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My Artwork

Here you can see some of my favorite works of art. I am in the process of organizing them into categories but to see some others and comment on them come to my elfwood site by clicking here:Elfwood

Crystal Morningstar

The Many Faces of Crystal Morningstar: Crystal is one of my oldest and dearest characters who has shown up in stories, games and even a short movie.   Click on her to see that many drwaings of Crystal, the Drafina. ARJH Family and Friend Get Together: Smetimes I have the urge to draw friends and family for fun. To see some of these portraits click on me!!
Here there Be Dragons: I have always loves dragons and have often tried to capture them on paper.  To see some of my draconic works click on Gir'rn, the dragon guardian. Gir'rn Firana, the Movie Star: Firana is a comission work of sorts.  She has been asked to star in her own movie and is very pleased.  See her with her friends before and after the good news. The Elements


Characters that step from my Pages: Come one and all to visit all of my characters from Life and Times of a Ninja girl, The War of Seron and The Prophesy of the Dragonchild.  Here you will find my main characters Aramina, The Prophesy, and Larinna, Life and Times. Goodbye The Emotional side of Drawing: Sometimes I draw to express the emotions that cannot come out of my pen when I am writing. Click here to see the emotional side to my drawings as I give testiment to the ones who changed my life.
To go back to the begining click on the picture of Filia:


Go back to Archive, look into the hunter's eye:
