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Well, I have personally read these stories, and I think they are suitable for this site. Now there are two catagories, Buffy and/or Angel fiction, and non Buffy and Angel fiction, to be basic. The latest fic is The Devil You Know (TDYK for short) but Notmanos, and soon I will have the follow up, The Gates OF Hell!

I have now decided that this shouldn't just be for fic, I'm gong to add some poems too!

If you would like to email me to add your fic, or if you have any questions email me here

Buffy and/or Angel fic

|The Devil You Know Parts 1-3| |TDYK Parts 4-6| |TDYK Parts 7-9| |TDYK Parts 10-12|

By : Notmanos

Brief summary : When Spike-in the wrong place at the wrong time-comes into possession of a priceless artifact that has (literally) attached itself to him,he is kidnapped by dangerous mercenaries employed by Wolfram and Hart for a seriously lethal client.To their mutual horror,only Angel can save Spike from the deadly conspiracy seeking the Khelion Bloodstone,but as they fight to survive and free Spike from the Bloodstone,can they keep from killing each other? Takes place during fourth season Buffy/post season one Angel.Warning for the easily offended:strong language and reasonably graphic violence.

Please send any feedback to :

|The Gates Of Hell 1 - 5| |GoH Parts 6 - 10| |GoH Parts 11 - 15| |GoH Parts 16 - 20|

|GoH Parts 21 & 22|

By : Notmanos

Brief summary : In 1885 Wales,Angelus,Spike,and Drusilla encounter a virtually indestructible demon raised from Hell,known only as the Executioner.Forced to fight for their undead lives,they just barely escape with their necks intact.Now,in Los Angeles of the year 2000,the Executioner has been brought back...and is looking for revenge.To defeat him,the now irrepairably fractured trio of Angel,Spike,and Dru must reunite and work together,but even that may not be enough to save their lives this time around.Warning for the easily offended:Strong language again,and some even more nasty violence (chainsaw and impalement fu,anyone?).(Well,come on-the guy's name is The Executioner-did you expect puppies and flowers? 8^D )

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|The Paragon Of Animals parts 1-3| |TPOA parts 4-6| |TPOA parts 7-9| |TPOA parts 10-12| |TPOA parts 13-15| |TPOA parts 16-18| |TPOA parts 19-21| |TPOA parts 22-24| |TPOA parts 25-27| |TPOA parts 28-end|

By : Notmanos

Breif Summary : The Paragon of Animals,summary: Maximum Bob,liar demon and black market weapons dealer for the L.A. area,comes to Angel Investigations to cash in a debt the vampire owes him when an item he was importing-the Stone of Bellara-is stolen by Drusilla,working for Wolfram and Hart.The stone was the prison for a member of his kind,completely mad and psychically close to omnipotent.Now Wolfram and Hart have released her on the city,which is growing more violent by the minute,and it's a race against time to stop Bellara before Wolfram and Hart can use to achieve their ultimate goal:the destruction of Los Angeles,and,after that,the world.But can Angel dare to trust a man who calls himself the 'king of all liars'?

Again,warning:Mature content,meaning endless cursing and loads of senseless violence.Whee!:D

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Non Buffy and Angel fic

Deadly Beginnings

By: ME!!

Brief summary: Jade has only just found out that she's a vampire and a witch and only other person who knows what she's going through is her sister. Will she be able to cope with what she has become. . . ?

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By: Rachel, aka Vengence Girl

Brief summary: Bring back Doyle (Yes, please do!), bit of a soppy love thing, but very good!

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Mistaken Identity

By: Me

Brief summary: Stargate fic, the usual go to another planet, but they met a very strange woman with some even stranger consiquences

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Darkness A poem by me

Memories Another one by me

Voices Yes *another one*
