue this
method until he dies. This is a time-consuming battle; be patient and you
will win.

Tyrant tips:

"when facing tyrant i found it a lot easier to use (geyser?),probably
mispelled, when he gets ready to dash at u cause for some reason it stops him
and i barely got hit at all but try it out ur self and see what u think.

Thanks to Thesilenthealer@aol.com


Yay! You won (I hope)! Leo will ask ADA if she will destroy this Frame. ADA
will say if she did, would Leo let her, but Leo refuses again. This time,
she understands, but will continue to say his actions are illogical. Blah.

After the dialogue, change area and head out.

Notice that PARK.1 has a question marker (?) next to it. Return to PARK.1
and in the center of the area is a Mummy. I really hope you haven't used up
any Mummy's yet, because the going is about to get fairly rough. You will
need every Mummy you can get.


On your way to MOUNTAIN.1, Elena will contact you and revise your mission.
The whole story will be unveiled here. Well, most of it anyway. So I will let
you see for yourself, but your new goal now is to meet up with ThunderHeart
in the Warehouse and to get there, you must go through the mountains. Watch
the cutscene and enter.

---= Mission 20 =---
Location: MOUNTAIN.1
Objective: Fly through the gully on the mountain slope and get from the dam
to the warehouse area.

In his area, there will be multiple unexpected enemy encounters, so be very
aware of your surroundings. Since it is an enclosed area, it is a good time
to put the Geysers into use. Remember you cannot escape from these battles,
so sack up and face it.

At the first fork, ignore the side road and continue upstream along the
river. You will battle along the way. Not to worry, as there are surplus
Metatron Ores strewned throughout the mountain region. Go all the way, and
pick up the pass_bounder from one of the squads you will encounter. When
you reach the dam area, access the local server to receive bounder.drvr.
Woohoo! Equip that if you want to. Go back to the first fork and this time,
take the side road.

Eliminate the enemies that are in your way. Pick up some ammo while you're
at it. At the end, go through the already damaged wall, and blow another
hole on the opposite wall. Proceed upstream and snag the ammo from the item
box there. Look for the weak point on the wall, using either your map, or
until ADA notifies you. Either way, blast it away and press on.

In the new area, take a look at your map and choose the route where you can
pick up several treasures. Either path is fine, and they both connect to the
same path. At the end of the path, you should have a surplus supply of sub-
weapon ammunition. When you're ready, go through the entrance to the
warehouse. You will be prompted an option to save or not. I recommend you
save because there is a boss ahead.

---= Mission 21 =---
Location: MOUNTAIN.1
Objective: Destroy the large Orbital Frame in MOUNTAIN.1

Get ready 'cause things are about to get down!
 \   NEBULA   \
This boss is tough. This boss fight is going to take a little longer than the
previous one because there aren't as many opportunities to attack Nebula than
there were with Tyrant. Give it your all, while he is still in his first
form. Nebula tends to fly behind the mountain tops and then surprise you with
his beams and missiles. To avoid this, a good idea is to dance around him
until he pauses for a moment. When this happens, let him have it with your
good 'ol Burst attacks. Repeat this pattern until he shifts to his second
form. Not good. Dodge all this attacks. Keep a move on and you won't suffer
as much damage. Avoid and defend his every attack, until he ceases all
attacks and hovers around. Take this opportunity, to Burst attack him. Slash,
hack, whatever, just hurt him. When he starts moving again, return to the
defensive until he stops again. Repeat this method. It's slow, but it works.

Seeing that he is the toughest boss in the whole game. I've accepted multiple
strategies to whoop his ass.

Here they are:

Phalanx:  For the 3rd big boss you can use the phalanx to do a lot of damage
when the boss sits there and exposes his tail to fire.  It makes the fight
much faster.

Thanks to Thad

When fighting Nebula, wait for him to yell "Die!" and send the barrage of
discs toward you. If you sit directly, and I mean directly, facing him you
won't get hit. You have a good ten to fifteen seconds to equip Mummy and
regain around half your life.

