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Pocket Bishoujo!

Pocket Bishoujo - gotta catch em all! These pretty badges you see on this page come from a site called Pocket Bishoujo. It's sort of like Pokemon, but instead of catching Pokemon, you capture Bishoujo of anime!

"Bishoujo" means beautiful girl. Check out the site - there are tons to choose from! All you have to do is answer some trivia questions, and the Bishoujo is yours! It's fun! ^____^

I've caught quite a few, so instead of filling up pages of badges, I'll just put the most recent ones up here. If you'd like to see a complete list, I'll have that up (in text form) on a separate page soon! =)

So here are my Pocket Bishoujo! (Click on the badges to go to the site ^_^)

Want to know of all the Bishoujo I've caught? Click here ^-^

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