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Barnsley Gardens

This house was built in 1844, after warning from the towns people. It was said that this house was built on land that held a Cherokee legend that would bring tragedy to anyone that lived on the land. Within a few years there were 3 deaths in the family. During the Civil War many of the family's friends and relatives were killed on the property. Although this house in abandoned, you can still see various family members walking the area.

Andersonville National Cemetery

Captain Henry Wirz is said to watch over the prisoners buried here. He was the only confederate officer to be tried for war crimes. He was found guilty and hanged in D.C.

Atlanta Private Residence

A moving cold spot and sounds of footsteps have been heard in a house on Chamblee-Dunwoody Rd.

MacKay's Trading House

This is the location that 13 American Patriots were killed by British Colonel Browne on September 18,1870. Reports of moans on the stairway, a woman gliding around a 3rd floor room.

Calhoun Worcester House

This house was built by Samuel Worcester, in 1828. Samuel was beaten, served 4 years hard labor and lost all his land and belongs for signing a proclamation of rights for the Cherokees. Once the Indians, were force to leave there homes, whites looted the burial ground. Reports of dragging chains, footsteps, slamming doors and the appearance of a thin man have all been seen/heard here.

Chickamauga Battlefield

A fog rolls in every night, but only in the park! It is also said that the "green eyes" of a confederate soldier are seen. He was killed by a Union soldier, who happened to be his twin brother. A woman in a bride's gown is seen by the grave of her husband, who was killed here.

Columbus Springer Opera House

This Opera House is believed to be haunted by Edwin Booth, John Wilkes Booth's brother, who played a part in a 1876 version of Hamlet. It is believed that he is upset that the theater has been deserted and can never play the part in Hamlet again. Common reports include: objects disappearing, doors slamming and eerie music when the Opera House is empty.

Eatonton Panola Hall

This private residence, is home to a young girl, believed to be named Sylvia. She has appeared throughout the house, several times since it has been built in the 1870's. She is said to be wearing a white full skirted dress.

Greensboro Ducaro Hall

The house is believe to be haunted by the original owner. Reports of footsteps and something standing by the stairs are common here.

Jackal Island Club Hotel

The Spencer's Suite is believed to be haunted by the ghost of Samuel Spencer. Supposedly, you will noticed that someone has drank some of your coffee and read your newspaper.

Marietta Kolb Ridge Court

Residents of this development have reported see a Civil War Soldier throughout their homes.

Sewell's Woods

These woods have been nicknamed "the haunted hunting grounds", due to the disappearance of many hound dogs. The dogs were seen heading for an old family graveyard when they were thrown into the air by an invisible force. All the dogs would run off never to be seen again.

Milledgeville Old Walker House

It is said that Sam Walker was said to be the meanest man in Georgia. Rumor has it that he killed his first wife and wouldn't call a doctor for his only son. He collapsed and died at the top of the stairs pleading for help from his father. Soon after his death, he started appearing in the house. Some reports say that you can hear a child's footsteps at the top of the stairs followed by a 'thud' which is believed to the boy falling down the stairs.

St Simon's Lighthouse

The dead light keeper haunts this lighthouse. You can hear heavy footsteps on the stairs.

Savannah Bonaventure Cemetery

During a dinner party hosted by Josiah Junior the house began to burn. Josiah insisted that the guests finish dinner and had the servants move the table into the yard. Today, visitors have reported hearing clanging and noises that are common at a dinner party.

Olde Pink House Restaurant and Tavern

From October to March, you can find the ghost of former resident James Habersham. When the building is empty people have reported flickering lights that would appear to be from a candle.


Anne Powell had fallen in love with a man. He didn't feel the same way, so she killed herself by jumping from the top floor.

Tifton Omega Road Overpass

A college student lost control of her car while returning home from school and died. Reports of squealing tires and various sounds of a car crashing have been heard while driving on this road.

Chickamauga Battlefield

Every night, a mysterious fog rolls in upon the battlefield. Upon driving through the park, one may find that there is no fog before entering or after leaving the park, only in the park itself. -There are also tales of the infamous "Green Eyes", a confederate soldier killed by his Yankee twin brother, whose eyes can still be seen at night on Snod Grass Hill. There is the tale of the bride-never-to-be who still walks the battlefield in her wedding gown during September and October, visiting the grave of the man she was going to marry, killed during the war.

