Rock Thrower: Rocks and stones fly up a fling towards your enemy hitting him for all directions
Level 2:
Spike: A branch off a tree splits off and spirals towards your enemy stabbing them with a sharpened point.
Level 3:
Falling Trees: this spell makes trees fall in all directions smashing oponents to the ground
Level 4:
Rock wall: A wall of rocks rise up to block your enemy from advancing.
Level 5:
Level 6:
Level 7:
Spirit of the earth: A spirit rises from the ground enclosing your opponent with vines which enclose and crush them.
Level 8:
Level 9:
Boulder roll: a boulder of earth and rock appears and charges towards your enemy squishing him to the ground.
Level 10:
Earth Shaker: the earth shakes and rumbles stunnning your opponent.
Level 11:
Level 12:
Level 13:
Quick sand: The ground turns to quick sand under your enemy making them sink slowly to their death.
Level 14:
Level 15:
Earthquake – The ground rumbles and rocks, boulders and stones come shooting at your enemy.
Level 16:
Level 17:
Tsunami Qhake-The spell makes the earth shake like an earthquake, knocking people over and stunning them, then a huge, power wave of earth comes up and swallows the opponant(s).
Level 18:
Thorn Whips:Any and all plants in the area, especially if in a forest, will attack the target, wrapping it up, smothering it, and will not stop until the spell is realeased or they are dead.
Level 19:
Level 20:
Stone-Will turn one limb of your opponents into stone for 2 turns, limb can be shattered by a close range attack.
Level 21:
Level 22:
Level 23:
Rock Spear: A giant spear appears of rock a earth rushing at your enemy dealing huge damage .
Level 24:
Level 25:
Dryad: Turns a near tree into a dryad ( tree monster ) to fight for you for 3 turns.
Level 26:
Level 27:
Level 28:
Level 29:
Hardened fist: The surrounding ground waves up into a massive fist of earth slamming donw on your opponent causing huge damage.
Level 30:
Level 31:
Level 32:
Rock shower: Giant boulders and rocks fall from the sky plumeting your enemies with huge force
Level 33:
Level 34:
Level 35:
Rock Golem: A very strong earth warrior appears to fight by your side for 2 turns.
Level 36:
Level 37:
Level 38:
Bottomless Pitt: A massive hole appears in the ground swallowing your enemies to fall to their doom.
Level 39:
Level 40: