Final Fantasy 2

Walkthrought Cecil had to take the crystal from the Mysidian Wizards, but he really didn't want to do it. Cecil heads back to Baron to deliver the crystal to the king. He talks to this guy in a red cape, named Baigan. Baigan brings Cecil to the Kings Throne room. And then Cecil gives the crystal to Baigan, to give to the King of Baron. Then he dismisses Cecil, but he tries to explain his feelings to the king. So he tries to talk to he king, but the King makes him leave. Cecil tries to make the King understand that he just made Cecil take the crystal from some nice people that didn't do anything wrong. The King decides to be a freak and fires Cecil from his post as commander of the Redwings. Then Kain comes in. He decides to back his good friend Cecil up on the matter. Then the king orders him to deliver a package to the Misty Valley. Then they are pushed out of the throne room. Kain tells Cecil that he should get some rest in his room. CASTLE OF BARON At this point Cecil is able to move freely on his own... So go down. Then go to the stairs to the VERY FAR LEFT, not that stairs closest to you. Then go to left (the only place you can go). Go down and Rosa will appear. Talk to her. When she leaves, go down, until you exit. Then go up the pathway and head toward the tower. Then Cid will come down and talk to you. Then enter the tower door directly in front of you. Walk up the stairs. Talk to the maid on your right and head up the stairs. Then walk to the bed. You should fall asleep and wake up in the middle of the night. You will talk to Rosa again and then fall back asleep until morning. Then you should automatically join with Kain, and walk out of the castle. Then the screen will play a dramatic screen of words. Now you should be outside the town. COUNTRY/TOWN OF BARON You will be able to save right now, so do so, or you will be doomed to repeat this whole boring intro. Now, you should fight, and gain a couple experience levels. Enough so you think that you're pretty powerful. After that, you should go into either one of the towns (they are both the same town) and go to the items shop. Buy some Cure1's. Exit the town. If you think that you need anything else from the town, then feel free to go ahead and buy it. Then you should go out of the town. Now, walk up-left and across the bridge. Then walk into a path defined by the mountains. Walk through this until you come to a cave. CAVE OF MIST/TOWN OF MIST Follow the cave's path until you see a message, "Go back...!" Get the contents of the chest to the north. Go left, down, and all the way around to the other chest to get the Tent. Go back up to get the chest you missed. Now go down again, until you can go right. Head right. Then get the chest that is almost built into the wall. Keep going up. Ignore the first message. The second message will give you a choice. Say yes. Then you will fight the Mist Dragon. You should use Kain's jump attack to beat him and Cecil's regular attack. Be sure not to attack when the dragon turns to mist. Go up and exit. Then go right, into the town. Walk to the right and then the package will open by itself. KAIPO AND THE SANDRUBY By the time you can move again, the package will have destroyed the village and the girl will have called the Titan, causing an earthquake. Cecil loses Kain, and the girl has been injured. So go up, and right, until you come to a town called Kaipo. Cecil will automatically take her to the inn when you enter the town (how do these people sleep with their armor on???) During the middle of the night, Baronian soldiers come to kill the girl, but you will have to fight them off. Don't worry about the officer and attack everyone else. The girl will join you at the end of the fight. Her name is Rydia. Now would be a good time to save, but you cannot save in a town, so go outside and save. Then go back into the town. Go to the building in the upper right hand corner. Now go and see Rosa. Now you're going to have to find the thing called the SandRuby. WAIT!!! First, you should gain a couple levels, so Rydia's hit points are about 100. Then save, and go to the upper right, to the Watery-Pass. Go up, get the two chests, and go back down. Walk to the left, cross the bridge and go down to get the chest. Then go back up, and talk to the old man, he is a Sage. Tellah will join your party. Now go right and get the chest. Keep going right. Then go down into the water. Go up, through the waterfalls, to go up, and get the Iron Ring. Equip Tellah with the item. Go back down, and head left until you see a big waterfall. You can walk through the center of it. Get all three chests and walk out. Then go back out of the water. Go back where Tellah joined, and then go up to BF2. Go up, past a bridge, and enter the water. Climb the ladders to the left. Get the chest. Then go back down. You can go up some ladders, then cross a bridge to the southwest, do so. Then go left and up, to enter the door. Tellah will automatically put up a tent. Then you can save on the "S." Go up and right to get the chest. Then equip Rydia with the Ice Rod. Go down into the water, and go up the other ladder onto solid ground again. Go into the door. Then go down across the two bridges to get the two chests, then go back up. Then go to the left, up the ladder, and enter the door. Go left, and keep going left for the secret passage. After you cannot go left any more, go then go: up until you've stoped, then right, then down, then right to get the chest. Then go back through the secret passage. Go as far left as you can, then continue the pattern going: up, right, down, right, then walk down to get the leather helm in the chest. Equip Tellah with the helm. Then go back through the tunnel, to the second to last chest you got. Go up, through the doorway there. Then continue going up, and go left to get the chests. Go back, and go up-right, then go down again to get two more chests. Equip Cecil with the darkness sword. Then go up, and out of the cave. Use a tent if you need to and save. When you're done, go up, to the waterfalls. Go down, and fall into the waterfalls. Then go onto solid land again. Then go down to get the two chests. Equip