The Telfair Museum

is haunted by its former owner. She is said to roam the house keeping people from doing what they shouldn't do. If you smoke a cigarette in the house or sit on the wrong chair, you can hear here footsteps coming at you on the marble floors.

St. Simon's Island Lighthouse

is haunted by a former light keeper. His steps can be heard climbing to the top of the light.

The Juliette Low Birthplace

This house is haunted by two former owners: Sarah Gordon and her daughter-in-law Nellie Kinzie Gordon, who was the mother of Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of Girl Scouting. Nellie is said to rearrange furniture, play the piano, and slide down the banister after the museum closes down for the night. Sarah is often seen, wearing an old-fashioned dress, by visitors to the place.

Dalton Cemetery

you are mysteriously pushed up a small hill when you put your car in neutral and turn out headlights; the hill is known as Gravity Hill.

The Old Telfair Hospital

Supposedly Mary Telfair also haunts this former ladies hospital. Says she roams the halls in a brown dress.

Macon Hay House

Foot steps in empty halls, breathing over your shoulder, doors slamming shut by themselves, cold spots on the stairs, moaning in the master bedroom and the apparition of an elderly woman are all things experienced here by employees.

Atlanta Donaldson House

cold spots and footsteps are reported here.

Eatonton Panola Hall

Sylvia haunts the bedroom where she once lived.

Savannah Haslam House

a tall man appears and some poltergeist activity also.

Savannah Pirate's House Restaurant

Pirate Captain Flint haunts this place.

Augusta The Pillar

There is a round pillar that stands about eight feet tall on a corner of Broad street in downtown Augusta that is said to be the remains of the old slave market from years ago. On several occasions, this pillar has been scheduled to be removed for development, but on each occasion the person who was suppose to remove it died unexpectedly. A few years ago a driver lost control of his car and bumped into the pillar. He was dead in his car when the police arrived, but the accident was not life threatening. It is said that a slave put a curse on the pillar to which he was tied as he was being sold. For whatever reason, the pillar still stands alone with nothing else around it on the corner of Broad Street.

Savannah River

The woman known as The Waving Girl, Florence Martus, was immortalized in a statue on the Savannah River for her habit of waving a cloth or towel from the land as a helpful signal to boats coming in. The statue depicts her waving with a large dog sitting next to her. Many times the stone cloth has been seen waving as if in the wind.

Manget-Brannon Theater for the Arts

Theater is housed in what was once a warehouse, probably for cotton, which was abandoned for years until it was inhabited by the theater company. Volunteers and actors have felt a distinct presence, many of them collaborating on one particular area on the floor on the way to the bathroom. Several have believed the presence to be distinctively male. A psychic visited there last year and said she saw a man wearing a suit walk through one of the doors. She later saw him standing in a particular corner of the stage. He has been blamed with man petty prop disappearances.


The bridge over Cedar Creek on Roscoe Road in Coweta County is actually a replacement of the original bridge in question. In the 1930's a horrible accident on the bridge took the lives of a woman and her baby. The woman has manifested herself in voice and appearance in various ways over the last several decades. Hauntings include forlorn screaming (hence the name), rapidly dropping temperatures, and a ghost car.


Fox building The face of a Confederate private has been photographed in a window.

Heard County Grave of Mayhayley Lancaster

Through the years many people have attempted to steal or otherwise vandalize the grave of the famous psychic Mayhayley Lancaster. Most of those people have experienced extremely bad fortune, even death, after doing so. One teenage boy was killed in a car accident after trying to show off for his friends by defiling Mayhayley's grave.

St. Mary's Orange Hall

A ghostly little girl is said to walk through the building upon the midnight hour. It is said that you can see flashes and images upon midnight.

Habersham County Cannon Bridge

A husband threw his wife off the bridge. If one sits on the bridge with their car turned off on the nights of April 12-14, the bridge becomes covered with fog and the couple can be heard arguing. After a period of silence, a loud splash can be heard. On several occasions, the wife has walked up to the car. And on several occasions, people driving across the bridge on said nights have had their cars to stop, turn off, and all electrical systems stop. They then have to bear witness to the events of the night.

