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:: 2-14-04 :: :: 5-17-03 :: Okay, I'm just doing a quick change because the previous update gave an incorrect link to www.rpgamer.com But now has been fixed so all is well. The link in this one should work too. Okay, serious discussion has gone into the Mellstrom Quest comic and the Mailbag has been updated a few times! Go check that out and look forward to Mellstrom Quest comic and game. That reminds me...Tom are you working on that!? It'll look really bad if you're always yelling at me about not finishing a whole game if you can't even do one little level for me. Well I'm actually going to go work on Mellstrom Quest for about a half hour, then probably do some math homework so Courtney doesn't kill me. Oh yeah, and I'm going to get that broken image on the message board fixed too, someone should really post on that thing. Oh and another thing, you can send some comments into the Mailbag about what the first comic should be on so I can write the story and also, no one has come up with an idea for the blog section of the page, that would be helpful. Okay that turned out longer than intended. See you around.:: 5-11-03 :: Hi. I'm just popping in here to basically say that I'm sorry updates and junk have been so slow. The very small amount of free time that USED to go into this site is now mostly going to RPGamer, where I work in news. That's not such a bad thing, it's a great site and you should go there. Now. www.rpgamer.com It is good. Yes. Ok then well look forward to a lot of action in the summer. Ah sweet free time how I loveth thee. See you around the corner and when you see me you'd better run, because I'll be trying to run you over. Okay I'd better go now I'm getting silly.:: 3-21-03 :: Hi there peoples, in a whirlwind inspiration (otherwise known as the bullying of one Ryan Skogstad) I have updated the Games page with the new D-ZINE. And with it, an updated Mellstrom Quest page. Joy be to all, g'night.:: 2-17-03 :: Ok, what do you guys think of the new graphic? It is courtesy of Ryan, so let's all give him a hand. And with that I announce that he receives the first ever Rubberchicken award! Good work Ryan!:: 2-16-03 :: Well, as some of you may know there is a forum here at The Realm. I haven't gotten around to linking to it yet though, but that is now to change. There, I've done it, YAY. It should be in the Junk section.:: 2-11-03 :: Exactly one month since my last little tidbit!? How interesting... On to business. I've changed by LOTR mailbag (see last post) to just a regular old mailbag, if you are unfamiliar with what a mailbag does I shall tell you. You send stuff in and junk and people kind of discuss it, it is great, it is wonderful. Do it now. The first subject is "What subject should we do?" That was easy. Now go send a message, and remember to use the realmrubberchicken@yahoo.com e-mail address and the "Mailbag" subject line. Only under these conditions will I find and post your message. Now let's move. Hopefully we will get more messages than last time (none). Also, I am now sending e-mails to people when the site it updated. Thank you for your time, and now maybe SOME DAMN PEOPLE WILL COME AND LOOK AT JUNK!!!! Speaking of Junk, remember the Mailbag is in the "Junk" section of the site. Good night.