Cecil with both of those items. Then go back up, and enter "Lake" through the door. Go right. Get the two chests. Equip Cecil with the Darkness armor. Then go into the water, and up to Octomamm. Go up through the waterfall that will take you to land. SAVE!!! DAMCYAN AND CAVE OF THE ANTLION Now, walk toward the castle, and watch it be destroyed. Enter Damcyan. Enter the door at the top. Go up again, and get the chest at the upper right. Then go up the stairs to the south. Then enjoy the show. Now you'll have the hovercraft. Now you can ride on rocks. However, save first. Ride the rocks to the island to the NE. Then land near the cave. Enter the cave. Walk to the left to get the chests. Go to the right, cross the bridge, and go up to get the chest. After that, go down the ladders to the South, but don't go down the path yet. Go left and up, and get that chest. Go all the way left you can. Then go down, and left to get the other 2 chests. Now you can go back to the path to the south. Then go down, get the chest. Go through the door, to get the chest with the charm note, and equip Edward with it. Then go north. Get those chests in the general area. Then go to the pathway to the north. Go into the door. Save the game, and get the contents of the chests. Then exit through the door, then through the path. Then go to the most southern place on that floor, and go to the Antlions nest. Walk straight down, and fight the Antlion. Then exit the whole cave and save. Take the hovercraft to the west coast. Ride the rocks down, back to Kapio. Take the SandRuby back to Rosa. Then watch Edward fight. Then save. MT HOBS AND FABUL Take the hovercraft to the Antlion's cave. Go east to Mt. Hobs. Walk to the ice, and watch Rydia learn Fire. Go up to the ladder. Go to the left. Save your game. Then get the other 2 chests and go out into the right door. Then get the contents of the chest, and equip Rosa with the arrows, if she has found a bow. Then go up the ladders, and watch the show. And beat those enemies that you have to fight. After Yang has joined the party, and the monsters have been defeated, go through the door, then go across the bridge, then proceed to go down, and exit the mountain. Then save. Then continue east, then north, then east, then south. Now east, south then finally east, until you get to the castle, Fabul. Go gain a few levels before you enter the castle (if you wish). Continue all the way up, until you get to the throne room. Then say yes to the king's question. Then watch the show, and fight the enemies that you have to fight. Watch the show some more. Then fight some more enemies. When you eventually fight Kain, it doesn't matter if you fight him or not, he'll kill you easily anyway. By the time that you can move, go out of the crystal room. You can search to pot to the left for a cure 1 if you care to. Then you can go all of the way to the right, and step on the button that opens a door for you. Then walk through the door in this order: up, right, down, right, and open all three chests. Equip Cecil with the black shield. Exit the throne room to the south. Don't go to the stairs. Walk to the south past the stairs. And go through the door. Then go to the left tower first. Then search all of the pots and chests for anything of use to you. Then exit the tower, and go to the left tower. Then go up the stairs twice. Get the chest to the southwest. Talk to the king and exit the tower. Go back to 2F. Walk down the stairs and go into the weapons and armor shop. Buy one of everything there. And then equip all of the black armor to Cecil. And equip Yang with the thunder claw. If you do not have enough $, then go outside the castle, fight some more monsters until you do have enough $ to do this. Next, exit that, and go to the INN, and talk to the items salesperson. Buy about 20 life potions, and anything else that you think is fitting. Then walk to the right, and go to the INN for free. And watch the show again. After you can move again, exit the castle as a whole. Now would be a good time to save. Now, go to the boat to the east. Enjoy the show all!!! MYSIDIA AND MT ORDEALS After you can move again, you will be alone, and don't know where to go. But go east, until you go into the town called Mysidia. After you have entered, go up, until you have entered the house of wishes. Then talk to the elders. After Palom and Porom have joined, go to the weapons/armor shop in town. Buy one of each but and about 50 arrows. But if you don't have enough money, just buy a FlameRod, and a Cure Staff, a Crossbow, and about 50 arrows. Always remember that Palom is your black wizard, and Porom is your white wizard. Equip Palom with a Flame Rod, and equip Parom with the Crossbow, and the 50 white arrows. Go to the armor shop. Buy two each of the first three items. Equip both of the wizards body with the Gaea helm, the Gaea body armor, and the silver ring (arms). Go out of the town and save. Then gain about four levels for each one in your party by fighting. After you've done that, Go to the east, south, east, north, then hopefully you'll be in the woods. From there you should go north, east, until you come to Mt. Ordeals. From there, go right, to the wall of fire. Then watch the short show. Now watch the meanwhile segment of the game. Then continue north when you can move again. Get the chests along the way and then enter the door to the right. Continue up the mountain until you meet up with Tellah again. Tellah will eventually join you, then enter the door to the north. Walk east, to get the chest. Then walk north up the ladders to get the chest due south of the bridge. Then walk through the door to the right. Use a tent on the saving spot. Then save on the saving spot, but only use a tent if you need to, and you most likely will need to. Then walk across the bridge to the west. Now fight Milon. When you are fighting Milon, make the twins use the power "twin". And make sure you kill the zombies first, then worry about Milon. Cross the bridge after you have done that. And fight Milon in his true form (Tip: after you fight Milon the first time, you can go back and save you game, and completely heal yourself, then fight him in his