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Sailor Aqua ~ Senshi of Rain and Oceans

Name: May St. Lawrence

Gender: Female

Height: 5 feet, 7 inches

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Dark brown, about waist-length when in a ponytail. Light brown highlights in the bangs

Birthday: April 6

Age: 16

Blood Type: AB

Build: Slender with well toned muscles

Senshi Name: Sailor Aqua - Senshi of Water, Rain, and Oceans

Senshi Title: The Pure Heart

Senshi Colors: Light blue, blue

Realm: Water, with powers coming from Rain

Tranformation Item: Locket

Transformation Phrase: Aqua Cosmic Power Make-Up!

Greetings! I'm partial to the color blue =) Hi Jessica!

Staff - My staff is called the Teardrop Staff. It is long, white, and thin-handled. At the top is a flat circle which surrounds a slender, blue, teardrop-shaped jewel.

Staff (upgraded) - The Teardrop Staff became upgraded when I reached my Cosmic level, but the name remains the same. It is now about as tall as me, light blue, and indented with faint angular designs. The ring ontop now consists of two rings (no longer flat, but cylindrical) which are oval shaped. There is one ring inside the other, forming a sort of "cage". Inside this "cage" is the teardrop jewel, which is now a darker blue, and has an energy inside it which swirls like water.

Rainstorm Deluge: I point my finger at the enemy, and the sky turns grey with clouds. Rain starts to pour, harder and harder until the raindrops are blue streaks of light. It can hit several enemies multiple times, and has the ability to knock them down - but hardly ever out.

Teardrop Apparition: I use my weapon, the Teardrop Staff, for this. In this attack, I slowly brings my staff around in front of me, in a circle. The Teardrop traces a circle of a bright light. The light sparks off towards the enemy becoming sprays of water which grow stronger at the end of the attack. If the enemy is in the direct line of fire, so to speak, they can be near-drowned. (It is mainly a disabling attack, rather than harm or pain-inducing).

Rapid Torrent: This is similar to Sailor Neptune's Deep Submerge. I hold my hand out forward, and a wall of water rushes up behind me, curving downwards to crash into the enemy.

Poseidon Monsoon: I raise my Teardrop Staff high above my head. Water rises up and around me as streams rush into the jewel on my staff. There is a bright flash of light, then the columns of water (the streams that were forming the spiral) surge towards the enemy, surrounding and drowning them.

Purity Annointment: Again, I raise my staff high above my head, and white, luminescent bubbles begin to form. Hundreds of them shoot off towards the enemy. If the bubbles come in contact with the enemy, it is a quite painful hit. However, if the bubble hits the enemy square on the forehead, a geyser bursts up from beneath their feet, causing tremendous damage, pain, and possible drowning.

I borrowed Aurora's shoes for this picture... they don't fit me, but you can't tell ;)
The above pic is from the "Prue" KiSS doll set, by LeeLee (find her on Otakuworld!). I didn't edit it or anything, but it's an amazing likeness! =)

Origin: I was born in Ireland, but I moved to New York at around the age of six

Favorite Food: Sweets

Least Favorite Food: meat, or other animal products

Favorite School Subject: Philosophy

Least Favorite School Subject: Math

Favorite Gemstone: Sapphire, Emerald

Future Goals: To save the world as a Sailor Senshi!

Strengths: Positivity, caution, friendship

Weaknesses: Sometimes lacking tact in serious situations ^.^;;

Hobbies: Studying, spending time with friends

Strike a pose!

Family: I have an older sister named Janine, a younger brother named Rohan, and a mother and father named Jayne and William. =) *waves* Hi guys!

How I became a Sailor Senshi: I am part of the Element Senshi. We were sent from the future by Neo Queen Serenity. (For more on the Element Senshi, click here! ^_^ )

Other details: I was the second of the Element Senshi to "awaken" (which means regaining my memories of the future), not including Sailor Death. Sailor Wind, the leader, was the first.

Personality: I can be pretty quiet sometimes, but most of all I like to be friendly. =) I am positive and I try to be kind to everyone. I try to be a hard worker, as well. My best friend Jessica (Sailor Wind!) used to bug me about showing up at school early everyday, and doing all my homework at once. ^_^
I like romance, but I'm not a flirt! (Psst....I have a crush on a boy named Zac Banes - Guardian! *blushes tomato red*).

And on top of everything, I cherish my friends and my duty to fight on the side of justice, protecting the world from evil.

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