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Sailor Aqua's Gallery

Tee-hee!*Blush* This is kind of embarassing! ^_^() Well, here is my gallery. These images are either from KiSS dolls or videogame graphics, and they were all edited by Cammy-san. =) Click here if you'd like to see pictures of me in my civilian form, May! =)

Oh! Don't forget to check out my Fan Art page ;)

Kya! Aquacanrana! Let's wrestle! Honestly - the fish I caught was -this- big! Chibi Aqua! I stand tall, walk proud, and carry a big Teardrop Staff! The classic Orion's Portrait Shoppe pose ;) Slainte! =) Aqua V is for Victory! Hee hee!
Ready for battle... or dancing ;) Hee! Hee! Hee! Flying punch! *Serene* See my little fist! Here's a teeny headshot =) Dum de dum de dum... *Giggle!* *Giggle!* Kya! Take that! ^__^*

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