true form with full power). Heal anyone who gets poisoned by Milon. Then walk up to the center grave and watch the show. Defeat the past the Dark Knight by just attacking, and curing yourself. YEAH!!! You've become a PALADIN! Congrats! Not time to rest though. Go to the saving spot and save your game. And also go out of Mt. Ordeals. Make sure you get into at least one fight before you leave Mt. Ordeals, because Cecil will gain about 6 levels, for just one fight! After you have exited Mt. Ordeals, go south to the center of the circular tree span, and you'll uncover the chocobo village. Talk to the white one to recover all of you magic points and heal yourself. Then talk to a yellow one. You can get back to Mysidia much faster. Once back there, save your game. Go back into Mysidia and talk to the elders in the house of wishes. Watch the show, and discover the old Mysidian ledgend. After that, go to the unmarked building to the right of the House of Wishes. Step on the white dot in the center, and be ready to be transported back to Baron. BARON AGAIN After that, go out of the building that you are presently in. And go outside the town of Baron, and save. Go back in, and go up to the waterfalls, and go down the ladder that takes you into the water. Go down the center waterfall, and then continue to follow the stream. Go down to the pool, and get the two invisible chests in the water. Exit through the waterfalls, and go to the INN. Walk all the way North, and face the weapons sigh. Open it just like you would pull a lever, then get the 2 chests. Then walk over to the table with Yang. Talk to Yang, and kill the guards when they attack you. Then defeat Yang when he attacks you. Then he'll take you to the INN. When you can move, go outside the town, and save. Now gain a few levels before you do anything else. Re-enter the town, and go to the building that has the door that is locked as its entrance. Try to open it, and use the key of Baron. Enter the door. Don't go up the stairs yet. Walk to the east where their looks like their could be an opening. You will walk to another section and you can open the chest there to get 1000 gold. Then go to the stairs that lead to the old watery way. Go down through the narrow path. Then you'll come to the three treasure chests. Open them all, and continue your way north, across a series of bridges, around a curb, and across another series of bridges. Then walk up the path to B3F when you come to it. Then walk down the ladder into the water. You can go to the right, do so. Then you can take a secret passage through the wall to the right that will eventually take you down, from there get the chest on the island. Then go to the south, where the water meets the black, than you'll uncover another secret passage. Take this, about halfway down, and to the right, but do not take it down and to the left, you'll just end up where you started. After you have headed down, and to the right, continue to follow the path up, to B2F. Follow the path up the really long ladder. Don't go through the path yet, go to the left, where it looks like there is a secret passage, because there is. Go east, south, east, north, to get to the chest, then go back through the secret passage to go to the path. Go into the door to the north east, and save your game, using a tent if you have to. Then go out, and go up, to the path, to Baron's moat. Walk around, down to the left, to go into the door there where you can enter Baron. Then walk towards the throne room until Baigan comes. Then you fight Baigan. After, walk to the throne room, and talk to the fake king, and soon enough, you'll fight Kinazzo. Then Cid will be in your party and you will get the airship, to bad for Palom, and Porom though. THE EARTH CRYSTAL Once you get your airship, land and save. Now go to an island that I call "Cathead Island." It's to the south of Fabul. It has some mountains on it, a very small town, and a chocobo village on it. Before you enter the town, it is recommended that you save your game. Now enter Silvera. Enter the armor shop. Buy the best stuff. You will probably need to go outside the town, and fight some monsters to get some more gold because of the price of the silver armor. Equip Cecil and Cid with all of this. Then go to the weapons shop (Note: a good way to get some extra $ is to check all of your non-equiped items, and sell all of the ones that you don't need). Buy a silver staff, hammer, and a sword. Equip Cecil with the sword, Tellah with the staff, and Cid with the hammer. Exit the shop, and likewise the town. Now it's time to go to Toroian Castle. This is located a little bit east of Fabul, maybe a little bit south of it also. So, go there, until you enter a door to your left. Continue all the way through the other doors, and/or paths, until you get to Edward, and then watch the show. Then you'll receive the twinharp. Go back onto your ship. Before you do this, it is recommended that you save. Then walk up, through the forest, until you come to the end of it all, where their is a little patch of separate forest, enter somewhere in that, to find the black chocobo village. Talk to a black chocobo. Then head east on your newly found black chocobo, until you find a cave opening. Land the black chocobo into a forest, and enter the cave. When you enter the cave, you'll come upon the fact that metallic stuff does not work, or is weighted down, don't worry about it for now. If you get attacked, just run away, and then cure yourself if the monsters did any damage. Walk east to ge to get the chest, and then go a little bit west, and then go down. Then keep following the bridges. Go into the pathway, but get the chest first. Then go to B2F. Head north, to come to a bridge. That should take you to a door, which leads you to a room with 2 chests in it. Get those, go out, and head west. Take the path to B3F. Then walk to the door to the left. Save your game on the saving spot. Exit that room and go down, across the birdge, which takes you to another door, a little bit south from there. This room contains 3 chests, take them all. Exit there. Go west, and go through the path formed by the walls of the cave. Enter the door