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Ye old Photo Album

Well as you are looking at my pictures and my poetry you might as well find a little about my hystory.

baby picture

Well I guess we'll start at the begining.  Here is me before I learnt about fashion.  Tee Hee!  I believe I would be 1 year old in that pic.  Ain't I cute! larinna Of course I grew up and here is my latest picture.  Wow 19 years between then and now and I haven't changed a bit.  I am still cute!
Not that is has been all fun and games.  In 2000 Mt Carmel won the regional National Ocean Science Bowl and then went on to win the Best sportsmanship award in Whashington DC. Winning best of California During my life I have met many people who have changed my life.   People like Justin, Phil, and Brad.  I thank them very much for what I have learnt in life and will carry those teachings to the end.   To see my friends I care about so much click here:

My Friends

The Group

Meow! There are many activities that I belong to one of which is a cosplay group.  This year we will be going to AX 2001 and it will prove to be interesting.

To see my friends site and find out a little more about cosplay click here:

Crazy Otaku's Web Page

Concert Choir I also belong to a choir and here is us at Disneyland when we went backstage to the recording studios and did some recording of our own.
Teen Rec is a place where I can hang out with all my friends and do some community service while having fun and maybe a water balloon fight! Watch ot their ready for you! Adrian is a Renassance Reenactment group where we have tournements and coronations along side minstrels and Knights.

to go to the official Adrian webpage click here:

The Adrian Empire



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