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Air Spells

Level 1:

Level 2:

Level 3:

Level 4:

Level 5:

Cloud-Will counter-act Sun Pays by blocking the sun rays.

Level 6:

Level 7:

Electrical Touch: Range: Touch. After casting this spell the caster's hands begin to glow with electrical sparks and when he touches someone this energy is released as an electrical shock on the target. This can cause minor damage to creatures in water.

Level 8:

Hover-May be used on yourself or minions to raise him/her above ground.

Level 9:

Blade Wind: A wind forms. Which can cut through skin but cannot go through metal. So armour can defend against it.

Level 10:

Dagger wind:Spell which compresses air, creating temporary strong winds in front of the caster. If the target is a creature, all the spell does is prevent the target from moving forwards for a short while. But, as a defensive spell against things like missile weapons, the casting time is short, making this a very useful spell. Also, this spell can be used while fleeing from targets who it is important not to injure.

Level 11:

Level 12:

Evaporate-This spell allows you to change into air molecules and you can travel on the wind. You can use this spell to avoid being captured, travel faster, and trick your enemies. When you speak, people can hear you. There are 2 diadvantages to this spell. One, it drains your power. Two, once the wind catches you, you can't control where it takes you. If your power drains while you are very far off the ground you will change back to your normal form and come crashing to the ground.

Level 13:

Level 14:

Force Blast: Range: Medium: 100 feet. Upon casting this spell a wave of force shoots out from the caster's finger tips. The blasts will strike an enemy or object and throw it back 15 feet. The damage caused from the impact of the blasts is doulbled if the enemy hits something (a wall, table, etc). The distance the blasts can travel is 100 feet plus 10 feet per level of the caster to a maximum of 200 feet. The caster can shoot 1 blast plus 1 per level of the caster up to ten. The caster can shoot the blasts at different targets, but any target shot at must be within the range. Every blast is shot at the same time, that is they all shoot at their target(s) when the spell has finished being cast.

Level 15:

Gravitation-Will lift any hazardous objects above your opponent and slam them down with tremendious force.

Level 16:

Level 17:

Level 18:

Teleportation-You will be able to teleport yourself any were on thee battle field (counts as turn)

Level 19:

Level 20:

Tornado – Giant tornado comes and tosses your enemy into the closest hazardous object; if there are none around then your enemy will be thrown to the ground.

Level 21:

Level 22:

Level 23:

Level 24:

Level 25:

Thunder Wave – A bolt of lightening shoots down the sky and electrifies the enemy. (If the opponent is wet lightening will have a greater effect.)

Level 26:

Whirlwind:A tornado descends from the sky on the target. The target is swept up in the tonado and carried far away, and is also hit by things in the tornado.

Level 27:

Level 28:

Asteroids – A large assortment of variously sizing asteroids will furiously pelt your enemy to the ground.

Level 29:

Level 30:

Sharp stars-Dozens of stars which were directly above your oppenent will fall in a furious downfall.

Level 31:

Level 32:

Level 33:

Level 34:

Level 35:

Wind Blade:The spell creates an arrow of wind, which is shot at a target and bursts upon contact (or at the caster's choosing), shredding the target to pieces. An extremely lethal spell which has the power to blow a hole through a brick wall.

Level 36:

Level 37:

Level 38:

Level 39:

Level 40:

Tempest: A storm grows to a size that could surround a large building. It will trap everything inside the storm with strong winds and a lighting storm will form and attack everything inside the area.