Special thanks to Shawna for helping me out with the formatting.
Ideas On How To Live A Better Life For Christ
I'll add more eventually, and I'll develop a little "sermon" on each. Just give me some time. :)
Some Brief Ideas - I'll expand on them later :)
Find a good youth group that encourages you to be a good christian and can explains things better than I can. :)
Find a friend you can lean on for support. Somebody you can trust with everything weighing on your heart and who can help you re-find your path on your walk with God.
Read your Bible (It really does help.)
Pray. Pray in the morning, at lunch, at night, and everywhere in between. God's always ready to listen no matter what time it is.
Be open to new ideas. Be wary, and don't get suckered into things, but be open to new ways of worship.
Go to church. (duh?) ;)
Spread the Word. It does wonders for your outlook to know you are telling others about God, and can see him working in other people's lives.
Write down your thoughts about God in a journal. It helps you sort out things and figure out where you would like some help.
Don't be afraid to live for Christ. Be willing to stop living for yourself.
Go to some Christian Concerts!!!! You can meet some really cool people and hear some really awesome music!!!