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Philip, The watcher in the shadows.

AKA: Fidelis Amor,
          That Phil Guy,
Age:  20
Sex:  Male
Height:  5'7
Weight:  155
Hobbies:  Roleplaying (Ars Magica!)
          Maussage Theripy
Dislikes:  uninteresting people
Criteria for women:  5' to 5'5"
          100 - 130 lbs
          Doesn't drink
          Doesn't smoke
          No drug usage
          Asian a plus
          Doesn't take him to seriously(Including above criteria)

Fidelis Amor

My take on him: Phil has always been a good friend of mine, since the day we started talking in the library at school to just yesterday when we discussed gaming stuff.  He has helped me throught a lot of stuff and always is there with advice.
Interesing facts: Phil has a philosophy on life that basically means as long as the person he is with is having fun he is having fun.  There has been many a time when I have been down in the dumps and he has brought me out of it. ^-^~
To those who are interested in contacting The Great and Wonderful Phil: Click Here.