ahead. Go north to get the chest. Equip Yang with the Charm Claw. Then go west, to B4F. Follow the long bridge. Then go east, so you can enter the door to save your game again. Then go back, and go up. Before you go to the crystal room, go around there to get the chest, then go to the crystal room. Watch the show. You cannot defeat Dark Elf the first time. So just wait to be killed. When you fight him the second time, you should attack him with everything you've got! Once you have defeated Dark Elf, go and get the crystal. Then go and save your game. Then stay on the "S" and have Tellah cast the spell "exit". Ride your black chocobo automatically back, then walk back to the castle, and enter the castle. Go up to the Cleric's room in the castle, and watch the short show. After that, talk to all of the Clerics, until one of them grants you access to the treasure in the basments of the town. Then exit the place where the Clerics are. Go back to the place in the castle where Edward is, and watch the brief show. Go to the right wing of the castle, where their are three sets of stairs all of them heading down. Go into the center and the right ones first, and get all that you can find in there. Then go into the right staircase. Talk to the girl, and to around to the stairs, to the treasure room. Take all of that treasure, and then exit the castle. But before you enter the airship, save your game. Before you enter the airship, gain about 5 levels each. Then go into your airship and watch the show. THE TOWER OF ZOT Go to the northeast corner, where you'll find a chest. Equip Cecil with the fire armor. Then head to the upper right corner, to go to 2F. Go down, then left, Then go down until you cannot go anymore. Then head left. Open the treasure chest, and fight the flame dog inside. You'll get a Fire Sword. Equip Cecil with it. Then enter the door to the left of the chest. Then go down. Then go all the way to the right. Then go all the way up that you can go. Then go left and enter the door to 4F. Then go all the way down that you can. Then take the first northbound path that you come across. Then go all of the way up. Go to the door to the far right. Then go down, and get the Wizards armor in the chest. Equip Tellah with this. Now go back through the center door, to get the earth hammer. Equip Cid with it. Now go to the far-left door, go right to get the poison claw. Equip Yang with this. Now go left and down, then right and down. Continue the winding path to get the fire shield. Go all the way back to the door that you came through to get there. Go back down the way you came. Then go to the left, and then go up until you reach a door, now enter it. Go down, and enter the first door that you come to, so that you can save your game. Exit and go to the door that you see to your left. Now you'll fight Sandy, Cindy, and Mindy. First, destroy the fat one (middle), then the small one (right), then finally the tall one (left). Go back and save your game. Then go to the door that those three girls were guarding. Walk up to Golbez and watch the show. When you cna move, go over and talk to the seemingly dead Kain. You now fight Valvalis, once beaten, you will eventually be back at the Castle of Baron. So, when you can move again, go out of the castle and save your game. Go back into the right tower of Baron (the castle of). Go down to the bottom, and talk to the king of Baron so that he tells you to go to the Land of Summoned Monsters. Then exit that whole castle. THE DARK CRYSTALS Now go to an island nation to the west of Mysidia (where you got Palom and Porom.) This town is named Argat. Go in there. Walk up the three ladders and into the structure with the well in it. Walk up to it, and press the A button. Go down to the Magma Key, and watch the show. Once done, go back outside, and save your game. Then go into your airship, and land in any part of that black space that the magma key made. Now you'll be in the underworld. The computer will automatically take over when you go into the underworld, so enjoy the show. When you can move finally, you will be on top of your airship. It is now recommended that you save your game right now, or you might be condemned to watch that whole show over again, so just save it. I would say gain about 5 levels before you go to the throne room, go to the INN and rest if you like. Don't go to the throne room unless you've gained 5 levels for each character(or extremely confident) and saved your game. Tip: before you go into the throne room, from there you will fight some powerful monsters, you can enter the castle, and before you would go into the throne room, take the stairs to the right, from there, you will uncover an armor shop, and a weapons shop. From there, buy a Flame Spear, and equip Kain with it. And from the armor shop, buy 3 Rune Rings. Equip Rydia, Rosa, and Yang each with one. Buy the following: 2 wizard helms, a piece of fire armor, a fire shield, Equip Rosa, and Rydia with the Wizard Helms, Kain with the Fire Armor, and shield, Now you can go on. Now, go into the Castle of Dwarves. Walk up until you get to the throne room, and enjoy the relatively short show. Now you fight the Calbrena. There are 2 ways to defeat this enemy. The first method, is to take out all of the little dolls before they morph into Calbrena, or to take out Cabrena when she is in her biggest form. If you cannot defeat her on your 3rd try, load a saved game that is outside the castle, and gain some more levels, until you are strong enough to defeat her. After you defeat Calbrena, watch the show, featuring Golbez. Then you must defeat Golbez. In defeating him, set Rosa off to cure anyone who needs it, and have the rest attack with their most powerful attacks. After you defeat him, you watch a show, and then Rydia will join again. After you can move again, go and exit the castle and save. You can gain a couple more levels if you wish. But that is optional. Go back into the castle. Go, like you would go to the INN. But, don't talk to the INN's keeper. Walk down the stairs that are to the right of the Inn's keeper. However, before you do this, go over to the Item shop, and buy a ton of Cure2s (you'll need 