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By the time a child has been developing for only eight weeks in the mother's womb, all the organs are formed and the external features are set. By the end of twelve weeks, when the child is three inches long, every detail of basic structure is developed. About six weeks after conception, the child's brain is sending out impulses which control body functions, and the nervous system is controlling the child's movements. It is un mistakably evident that the child responds to its environment and knows when it is injured. If injured, the child exhibits an awareness of intense pain.

Suction Method-

90% of surgical abortions performed in the U.S. employ the suction method.

performed during the first three months of the child's development

A tube connected to a suction device is inserted into the mother's womb. The force created by the device tears the child's body apart and draws the pieces into the tube and into a container for disposal.

Dilation and curettage (D & C) Method-

3% of abortions in the U.S. use the D & C method.

performed during the first three months of the child's development

Using a loop-shaped knife called a curette too scrape the womb, severing the child's attachment to the mother. The baby's body is often cut into small pieces, and the head may be crushed to fit to fit through the opening of the womb.

Dilation and Evacuation (D & E) Method-

most common form of abortion during the 3 to 5 month period.

A pair of forceps are inserted in the mother's womb where the child is then dismembered, drag the parts out of the womb through the birth canal. The tiny parts are often reassembled to ensure that none of the child's remains are left in the womb.

Salt Poisoning (saline abortion)-

D & E is no longer practical after 20 weeks, therefore abortionists use salt poisoning to kill the child during this period. Using a long needle, they inject a salt solution into the amniotic sac. This concentrated salt solution is then swallowed and inhaled by the child, causing hemorraging, shock, and painful burning of the skin. The baby then thrashes about as it slowly dies, normally within a hour and a half. The dead child is then delivered through the birth canal within 2-3 days.

Hysterotomy Abortions-

In the final three months of the pregnancy - when the child is able to survive outside of the womb - Hysterotomy Abortions are performed. Like a Caesarean section, the child is surgically removed from the womb and then placed aside to die from neglect - doctors and nurses would work around the clock in order to save this child, that is, if he was wanted.

I don't know about you, but I think that's a little hypocritical...that same baby could have lived, if he was wanted; you take a baby out kicking and screaming - perfectly alive, and you simply put it aside like it's a doll. Dolls don't need constant care, because dolls aren't real, therfore you can simply throw it in the toy box along with all the other toys and close the lid and forget about it. NO--this is a REAL baby!

Partical-birth Abortions/intact dilation and extraction (D & X)-

Mid- to late-term abortions are performed using this method

The child is devlivered through the birth canal just as a normal birth, except breech (feet first). When all of his body except his head is outside the mother, the child is then killed by puncturing the base of the skull and using a suction device to remove his brain, collapsing the skull so that the head can fit easier though the birth canal.

here's a good illustration

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