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The Realm is looking for Artists! ^___^*

Pretty please with blueberries on top? ^.^ That's right! The Realm is seeking Sailor Aqua and Element Senshi fanart, in any form. =) KiSS dolls, video game or other edits, and especially hand-drawn art. =)

We would greatly appreciate it if you could contribute! ^___^ Of course, all credit will be given to *you*, the artist! There are just a few (teeny!) rules. If you're interested, please read on!

Fan Art Guidelines

1. If you'd like to send your picture as an email attachment, .bmp format is preferred, but it doesn't really matter. =)

2. When editing KiSS dolls, remember to give proper credit to the artist! If no editing was done to the doll, be sure to mention that as well.

3. If you don't have access to a scanner, and would like to send the actual piece to us, please email Cammy-san first. She's in charge of that type of thing ^_^ The actual work will be accepted, but it may take a bit of time for your drawing to be displayed - in other words, fan art sent as attachment gets posted faster. =) It's just a matter of Cammy-san not having her own scanner at the moment - she does have close friends who might be able to help her out, though ;) Pictures can be returned, but again, please discuss that with Cammy-san.

4. Pictures of Sailor Aqua and the Element Senshi with your own Otaku Senshi are accepted, as well. =) In fact, I think that'd be kind of cool *giggles*. Just be sure to provide information (Just a name is enough) on your Otaku Senshi, so we know who you are! ^___^

5. Please no ecchi or hentai pictures. Tasteful nudity is fine, however.

^__^; I think that's about it! If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, feel free to ask me or Cammy-san. Go raibh maith agat - Thank you very much! =)

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