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From Ered Mithrin's mighty peaks
Springs the Greylin's water clear
Sparkling water laughing leaps
South to Langwell like a deer

Icy cold, clear clean rolls Langflood
Torrent fed from Hithaeglir's height
Rumbling racing past miry Mirkwood
Anduin froths in foam around Carrock's might

Gaining girth still south she flowed
Joins Ninglor down from Misty Mountains cold
Anduin the Great flows lazily on
Past wide fields toward Caras Galadon

Mirrormere, Silvertine, Nimrodel provide
Celbrant the silverlode, Anduin to swell
Where fair Lothlorien's golden waters well
And dreams are dreamt in light betide

Leaving Lorien, to the Wold she weaves
and the Field of Celebrant, green with grass
westward walk Fangorn Forest's ancient trees
eastward Dorwinion's vines fill our glass

The Brown Lands beckon and Emyn Muil
West the horse and rider, forth Eorlingas!
towering cliffs beside, hem the swale
Swifter now, the waters pass

Come the raging rapids of Sarn Gebir
Mighty Argonath, the watch is kept
Still tall, Anarion and Isildur
Whos fall more than Gondor wept

Into Nen Hithoel the waters pour
Resting now, their strength to store
Lapping Parth Galen the shelving shore
Quiet calm here, yet a distant roar

The waters gather at Tol Brandir
Amon Hen to see, Amon Lhaw to hear
Forth in thunder mighty Rauros falls
Spume and spray at base a rainbow calls

Forth in fury by Rauros driven
North the Nindalf, and Dagorlad's dead
Their battle won, but they unshriven
Low they lie in their watery bed

South the Sun, and Ered Nimrais
Tall the towers white the walls
Minas Tirith glows in light of day
Clear waters flow past Gondor's halls

Bright the white tower standing tall
Against Ephel Duath's dark wall
Anduin's swift waters the Tower ward
From creatures foul and their dark lord

Ithilien calls and Anduin goes
Nigh Emyn Arnen to South Ithilien
Lazy languid under southern sun
Erui joins as Anduin to Pelargir floes

Poros too, joins in wide and slow
Anduin at last comes to the Belfalas
Ethir Anduin opens past Tolfalas
Overhead seagulls lonely cry, swooping low

Long lay the leagues sund'ring spring from sea
Many the miles to Ered Mithrin
Past wild lands and mighty works of men
Anduins's long way weaves to the sea