TITLES: Tar Nasrudel Annis
Nasrudel is my twin brother, he can be impetuous, but he is brave, loyal and has a ready wit. We have always been close even when we didn't know we were related. I love him dearly......Quinlara
CHARACTER HISTORY Nas is the son of Ryllian Annis and Lady Delaina Annis. He is currently the named heir to the Elven Throne. He has been on many important missions, and was with Quinlara at the White Tower and was one of the Dragon Riders. He has also travelled with the Haven Group. LIKES AND DISLIKES: He likes sailing, exploration, dragon riding, winning, wine, women and song. He dislikes loosing, boredom and pointless political duties. CLASS: Fighter/Thief |
Mature |
RACE: Elven | HOME |
AMBITIONS: Not known. |
STATUS: Alive and well |