'em). At this point, you should equip Rosa with any bow, and any arrows that you have. After you go to the stairs that are to the right of the INN keeper. Talk to the Dwarf below the shelf, he'll open a door. Follow that path. That will take you to B2F. Open any non-opened treasure chests, along your way to the dwarves base. Now go all the way to the left and take a sip from the pot of life. Then take the stairs that lead up. Now, from there, you should save your game before you go anywhere else in this game. After you've done this, go to the left. After you can't go left anymore, go up. Keep going up, until you see a bunch of tanks from the dwarves army. Take a right to the path that leads to the Tower of Babil. THE TOWER OF BABIL Keep going up, despite all of the explosions that contradict your movement. Then enter the Tower of Babil. From the start of the tower, go up, until you come to a 4-way split. Equip Rosa with the ice arrows. Go back to the right and go to the right in the 4 way split. Then go up, to B2F. After that, get the chest to the left. Equip Rosa with the bandana. Go until you come to a door. Go into the door. Open the chest. Fight the Alert. Worry about the Alert, then the monster that it summons. Now equip Kain with the Blizzard Spear. Now exit that area, and go up, and open the door to the right. Open that chest to uncover an Alert. Then equip Cecil with the Icebrand. Go out, and go to the door on your left. This will take you to 3F. Now, go and get the chest on the left (if you have an ice claw still in your invintory, equip that on his other hand too). Go back and to the right. Then go down, as soon as you come to a split in the path. Open the chest down there. Go into the door, and this will take you to a section of 4F. Go there, and get both chests, and go back to 3F. Equip Rosa with the archer bow that you found in one of the chests. Go back out the door. From there, go up. Then go to the right, to get the chest, when you can, than continue back up the path. The path should eventually circle around to another door. Go in there. This will take you to 4F. Go to the door that you see on your left. Use a tent or a cabin, and then save your game. Exit there, then continue up, then right. As soon as you can uncover a way to go down, go down. Now, you'll see 2 more doors. Walk into the first one. Then you should open the chest, to uncover the alert. Defeat this with the usual procedure. Equip Cecil with the Ice shield. Exit that room. Don't bother going to the other door, because that is just an empty room. But go all the way back up. Then you'll come to another door that has a chest in it. Defeat the alert to uncover the Ice Armor. Equip Cecil with this.Then exit that room. Go up, than to the left. Then enter the door to 5F. Go down, and when you can go up, go up, follow the path to the treasure chest, and take the path back down again. Go all the way to the right, until you can't go right anymore, then go up. Go to the right to get the chests, then take the door to 6F. Then go to the door to 7F. Then enter the door to the right. Use a tent/cabin, and save your game. Now, exit the room. Walk around to the door almost directly to the south. Then take the only way to another door. Then go up to a strange man at the end of the path. Watch the little show the game has put up for you. Once you begin fighting, kill the robot. And don't worry about the scientist. The 2nd time you fight, attack with all your might. After you defeat the scientist, you will get the key for the tower. Now go back to the door that needed the key for the tower. Open it with the Tower Key. Save the game again if you care to, at your last saving spot. Then go to the Super Cannon room. Watch the show. Go and start to exit the Tower of Babil. When you are about to exit the Tower of Babil, Golbez will confront you. Then watch the show. After you can move again, land and save your game. Then go to Baron, it's north from here. Go into the castle, and go the way to the right tower. There should be 2 soldiers dressed in blue, right before you enter the right tower. Talk to one of them, they will give your ship the grappling hook. Go over to where your to where your hovercraft is, pick it up with your grappling hook. Take it to where the Tower of Babil is. Set it down, and get it in. Ride over to the cave on the west. Go in it, you might want to save first. THE PRINCE When you first enter the cave, you can find a secret passage to the east, where wall touches ground. Then you can go back on land to get the chest to south. Make your way to the southwest corner of the floor. Go into the path that leads you to B2F. From here you can do whatever you need to do, but do the following: Buy these from the armor shop: one of each. Buy these from the weapons shop: a Power Staff, and about 30 Poison Arrows. Equip Rosa with the arrows, and leave the staff for later. After you're all done, walk to the northwest corner to go to the Pass to Babil. Before going in the door to the rest of the pass, you can take the obvious secret passage. You might want to gain a few levels before going any further. Besides, you have an INN right below you. After that, walk to the upper part of the pass. Get all of the chests you can, and then go down, to the southeast corner to go to another part. From there you can go down, right, down, and get the chest to the left. Then you can go all the way up, to another path, and as you go in there, you can go to the door to your right. Save your game here. From there, you can go to the right to get some chests. Then walk up to the man, and Rubicant. Enjoy the show! After you can move, exit to the north, and that should take you to the tower of Babil, 1F. Walk up, and Edge should get you through the wall. Get the treasure chest, and go to the left, then down. After this, go right, all the way, and then up to get the chest. Then go in the door that leads you to B2F. Then go right and up. Then keep going until you can come to a bridge, cross that going south, and defeat the 4 mad ogres inside of the chest. Then you'll get the Ogre Axe. Equip Cecil with it, and go back up, and continue your path to the left, until