What this website is for
Other parts of this site
Linky Linky Linkies!
Fic Page
Before and after pics ;)
Poll Page
Holy Hall Of Nummyness!
Well, lets start off with who I am....good question, who am I?? lol, ok, my internet name is Tess (and Tessywessybessy to those who are insane, most people there then) Why did I create this site?? look above, I've already told you! :þ Well I hope you enjoy this site (and dont moan about it!) I will get it up and running properly, I promise! *cough* Well...I'll stop rambling now and start creating a web site for you lot to look at!
Errrr, well, I have given up the idea of creating a picture page, because, well, I can't make one as good as I would like (I dont have the pics or the knowledge!)so, I'm going to change around my whole banner/links pages, into different catagories! Just to annoy you of course.
This site is for more than just Buffy and Angel, I'm also a HUGE fan of Stargate (especiall Michael Shanks ;)) and so I'll be adding some more fic, Stargate,and I'll try to get some Angel and Buffy fic! (I think I'll have to ask my friend very nicely for that!)
Non-Zero Possibility-the next wolvie fic
Email me!