Thanks to lthial

In the Boss fight with Nebula, after he transforms if you "Burst" him in
the face right after he lands, but before he attacks, you will usually
cause him to fall or tip over and expose his tail, so you can cause
major damage. This strategy is what helped me beat him. Hope this helps!

Thanks to Jeff Fox


Whew! Wipe the sweat off your forehead and controller. Don't stop now, there
are more to come. Jehuty will automatically go into the warehouse. A save
prompt will appear. SAVE. A boss fight ahead...well, don't if you feel

---= Mission 22 =---
Location: WAREHOUSE.1
Objective: Meet up with the civilian freighter Atlantis.

Guess who came to visit you? Definitely not Santa...
 \   NEITH   \
She is fast! Viola has a tendency to destroy the pillars around you using her
own Burst attack. Fortunately, this fight isn't too difficult. Just keep
shooting at her while rushing toward her, then slash her a couple times with
the saber. "Gauntlet" her if she starts to rush at you, or just keep using
Gauntlet on her to beat her the easy way. Don't bother switching to Decoy
when the CAUTION! beacon appears. A small sequence will ensue here.
Afterwards, continue your battle. Just remember to slash and bash her to her
death. To dodge her attacks, simply dash wildly around her and counter with
an attack of your own.

A lengthy cinema will ensue following the battle. This is the time, to take a
restroom break (if you want), or just kick back and sip some coffee (or hot
choclate, whichever you prefer), and watch the long cinema. Do I need to
spoil it for you? Nahh...

---= Mission 23 =---
Location: HUB.1
Objective: Meet up with the civilian freighter Atlantis.

Sadly, the hub is your last area of the game (have some kleenex ready). Your
task here is to find and deactivate the several bombs planted in the hub. ADA
will search for the bombs, while you fly around. While she is searching, kill
_all_ the enemies before she finds one, or before the timer runs out when she
does find one. To find it quicker, just tap the lock-on button (L2)
repeatedly until you lock-on to the bomb. If you happen to get hit while you
are deactivating the bomb, the bomb will explode, inflicting major damage to
you. So be careful! When all the bombs have been deactivated, Viola will
return with her new Frame, Zombie Neith. It's pretty much the same, except it
has a pile of rocks (??) as arms. Last legitimate boss fight (!!!)!

Note- I probably forgot to mention this, but to deactivate the bombs, press
the Circle button on your controller, like when you want to grab and throw an
enemy. Do this to a bomb, but do NOT let go of the button until the timer
counts down to Zer0. Otherwise, the bomb will explode on you dealing mega
damage. You'll need dozens of band-aids then. Ouch.

Ok, she's back and meaner than your last encounter with her. But she is still
not too difficult. Her long-range attacks have become varied and more lethal.
Viola likes to use Bounder and several of her Burst attacks, which have
become quite a pain. To pull this off, go head-to-head with her. Close and
personal. Then HACK AWAY! There's no use trying to use your long-range Burst
attack, as she can counter it quickly with her rapid shots. The best strategy
is to just rush in and slash her with your multiple sword attack. Stay on the
move at _all_ times and you should have no problems. Eventually, her energy
will be wasted and she will finally die.

Here is an alternate strategy(s) submitted by a reader(s).

1. Use Phalanx as sub-weapon
2. When the battle starts, dash toward him.
3. When Neith is in phalanx's range, tap the O to burst some phalanx while
still moving toward him. (Neith will guard)
4. Then once near, instead of bursting Phalanx, it will grab Zombie Neith and
just throw it. Once thrown repeat procedure 3 and 4 till it dies.

Thanks to Yungyung

I found it easier to simply stay far back and fling comets at her I took
almost no damage and had her beat in about 2 minutes

Thanks to Rasslinfan5@aol.com


Watch as a bomb explodes nearby and blasts her through the viewing window. A
long, long dialogue will take place. You can watch it yourself and find out
all you want to know about Viola, as she confides with Leo.