you have to go down, then do so. Then go into the door that leads you to B3F. Go past the first door that you come to, and get the chest. Then come back to the door and go to B4F. First go to the right, the left is a dead end. Then go up, then take the curve down again. Get the chest, equip Edge with the middle sword, then go up to the door that leads you to B3F. Go all the way to the right, where the 2 doors are. Go to the one on the left and save your game. Then enter the one on the right, you'll be back on B4F. Go to the only door that you see, this takes you to B5F. Take the left path down to Edge's parents. You cannot kill them, so you are better off just curing yourself. After you are able to move again, you can go back, and save your game if you wish. Then fight Rubicant. Before you do that, equip everyone with all the ice stuff that you have. Then fight him. Now watch the relatively long show. You could save your game if you like, when you can move again. After that, go to the door directly above where you just beat Rubicant. You fall down into a pitfall. After you've fallen, go up to get the chest. Then go down and go through the door. To 7F!!! Now go up, and into the door to 6F. Then you can go all the way down, and then to the right to get the chest, across the bridge. Then go all the way to the left, and up. This will take you to the airship dock. Go back down to the Castle, but save before you enter it. Walk up to the kings room, and watch the show. Then go to the room by the Big Chocobo. Talk to the sleeping Cid. Watch the show! Now go to the south-west. But first, go into the town to the right of it. Go into the weapons shop and buy the following: 1 Middle Sword, a Chain Whip. Equip Edge with the Middle Sword, and Rydia with the Chain Whip. Go into the weapons shop and buy: 2 of everything, except Diamond Armbands, which you buy 3 of. Now would be an ideal time to sell some of your stuff to get some extra $ to get all of this heavy equipment. Believe me, you'll need all of this equipment for the Sealed Cave! Equip Edge with a Diamond armband, Rosa with a Diamond armband and a Tiara. Then equip Cecil with Diamond body Armor, Gauntlets, Helm, and Shield. Do the same for Kain. Get whatever you think that you will need from the items shop. Cure 2s are always helpful. Then exit, and go to the Sealed Cave. Your really should save your game now. Before you go to the Sealed Cave, make sure Rosa knows the white magic spell Wall (trust me, you need it!). THE FINAL CRYSTAL The Sealed Cave is a boxed in cave. Go there now. Open the cave door with the key that you got from the king's daughter's necklace. From there, go down, using the rope to go down to the next platform. Open the door, it will be a trap door. (Strategy for defeating the Trap Doors: keep parrying until you get to Rosa. Once to her, wait for the Trap Door to cast search spell on someone in your party, it they haven't already. Then cast the Wall spell on the person that the Trap Door casted search on. So that when the Trap Door casts disrupt on the person, the Trap Door will automatically be destroyed (This makes them pretty easy)! Go inside once you've defeated the Trap Door. Take the 2 chests. Equip Edge with the Long sword, and go out. Then go down to get the other chest. Go to the right, and go up the rope ladder. Fight the Trap Door that you immediately go to. Walk inside, get the chest to the north. Do not try to go into either one of the doors to the north, they are both just dead ends. Go over to the right, and go take the other chest. Then take the path to B2F at the southeast end. Then from there, go right, and get the chest, then go up. Fight the 2nd trap door you see whey you are moving to the left. Enter there, and open the chest. Equip Cecil with the Light Sword. Exit. Now fight the next trap door you see to your left. Go in there. Get all the three chests. Go back out. Don't fight the next Trap Door, but the next one after that. This is a saving spot. Save your game there. The last one on the left contains 2 chests. Equip Edge with both of these items. Exit. Continue along the narrow path downward. Until you come to a Trap Door. Fight it, and enter the room that it is guarding. Walk up, and get the treasure chest. Then walk left, and down, to get to another room. Then get those 2 chests, the dorway there leads to a dead end, so don't bother fighting the Trap Door. Exit through the south end of the room. Go to the right, so you can go to the rope. Then go to the right and open the door by defeating the Trap Door. Now enter the path on the left. Then save your game on your saving spot. After you've done saving, go down. Then go all the way around to the other pathway. Then go all the way up the bridge to the north, fight the Trap Door. After you've done that, go to the Crystal Room, get the Dark Crystal, and go back down across the bridge, and watch the show. After you've defeated it, go out of the Sealed Cave. Upon leaving the cave, you'll have a short confrontation with Golbez. After this, go to the Castle of Dwarves. Then walk to the throne room, and watch the show. After this, go back out of the castle, and save your game. Then go to the circle in the upper right hand corner, and press "A". THE LAND OF SUMMONED MONSTERS Now go to Mysidia, it is almost directly to you right. Walk up, and the Elders will greet you. Watch the show. Now don't go to the moon yet... Go and get your normal Airship, and pick up the hovercraft. Move it to CatHead Isle for future use. Now, go back to the underworld. Go to the land of monsters. This is to the left and up of The Sealed Cave. Before you move, cast the float spell on everyone (Rosa). Act like you'd cast it on one person, but press right and cast it on all of the party. I won't bother to give you instructions to the chests, until there is anything you really need to get, so just go to the path on the right. Then go to the right, and up, and right again, to get to the other path. Then go to the left, then down, then right now down, then up to step onto the transporter. Go up, and left. Get the 2 chests. Go to the transporter on the right. Go back through the transporter to get the