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Sailor Wind is the leader of the Element Senshi, and also my best friend! ^____^ Take a look at Sailor Wind's Realm!

Lots of Sailormoon games, midis, website graphics, and more!

Visit Otakuworld for everything anime - and for tons of KiSS dolls!

Sailor Orion is my inspiration for all of this =) Please visit Sailor Orion's Refuge!

Another great inspiration, Sailor Sirius has a beautiful site =) Have a look!

Sea Sky, Wind Water is the most elegant, complete, and in-depth Uranus and Neptune shrine you ever find. =)

The Lost Senshi
Water Senshi gone bad! o_O *scared* Actually, Princess Taihuugen is quite nice, I think... I think.

Kiss Jenny - Punky's Kiss
Punky creates the best art I've ever seen =) And she's a KiSS artist!

Yay for Sailor Moon cosplay ^__^ Visit Sailor Naboo's site to find out about the Knights in White Satin!

This is my good friend Aurora-chan's Sailor Moon website! Lots of profiles and adorable images. Have a look! ^___^

It's another Sailor Aqua! ^___^ She's excellent at creating animated gifs - see the cute little jumping Aquas? =)

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