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Calling all Otaku Senshi!

=^.^= Miaou!Hi! This is Cammy-chan's department, so I'm going to let her take over ^.^
Ohayoo minna-san! Now, I know there are a lot of you out there who have created your own Sailor Senshi. I'm a big fan of original Sailor Moon characters, because of the creativity, imagination, and fantasy involved(that's also why I like RPGs... but that's another story ;) ).

A well-created character can really take a place in your heart, especially once she becomes like a real person. So what could be better than to actually see your Senshi? ^_^

If you send me detailed descriptions of your otaku senshi, I can make you a KiSS doll of her - most likely using either Nizardo's Inner Planet Scout set, or Sailor Orion's Portrait Shoppe. =) Of course, I do recommend checking out Orion-sama's site for yourself, and also getting your own copy of the Portrait Shoppe ~ but hey, if you ask me to do it, I'll take care of the tedious editing for ya ;)

All I ask for in return is that you let me post the completed picture on Sailor Aqua's site, along with a short profile. If you have a site about your Sailor Senshi, and would like me to link to it, I'll do that too =) Oh yeah - and if you like the job I do, remember to recommend me to your friends ^_^

So, does this sound okay? If so, click "Next" to continue to the form!

See the completed pictures!

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