chest. Go through the transporter again, and go south of the items shop. Until you come to the Armor shop. Then buy one Aegis shield, and 2 Sorcerer's armor's. Equip Cecil with the Aegis shield, and the 2 girls with the armor. You can sell some stuff here if you wish. Go out of there, and go down, and around to the weapons shop. Buy a Blitz Whip and a Lunar Staff. Equip Rydia with the whip. Keep the Lunar Staff in case Rosa runs out of arrows. Then go up 2 houses, where their is a saving spot. And then save your game. Now, go down to the house below you, and enter it. Go to the stairs on your left. Now, walk to the teleporter. Talk to the queen (right). Say yes to her question. Then you fight Asura. Then go and talk to the King. Once finished, you can call 2 more people! Good job. Go back and save your game. Now, from the building that you just saved from, go right to find the teleporter again. And go up. Continue going right and down. Then get the treasure chest. Continue down to get the other chest. Now, go to the left, to go onto the teleporter. Remember to cast the float spell on everyone. Then go to the right, and get the chest. Go into the clearly marked secret passage, to the right. Go to the passage to the north. Follow the path from there, and open the chest to uncover monsters. After you've defeated the monsters, equip Cecil with the Defense Sword. Go back down through the secret passage. Now go south this time. Then follow the path to the west. You should eventually make your way up, and to a room with 3 chests. Open them all. Equip Edge with the Ninja sword. Then you can go back into the secret passage, and continue your way up. Now you can exit the cave. Save if you like. THE SPOON!!! Now it's to the Sylvan Cave (to the northwest corner of the underworld). From the entrance to the Sylvan Cave, go to the right to get the 2 chests there. Then head back down, go to the path down there. Then after you come out somewhere, you can go directly down again, to eventually find another passage. Take this passage and come to a saving spot on your right, now save your game. Go up from the saving spot. Then go up, until you find a not very well hidden secret passage. Follow the secret passage for awhile. From there, you can get another chest. Then equip Rosa with the Elven bow. Where you took a right before to go to the saving spot, take a left now. You can go left, than up, to get 2 chests. Go back down to the path that will take you to B2F. Go up, past the 1st path that you see. Go up, and to the right, throught the hidden passage, to get the chest that contains monsters. Go back, and go to the path that you come to 1st. Go to the left, and get the elixir. Continue all the way down, then to the right to go to the Sylvan house. Talk to Yang. Now you can exit through the back way that the Sylphs have. Go all the back to Fabul. Go and talk to Yang's wife (left tower). She will give you the frying pan. Go back to the Sylphs cave. Go and use the pan on Yang. Now, you've learned Sylph. Go back to CatHead Isle. Get on the hovercraft that you had put there before, and go to the little cave down below. Go back up, and give the guy looking at the rock in the center the Rat Tail. Now, go back to the underworld. Go to the small house in the south east corner of the underworld. Walk to the upper right corner, and go up the stairs. Talk to the man sleeping, and give him the Adamant. Talk to the guy, he'll give you the Excalibur, the second greatest sword in the game!!! Equip Cecil with this wonderful weapon. Now go back to the outerworld, and go to Mysidia. THE MOON Go into the Big Whale and you can store what ever you want with your own personal Big Chocobo. You now have another free INN too! Now go to the moon by talking to the big crystal. If you can fly around for a while, you will find a big castle, made of crystal. Go south of there, you'll find a little closed in area with a cave entrance. You can land there. If you go into the cave, you will find a Namingway village. Most all the Namingways do is hum, but there are a couple here that do vastly different things: the three on the pedistals just tell you some jargon. Two others still remain in the mix. The best way to find these guys are to roam around, and trying to talk to all of them until you find the one you need. One is a shopkeeper, that sells some great items, at fairly cheap prices (considering what you can buy there). And a real Namingway. You can go here whenever you need to. If you are in there, exit now, and save your game. Now, there is that crystal-type castle, right? Right! There is a non attached grey-blue platform, that has a bridge leading down onto the surface in the center. Land there, and walk to the surface (light brown). Stay in your INN if you need to. Your first priority is to go and gain about 5 levels by fighting monsters. This will get you familiar with the monsters of the moon. After you've done this, go to the cave on the left, on the surface, to the lunar path. There is a treasure chest to your upper right, containing monsters, and eventually an elixir, get it if you wish. But go up, at any rate. And eventualy to the right, get the other chests if you wish (Heal, Cure2). Then exit above to another part of the moon's surface. Continue right, until you cannot go anymore, and then go down. There will be another cave on your right. Enter there. Then from there go left, then down. You will come to an exit, take it. Then go to the left, to another path, right below the castle. You can go to the left or right, go get some powers back, then go to the center. Watch the show. Now go back the way you came, to the Big Whale. THE GIANT OF BABIL Go back to the Blue Planet. Watch the show. Once you can move again, you're inside the Giant of Babil. Go into the teleporter thing that leads you to the neck. From there, go to the chest. From there, you can go left, get the chest, down again, left, up, left, down, right, up, get the chest, down, right, up. You can keep going up to get the chest with Samurai Arrows if you wish. Go back down, and to the left. Then you can go and get the cabin, then to the teleporter to go to the stomach. Go up, to get