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I'm Sailor Moonburst!I am Sailor Life!Bwahahah! I am Sailor Earth!I hope you know who I am by now... ;) It's Sailor Aqua!Sailor Storm here!My name is Sailor Fire!Yay! It's Sailor Wind!Have we met? ;) My name's Sailor Freedom!Hi! I'm Sailor Enchantment!I am Sailor Pisces!Hello! I'm Sailor Sagittarius!I'm Sailor Taurus!My name is Sailor Leo...don't forget, now ;)
The Element Senshi - and friends!

Kawaii!Welcome to the Realm's Adoption Center! Aren't these little adoptions just so cute? ^____^ And they need a home!

Would you like your very own Element Senshi? All you have to do is save the Senshi of your choice to your own hard drive (right-click on the image, and choose "Save As") and link the image back to the Realm!

Here's an example:
<a href=""><img src="NAMEOFSENSHI.GIF"></a>

Just remember to change "NAMEOFSENSHI.GIF" to the actual name of your adoption. =)

Easy, right? ^___^ So when you're ready, choose from any of the Element Senshi below! Feel free to take as many as you like. =) Oh - and don't forget to fill out the short form below, all right? ^______^

Adopt Sailor Aqua! Adopt Sailor Earth! Adopt Sailor Fire! Adopt Sailor Moonburst! Adopt Sailor Wind!... erm... Image coming soon ^_^;; Adopt Sailor Storm!
*More Coming Soon!* ^__^

Please sign the adoption papers!

Your full name:
Your email address:

I've adopted:
She will live at:

Want to see who I've adopted? ^-^

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