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Darcy on Darcy

I think I am a thoroughly nice person.

I’ve been through the mill; I’ve loved and lost, loved and lost and loved and lost again…

But, you know, when you have friends and the divine protection of your god, life’s not so bad.

If you want to know me, don’t cook meat for me and don’t ask too many questions.

There is a 50,000gp diamond somewhere with my name on it! IT’S MINE…


Darcy on Alphonse:

I just don’t know how we’ve lasted this long. Alphonse and I just didn’t get on; he’s honest – I am a thief. However, through the years of adventuring, we have fallen into a comfortable relationship of jibes, backhanded compliments and sometimes out and out insult.

Alphonse is one of my closest friends– cross him and you have me to deal with!

Alphonse on Darcy

Well, what can I say about this uncouth rogue that has not yet been said. Our early times together were marked by more than a few problems but it is a measure of our current friendship that we can both now look back and laugh at the disagreements we had. An able companion and devoted to his church, he can always be relied upon to extort the best financial terms from would-be patrons.

Darcy on Quynlara Tathar

Now, there’s a woman! She is constantly harried by memories not her own and by people trying to make her something she’s not. I like her just the way she is. She is not the old Quinlara and I certainly wouldn’t want her to be. I think Ryllian got what he deserved and if she’s happy with Mek, then so be it…mind you; she doesn’t know what she’s missing! Cm’on babe – Let me make your day!

Quynlara Tathar on Darcy

He has to be king of the corny chat up line… but thinks he is a smooth talking rogue. But he has a good heart and is a good friend so we forgive him.

Angus on Darcy

A reasonable rogue, fer an Elf. We see many things the same way. A good pal.

Darcy on Angus

Angus! That old scrote! We’ve had some fun together! He’s trying so hard to be civilized – give it up me old mucker; bad is all it is.

He drinks like a free-flowing sewer, he fights like a whirling dervish and he sings badly. Don’t look too closely in his beard, you might see last weeks dinner….

No, Angus is maturing; he’s still fun, but he’s learning wisdom.

Have to say he’s also one of the people that knows me best…. Not always such a good thing.

Darcy on Camilla

That woman is ALL woman. I would love to get her into bed!

She is great; she swears, she fights, she drinks like a dwarf and I can only imagine what she’s like under the sheets. That’s what she USED to be like, before she touched that bloody artifact; now she’s walking round in flimsy cloth and looking sweet…. Gorgeous in fact….

Camilla on Darcy

Darcy, hmmmm gems, church, women… Mind you he is light hearted, fun to be with and can’t keep his hands to himself, I think he has a deluded warped sense of challenge about me, to seduce a lesbian.

But I don’t mind one day who knows he is kinda cute!

Darcy on Elandria

Essentially a very good, kind person.

Elandria has never had it easy, but she just keeps running away from things. She’s been marked with Destiny, tortured, bereft, used and abused. It’s never sat well with her and every now and then she throws tantrums; flying in the face of her appointed fate and deriding the gods. However, I would count Elandria a good and staunch friend.

Elandria on Darcy

Gems, mithril, church, gems, gems, gems…

I can’t remember ALL the times we have had to scrape his body off the floor after he’s touched yet another trapped gem, or off the ceiling and walls if the trap was explosive.

His religion has saved his sanity and meant that I am still keeping the company of someone who is essentially a very good, kind person.

Darcy on Rothkane

Rothkane needs to chill out accept that he’s in love with a powerful women and stop getting so depressed!


Darcy is an honourable thief if there is such a thing.


Darcy on Elrond

Where the hell did he come from?

Out of nowhere without anything to his name apart from a beautiful, serene diamond with a rose flaw – now half the bloody group belong to the Church of Aphrodite.

Don’t really know him; don’t really care to be honest. He tried his best with the group, but I think the sooner he finds his own level of adventurers the better. Otherwise, he will miss out on the fun of learning.


There always seems to be more to Darcy than meets the eye. I hold him in high regard although I really don't know how he sees me, but I like the guy.

Darcy on Jade

I have a huge amount of respect for her. She has always kept her child-like ways and cares not a bit for worldly wealth, or even worldly cleanliness for that matter…

Jade on Darcy

I don’t really understand him.

He always wants to steal things, but he has so much money, he could just buy them instead and let someone make an honest living out of him. He takes too many drugs as well and I do get a little concerned for his health.

He is however a firm believer in nature and he doesn’t just pay it lip service; he is sincerely devout and I think he is a very loyal friend. A bit mistrusting and standoffish when he first meets you though.


Quinlara was lovely, wise and loyal. But she lacked wisdom in one thing she never slept with me she’ll never know what she missed. Seriously I really miss her.

Quinlara on Darcy

Oh how many times have I bitten my tongue as he’s reached yet again for a gem, which is going to explode in his face, and put him back together again? He did learn eventually. Darcy is a good friend if you can ignore the disappearing gems!!! He is deeply in love with his wife and his children. A lovable rogue he is there when he is needed. I wish much happiness.


Now he’s an interesting one. Clearly not of this world it would be interesting to know what sort of world a man like that comes from. Good at gambling, he can hold his own with the hobbit weed and was generous with his own smokes I hope we meet up again.


Cool guy, nice to meet someone here to share a smoke with. He introduced me to the local smokes, which weren’t bad. After all Quin told me about him I’d like to be with him when he’s really spaced!


Now there’s an amusing little fellow he should be thieving but its nice to see someone so fresh faced and naive I hope he manages to hold onto it for a while.

Cappel on Darcy

I’m sure he’s quite powerful. It’s unusual to see a male human wearing so much jewelry tastefully done and quite elegant I think he’s probably got a lot of money. He seems to be interested in our group and I hope that works to our advantage.


He makes me laugh he’s like Alphonse. It amuses me to see him winding everyone else up. It’ll be interesting to see how he copes under pressure.

Darcy on the Darkmere Group

Darcy on Istara

Wasn’t she the fish Alric ended up shacking up with?

Istara on Darcy

Giggles…Another great partner in crime…He has a brilliant sense of fun, laughs …the tricks he’s played on poor old Alfie! He has suffered greatly and deep behind his smile is a dark shadow, which he carries without bitterness.


She’s a bit of a dolly bird isn’t she dippy and blonde sounds like Ryllian bait to me, but otherwise seemed alright, she didn’t make a strong impression on me. Having said that, had it not been for her help I would not have been able to complete a personally very important task.


He seemed snooty at first, but I think that’s because we don’t really know each other that well yet.


He seemed a nice solid sort of bloke even-tempered and probably quite reliable I’ll have to try and correct him he’s too boring.


A competent thief seems to know what he’s doing.


Don’t really know her.


Darcy on Rhyllian

He has been a source of great inspiration, and cruelty. I don’t know what interest me about him, but when I walk away from him thinking that’s it I know I’ll be back for more. The mistake people make with Ryllian including myself is assuming that somewhere deep inside he’s human and he’s not.


He shows promise.

Darcy on Ladrisa

I don’t wish to talk about Ladrisa.

Ladrisa on Darcy

Darcy and I were once very close, I guided him to Benethorm’s light and he is a good priest, he was my acolyte, but now he cannot speak to me. I miss him.

I wonder how Zaphod’s church is doing?