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Bishoujo-dex =)

All the information on this page comes from Pocket Bishoujo - I even got the term "Bishoujo-dex" from them ^_^ Err... really hope they don't mind! Anyway, this is a list of all the Bishoujo I've caught (*comes to a realization* Heyyy.... why aren't my friends and I on the site? ^_^). Click on the name to read some info on the character! (And yes, the info comes from the Pocket Bishoujo site, as well!)

1. Princess Kakyuu

2. Sailor Jupiter

3. Hello Kitty

4. Misty

5. Sailor Cosmos

6. Marle

7. Sailor Mars

8. Vampire Princess Miyu

9. Tomoyo/Madison

10. Sailor Uranus

11. Sailor Venus

12. Devil/Mamono Hunter Yohko

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