Sekayth: Weyrling
Baeris Kshau's Healing Den | Ryslen WeyrStats | Childhood | 14 Turns | Search | Impression | Hatchling | Adult
Keylyn was awakened before sunrise, to find her weyrling with his face, eyes shining with excited blues and greens, as close as possible to hers. "Sekayth! What are you doing? It isn't even daylight yet!
The light blue withdrew his sizable head, looking slightly offended.
I'm sorry, Ke. But today the Weyrlingmaster will let us fly! He looked sorrowfully at his rider, who, although up, was still yawning. Are you mad at me? I just wanted to fly... We've never flown together.
Keylyn, once fully awake, was contrite. I'm the one who should be sorry, love. I was just tired. But, she added quickly at his glum expression, I'm not now. I want to fly, too! Where's our equipment?
Sekayth swung his head toward the harness and wher-hide provided for the weyrlings. Oh yes. I'd forgotten. Thank you, Sey.
He stood very still while she put on his harness, then waited for her to don the wher-hide that all riders wore. When she was ready, Sekayth offered a leg up to his rider, who vaulted agily to his back. Let's go, Sey!
Now? His eyes whirled faster, and she sensed that he was hiding something. But at the moment, she was too excited to care. Of course now, silly.
Good! He walked to the edge of their third-story weyr, then, without warning, leapt off.
Keylyn felt herself falling, Sekayth under her. But, just as she thought that they would surely plow into the sand of the Weyrbowl...
With a quiet whoosh, big, white-blue wings spread out around her, and they were soaring upwards again, circling over the Weyr. With a heart-striking rush of love, Keylyn knew that there was nowhere that she would rather be than here, swooping and diving, with this beautiful blue. But although she was proud of his talent for flight, she felt she had to reprimand him for his dangerous trick. Sekayth! Don't do that! You could have gotten us hurt! We aren't supposed to fly!
You did say now, he reminded her, adding, I would never hurt you, rider mine. I've been practicing flying by myself, and you knew what to do. And anyway, you had fun. I can tell. You loved it.
Yes, I did, Keylyn admitted, grinning at her life-mate's perceptiveness, but the Weyrlingmaster won't.He didn't. But, Keylyn guessed, he did realize their excitement, and love in each other and their new-found flight. At any rate, they got away with only a warning.
It doesn't matter, Sekayth told her. We will fight well in Threadfall. And I will fly well when a green rises.
Keylyn laughed. Maybe, but you'll stand a better chance if you wait till you're as big as they are.The weyrmates spent a happy day officially learning to fly together. Keylyn loved the freedom of flight, and was very proud of Sekayth's skill. Although they had not flown before that day, he was already much more agile then many other weyrlings. I think you're right, Sey, Keylyn told her light-blue. You will fly well.
Of course, Sekayth replied somewhat smugly. You didn't doubt me?
Of course not, dear heart, she assured her beloved dragon.