After the long cut-scene, ADA will detect an unknown presence behind Jehuty.
Jehuty turns around and...*gasps* it's another Orbital Frame. ADA tells you
that this is Anubis, another "type" of Jehuty. She also says that you two
are not destined to meet yet (whatever that means). So get ready, as this is
your LAST, LAST boss battle!
 \  ANUBIS   \
Ok, this battle is IMPOSSIBLE to win. However, that is the purpose of this
battle. You are not supposed to win, but DO NOT die. Anubis can teleport all
over the place and it is impossible to even lay a finger on him. If you do,
you can't hurt him. He will just teleport in front of you and attempt to grab
you. Dash out of the way before he can do anything damaging! Continue this
until Elena finally contacts you. Afterwards, you will be back in the battle.
For the remainder of the battle, just avoid his threatening attacks. After a
while, the game will completely take over.

Ok, this is the end. The ending and credits will follow. Yes, that's it. Live
with it. =P

The Atlantis blows a hole in the hub, allowing Jehuty to escape. Jehuty flies
over to the Atlantis and arrives safely in the hanger. Elena confirms that
Celvice is safe and that your mission is complete. Hooray! Leo and ADA will
have a conversation. Leo will ask ADA what she will do after Atlantis sends
Jehuty to Mars. ADA responds that she will participate in a war against the
Frames on Mars. She will send Jehuty deep into enemy territory and self-
destruct. Upon knowing this, Leo immediately forbids ADA to do this and he
tries to disuade her. But ADA will tell him that she was created for this
purpose and how can she feel anything when she has no life (sounds kinda
funny here, but that's what she said). This ending may not be entirely
accurate, but it's a quick and dirty paragraph I've slapped together so don't

Well, enjoy the ending theme.
Pass Codes> pass_global: to obtain flight mode in FACTORY 1. pass_javelin:to obtain Javelin.drvr. Use in TOWN 1 pass_phalanx:to obtain phalanx.drvr. Use in TOWN 1 pass_antilia:to obtain colony info. For use in Factory 1 pass_geyser:to obtain geyser.drvr. Use in CITY 1 pass_hatberd:to obtain halberd.drvr. Use in EPS.1. pass_control1:to obtain Raptor control module. Use in EPS.1. Found in EPS.2. pass_control2:to obtain Raptor control module.Use in EPS.1. Found in TOWN 2 pass_vaccine:to obtain vaccine program. Use in FACTORY2 pass_decoy1:to obtain decoy drvr. Use in FACTORY 2 found in CITY pass_comet:to obtain comet.drvr. Use in CITY 2 pass_gauntlet:to obtain geyser.drvr. Use in EPS.2. pass_decoy2:to obtain decoy.drvr. Use in FACTORY 2. pass_bounder:to obtain bounder.drvr. Use in MOUNTAIN 1.
Programs> Monitor.fcmd:Scouting module that can open the Command Menu. Found in FACTORY 1. global.fcmd:Flight mode module that can select the Area Change in Command Menu. Found in FACTORY 1. javelin.drvr:Device drvr for the use of javelin. Found in TOWN 1. phalanx.drvr:Device drvr for the use of the phalanx. Found in TOWN 2. antilia.info:EPS systems data that contains power supply facility info.,etc. Found in FACTORY 1. geyser.drvr:Device driver for the use of geyser. Found in CITY 1. halberd.drvr:Device driver for the use of halberd. Found in EPS.1. rapt_ctrl.fcmd:Raptor control module that can control the uncontrolled Raptor. Found in EPS.1. detector.fcmd:Anti-Stealth module that can detect invisible objects. Found in EPS.2. vaccine.exec:All-purpose vaccine program that can detect and exterminate systeym-infected virus. Found in FACTORY 2. comet.drvr:Device driver for the use of comet. Found in CITY 2. detector.fcmd:Anti-Stealth module that can detect invisible objects. gauntlet.drvr:Device driver for the use of gauntlet. Found in EPS.2. decoy.drvr:Device driver for the use of decoy. bounder.drvr:Device driver for the use of bounder.
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