Old Douglas Hospital

Which is now the education building. Many people have seen an old typewriter being typed on at night. At night, the last people to leave will open all the doors down the hallway and as they begin to leave they will look back and all the doors will be closed. A nurse and her tray have often been heard going down the hall. You should definitely come and examine this place.

Augusta State University

Augusta State University was a civil war headquarters and behind the Admissions office (a converted antebellum mansion) there is a small cemetery of the Walker family and there have been sightings of a man dressed in a confederate uniform walking across the campus and disappearing into the cemetery.

Stone Mountain Park's Antebellum Plantation

Several Buildings in there are haunted: Thornton House: Workers have reported feeling a spirit at the top of the stairs, between the children's rooms. Dickey House: Confederate re-enactors have reported seeing a woman in top floor windows when he camp out on lawn. Slave Quarters: Reported feeling spirits.


Near this little town folk "in the know" travel to a train-crossing deep in deserted woods of Coffee County. There they park their cars, turn on their radios to their favorite rock or country station and wait. Most of the time they are rewarded by sometime during the night close to midnight seeing the famous "unknown conductor" who walks the track lantern held high. The light over the track can be clearly seen as it slowly comes closer to the gathering. Yet, no one has seen or explained the source of the glowing witness yet generation after generation have spent nights watching and seeing the burning spectacle.

Mableton The Witch's Grave

Supposedly a practicing witch was killed and buried in a small private graveyard off of Concord Rd. Many people have reported numerous sounds. Voices, walking sounds, and several Goosebumps inducing winds pass through this area. Visit at your own risk. This area is now heavily patrolled by Cobb County Police.

Appling County

The Surrency Ghost Light is said to be seen on a long deserted railroad track which sits low under a bridge on Highway 341. The old story is told many ways, but the most popular is of a husband and his wife that lived next to the tracks. One night after a heated argument, the wife ran blindly out of the house and down the tracks. She was hit and killed by an oncoming train. Witnesses today say they can see the light of the man on the tracks trying to find his long dead wife. Some have even claimed to see the silhouette of a lady with long blond hair walking down the tracks at night.


All over the city limits of Jonesboro, fallen Confederate and Union soldiers stalk peoples homes, cemeteries, and the main battlefield off of US highway 19-41. Peoples homes have been haunted by blood splattered walls and mysterious bullet holes. On the anniversary nights of August 31 and September 1, it is said that gunshots, and drums can be heard when quiet at night.

Madison Heritage Hall

Blood stain on fireplace mantel that won't go away. child heard crying....Tours are given at Heritage hall daily. Madison GA is known for many haunted houses.

Jekyll Island Club Hotel

Haunted by former servants of the millionaires who vacationed there. Several sighting of women in maid outfits, man in top hat and cloak, footsteps and noise coming from the dining room after it has closed

Fayetteville Peter's Woods

There's an old cemetery in the woods & they are haunted by an Amish girl who was in love with a non-Amish boy & her father found out & told her she could never see the boy again, so the girl went into the woods & hung herself. Sometimes you see her ghost on the side of the road & stop to pick her up & she tells you to go to her house. Once you stop you see her father run out of the house & start screaming at her & she runs into the woods. If you chase her, you get deep into the woods & feel something brush the top of your head & you look up to see her body hanging from a tree. Then you look again & see nothing but the remnants of an old house & a small family cemetery.

Floyd County The Ghost Train

Reeseburg Road, a little ways from the cemetery lays a bridge where trains use to pass. If you stop there you can here a train whistle of in the distance and are almost blown away by a gust of very strong wind.

St. Mary's Orange Hall

Many years ago in Orange Hall a young girl died and to this day, many people have seen a young girl with her face to one of the windows. Also, at the Oak Grove Cemetery it is said that on Halloween Night at midnight you can see a ghost rise from an angel statue. That statue is also said to change positions.

Roswell The Public House Restaurant

Supposedly back in the days of the civil war this place was the Generals outpost. The upstairs was some kind of nursing station where they took some of the wounded to get help. The story goes something like, there was a soldier and a nurse who fell in love and got married, then the soldier was tried for some crime and was hung in the town square right across the street. So, they say that the soldier and the woman haunt the place today.

Chickamauga Battlefield

There are many reports of seeing a mysterious set of glowing green eyes from a ghost of a confederate soldier. Even during the war, soldiers had reported him looking over the dead during battles.