the life potion in the chest. Go back to the right, where their are 2 ways to take. The path to the right leads to another chest, the path to the left, leads you to a long bend, but eventually leads you to the passage. Go down, and to the right, to get the chest across the bridge. This chest obviously contains monsters. Walk back across the bridge then to the right, then up. Save your game on the saving spot to the left. Continue back up, through the teleporter, to the lung. You will then be greeted by all 4 of the fiends, provided you walk up to the "+". You must fight all of them, each in succession. You can go back down, and save (this is recommended). Next, go up, through the teleporter, to the CPU. Go up, and fight the CPU. First take out the defender, then the large globe, then the attacker (I might of gotten this mixed up, so if this strategy doesn't work, then just try a different order in killing them. All I can remember, is that if you kill the 2 little ones, that big thing will use a spell called Globe199 on you, which kills anyone instantly). After you've defeated The CPU, watch the long show. BAHAHMUT Once you can move again, get in your airship and move across the moon and find a plateau in the shape of a circle. Land on it and walk down the ramp and go in the cave. Work your way through the caverns and you will come upon Bahamut. Fight and kill him and you will be ablr to call him with Rydia, yes! THE PATH TO THE CORE Once you can move again, go back and go to where you got FuSoYa. Go to the room above it, and walk onto the center platform. Now you'll be in a really shiny place. From there, go down, and through the door that will take you to Lunar Subterranean B2. Go down, and to the right. You'll find a secret passage if you go far enough to the right. Keep walking up, and then to the left when you cannot go anymore. Then from there, you can get the chest, and go into the door that leads to Lunar Subterranean B3. Equip Kain with the Dragoon Shield. Go down, and keep going down. There is a secret passage that you should be able to find a little big southeast of the door. From there, go: right, up, right. Go into the room to get the Dragoon Helm. Equip Kain with it. Go back through the passage, and go through the passage you passed up, to go to Lunar Subterranean B4. From there, go to the far right. Get the chest there. Get the Artemis arrows. Go down the bridge. Take a right, to a door that leads you to a room where there is a chest. Open the chest, to find an elixir. Exit there, go back to the right, where you'll find a bridge. Go across it. Then enter the door to the left. From here, go up, left, up, and then right to get the cure3 in the chest. Go back and go to the left this time. Get the chest, and exit to the south. Now you're in Lunar Subterranean B4. Get the chest to the left. You'll fight a Behemoth. It is worth it, because you'll find a Stardust Rod. Go to the bridge on the right. This leads to Lunar Subterranean B5. Go down, and left, to get the chest containing a few dragons. Defeat them, and receive the Crystal Shield. Equip Cecil with this. Now go to the door, which takes you to somewhere else on the floor. Go up, and through the secret passage to get the chest. In this, you'll find the Protect Armband. Equip Rydia with it. Continue along the secret passage to the right. Go right, down, left, down, right. You'll end up with 2 choices, but go up anyway. Go through the door. After you go through this, go to the right to get the chest. You'll uncover 2 red dragons. Also you'll uncover the Crystal Gauntlets. Equip Cecil with those. Now go back to the left, and enter that door. Circle around to get the chest. Equip Rosa with the White Armor. Now, go out the door which will take you to B5. Go to the upper left, to get the chest. You'll soon receive the Crystal Helm. Equip Cecil with it. Go back to the right, to go into a doorway. Get the chest in that room. Exit that room, and go to the bridge below. It will take you to B6. Get the chests on both sides of you. Take the left way first, get the chest. Go back, and take the right way. Now, go around to the passage to another room. Go to the left to get the chest. In the chest you'll find monsters and Heroine Armor. Equip Rydia with it. Now, look and you will see a gap that would connect the two land masses in B6. Walk across the invisible bridge there and work your way to the Wyvern so you can get the Crystal Sword, the best weapon in the game! Go to the door on the right, to take you to B7. Go down, and to the right. Go in the 1st door you see!!! It's a SAVING SPOT. Haven't seen one of those in awhile have you??? SAVE YOUR GAME!!! Go out and go to the next door that is over. Enter it. Walk up to the Lance of White. Once you have defeated the Plague, equip Kain with the white. Go out, save your game, and go to the next room, with 2 chests. Open them both, but first you have to fight 2 D. Lunars. Then grab the chests. Equip Rosa and Rydia with the 2. Go out and save your game. THE CORE Then continue to the right, then up. Then head left until you come to a bridge. Cross the bridge, and go to the door on the left. Go downright to cross a bridge. Then go up-left. Then just head left. Get the chest, and cross the bridge. Go down, and to the right, to the Masamune. After you fight the Ogopogo, you get the Masamune. Equip Edge with this weapon. It is recommended that you go back and save your game right now. Then go to the bridge almost directly north of you. From there, go down, and to your right to get the chest. Then go down, across the bridge to the south. Go to the left, then cross another bridge, and start heading towards the right, and towards. Go to the right, and step onto the teleporter. Then go across the bridge, and to the right. Get the chest. Head to the left, to get the chest, than go down some more. Then go to the right, onto the teleporter. Go all the way to the left, and down across the bridge. Now go to the right. Go down the bridge and go to the left, and take the teleporter. Watch Golbez, and FuSoYa defeat Zemus. Then they will fight Zeromus. Watch the show after you defeat Zeromus (1st form, and 2nd.) THE END!!!!!!!