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Otaku Senshi Gallery

Bwee!Here it is, folks! I finally revamped the Otaku galleries. Click on the thumbnails to get the full picture! If a picture is a non-thumbnail, that's its original size. =) If you like these, go to the bottom of the page to request a doll from Cammy-san! ^___^

Sailor Wind

Sailor Wind is the leader of the Element Senshi. She's a very capable, strong-willed leader with a good heart... even though she doesn't always think so herself ;) See Sailor Wind's profile here, at Sailor Wind's Realm!


Here's Sailor Wind's civilian form, Jessica Fisher. =)

Sailor Wind Graphics


This is Sailor Fire's civilian form, Molly. Molly is an intelligent girl with a special sensitivity to psychic powers. Pictures of Sailor Fire coming soon! =) Click here for Sailor Fire's profile.

Sailor Fire Graphics


Aurora is Sailor Moonburst's civilian form. She's very friendly, and a good friend of May's =) Click here to see her profile... Sailor Moonburst pictures coming soon!

Sailor Moonburst Graphics

Sailor Earth

Sailor Earth, also known as Evelyn, was the last of the "Inner" Senshi. She's a bit self-righteous, but still a strong Element Senshi with the best intentions in her heart. =) Click here to go to Sailor Earth's profile.


Sailor Earth graphics

Sailor Tenshi

Sailor Tenshi was created by Angel Anderson. No profile was sent in with the request... *smiles sweetly at Angel-san* Please share? ^_^

Sailor Freedom

Sailor Freedom is the leader of the Soul Senshi. No website for her yet, but maybe there will be soon... ;)

Sailor Star

Sailor Star was created by Princess Mercury. Sailor Star has the power to control Ice and Dragons, and also has psychic abilities. She has four attacks - Star Ice Tornado, Star Frost Dragon, Star Nega Energy Absorb, and Star Psychic Energy. Kewl! ^_^


Here is Sailor Star's civilian form, Crystal.

Sailor Cassiopeia

Hmmm...should Freedom and Cassiopeia get together? They look quite similar ;) Created by Sara Haye, Sailor Cassiopeia controls the powers of Fire and Sun. She and the Constellation Scouts fight against the Negaverse on Earth, to right the wrongs of the Queen Serenity's and the Moon Kingdom's destruction.

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