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Brown Xhishoth: Weyrling

 [ Stats ] [ Impression ] [ Hatchling ]
[ Weyrling ] [ Adult ]

It seemed that, because of his deafness, and longing to hear, Fr'dyre had become exceptionally good at hearing dragons. Upon his arrival at Ryslen, he had welcomed  the dragon's conversations; however, now, they made life more difficult. He could not hear all dragons, just those thinking loudly or close to him. And in a group of excited weyrlings, there was an awful lot of that...

Fr'dyre had a feeling that the Weyrlingmaster was telling them something important, but he couldn't concentrate on reading his lips long enough to find out what. Finally, he turned to the brown weyrling whose shining hide he leaned against. Xhishoth? What's he saying? Is it important?

At that moment, a huge but incoherant cheer erupted in his mind. For the moment, Xhishoth could not respond, but his rider could tell by the brown's excited prancing that it was important. ~Please~, Xhi, he pleaded.

Xhishoth had to mentally shout to be heard. The Weyrlingmaster says today we will fly!

Fr'dyre was slightly puzzled. But, Xhi... You've been flying for ages!

The brown's voice, so like Fr'dyre's own when he bothered to use it, was exultant. ~I~ flew. But today we fly together! He tried awkwardly to hug his rider, but without success; the weyrling was already quite large. Fr'dyre laughed at his dragon's futile attempts. Thanks, heart. But just giving me a leg up would be easier. For both of us.

Unabashed, Xhishoth did as he was bidden.

Fr'dyre was ecstatic. Flying on his own, wonderful dragon was everything he had imagined, and Xhishoth was surprisingly agile for a large brown. Of course I am, the brown told him, performing a complicated loop. But... the Weyrlingmaster says we have to come in before I break our necks. I would not hurt you, rider mine!

Fr'dyre grinned at his brown's indignation. Course not, Xhi. But the Weyrlingmaster might... if we don't come in soon.

A dragon interjected loudly into his mind, NOW! Laughing, Fr'dyre told Xhishoth, I guess you heard that as well as I did.


Fr'dyre Impressed brown Xhishoth at Ryslen Weyr of the