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Wind in the Water

she regards me through golden strands
of hair, eyes as crystal clear as
a lake
she's as gentle as the breeze
as determined as a storm
and it is forever
her love that keeps me warm.

hope is embraced by angelic
wings, pearl white and
misty soft
vapor voices guide my eyes
Nine stars align in the night sky
and she will always be strong
she will never say die.

If this ocean should freeze around me
trapping me in a block of ice
will you approach this ironic betrayal
with both eyes lifted to meet mine?
will your heart free me from prison
is our love something divine?

her fingers pass through solid ice
like it is only water
she is Nine Stars glimmering in the blackened sky
Nine Stars reflecting off the sea
It will be her strength to guide us forward
It will be her love to set us free.

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