St. Simons Island

This area has a haunted sight called Ebo landing. Supposedly a group of chained slaves were being held on the beach (having just arrived on the slave smuggling ship the Wanderer), the slaves made a suicide pack. Rather than live their lives in irons they ran, chained side by side to one another, into the water and drowned. It is said the sight is haunted by their spirits, you can hear the heavy irons clatter as they sprint from the beach for the water.

Hard Labor Creek State Park

Two ghosts, a man and a little boy whose name is Ethan. The child, is not very bothersome. The man, however is quite malevolent. He slams doors, knocks on the walls of the cabins, and walks around outside the cabins late at night. Other occurrences on the campsite are: There is a small graveyard located on the site, after 12:00AM a figure has been spotted moving in and out of its gates, back and forth across the trail.

Brenau University

One of the United States most prestigious female universities is haunted by a ghostly shadow that hangs from the balcony of the auditorium. A young dedicated dancer supposedly hung herself after being denied lead performer in a popular ballet play. Many students and faculty continue to witness the mysterious apparition.

Forest Park

There is a cemetery across the street from the teen center, it has a shed and when you walk towards the shed at night, you'll get this really weird feeling in the pit of your stomach, and it feels like something is pulling your soul out of you. For the next few days you will feel like you are invisible or like nothing around you is real.

Springer Opera House

Very haunted. Most of the haunting takes place in the attic and upper floors. Doors slamming, cold spots, sightings etc.

Dalton and Chatsworth Mitchell Bridge

There was a guy that was buried in the graveyard that was killed by decapitation that was said to be rich and buried his money somewhere. On a rainy, stormy, foggy night you will see a headless horseman and he will chase you to tell you were the money is buried.

Tybee Island

Every full moon by the old fort you can hear the sounds of fighting and cries of death as the ocean waters turn the color of blood red. The fort is across the road from the lighthouse, which is also said to be haunted by a former keeper.

Savannah Ogalthorpe House

It is a college dorm and water has turned on several times, a girl once tape recorded the sounds of her room after things were being rearranged when she left, and she heard only the door shut when she left and then shortly after there were noises of things moving. And there have been whispers in people's ears when they try to sleep at night.

Columbus Springer Opera House

Reports of a ghost that is supposed to be John Wilkes Booth's brother. He moves props for the plays and taps on people's backs.

Dahlonega Holly Theatre

This theatre has been standing for almost a century. Now newly renovated after 50 years or abandonment, weird sightings have occurred. After hours or before mostly. When there's not much mortal activity inside the building, you can see figures white and glowing float passed the etched glass windows. Sometimes when you see the shapes you can also feel a cold presence fall upon you. During movies, there are many strange happenings such as lights flickering and weird misty shapes appearing on the screen. Though there's no history of death in the theatre before the renovation, there are claims of a house standing in that site in the mid 1800's.

Bonaire Gravity Hill

This legendary hill is easily reached from Bonaire if you follow State Route 96 East across the Ocmulgee River to the intersection of US Route 129. Once you have turned left and passed over the first hill, go to the next hill bottom and stop. Put your car in neutral and it will go all the way to the top of the next hill. It is said that a witch is buried around there. The only evidence of her grave is located in the swamp, about 300 yards from Highway 129. It is a strange pile of rocks stacked about 5 feet high with nothing growing around it. Legend has it that the witch exacted a toll on this trail about 200 years ago. If you paid her price, she would help you cross over the ridges. The locals left her alone and occasionally called upon her during a drought. The witch died of natural causes around 1850. Since she could not be buried on holy ground in a church cemetery, the locals took her body to the swamp. It is believed that she helps people over the ridge because of the kindness the local people showed to her.

Jekyll Island Club Hotel

This hotel is said to be haunted by a bellman who wears a uniform dating back to the 1920's.

Ringgold Boynton

The house that stands here was built in 1918, but a Union Soldier named Captain died on the grounds long before. He haunts the front of the property and the front rooms of the house. If Captain likes occupants of the home, he shows himself by doing parlor tricks. If he dislikes certain visitors however, he frightens them with constant rapping and banging noises. He has even been known to reveal his full form at the person's bedside in early morning hours. Sometimes, he will get in bed with visitors! One of the buttons of his coat was unearthed in the front of the property, along with other objects. Legend states that he is hanging around to await a letter from his sister.

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