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It is the 22nd century, and giant leaps forward in orbital transport and the discovery of the 
potent fuel-like substance Metatron have resulted in the human race's rapid colonization of
Mars. A United Nations SPACE Force (UNSF) has been created and there are now 16
countries on Mars, each governed by its respective Earth country. However, on mars there
is little sign of prejudice and racial conflict.In fact, the counries of Mars have worked
together to build a strong sense of national space in between the two planets. Many inhab-
itants begin to push for Martian Independence. One group in particular, located in Vascilia
County, holds the most vehement anti-Earth ideologies and mainrains its own independent 
miliatary. Vascilia County has also conducted research into developing a weapon to use 
against Earth called an Orbital Frame.
A colony called Antilia has been constructed on the Jupiter moon Europa L5 as a support base for 
the excavation of Jupiter's resources, which include Metatron. It is the most remote of all
civilian outposts and is home to over 100,000 laborers. It is also where the Orbital Frame research
and development was contined after conflits on Mars. However, the UNSF has forcibly occupied the area
over concerns arising from the Orbital Frame--and in order to secure the Metatron resources.
Unfortunately, the Vascilia army knows of this. And shortly after, it begins an attack on the colony.
Within hours Antilia is set ablaze with warfare.

During thi same time, Leo Stenbuck is walking with his friends. He calls them friends, although he doesn't
always feel as though they're exactly that friendly to him. Thanks to his shy nature, Leo often
accepted muh ridicule from the bunch. Suddenly, in a flash of explosions all around him, Leo's friends
are killed by the Vascilia army. He runs and is haunted by what just happened. But not only because
his friends just died and he couldn't help them. Rather, because right before they were killed, some
part of him happened to be thinking about what things might be like if they weren't around anymore.
As he runs, he suddenly stumbles upon the conflict of the war, the Orbital Frame, called
Jehuty. The key to civilization's existence, Jehuty is a war machine that can be controlled by a
human inside it. Leo enters.