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By Wide Mouth Mason

I'm looking at a long time time to get there
I'm looking at a black light
I'm looking at a fall from a building
I'm looking at the firefly

And I think
I can't even think
I can't even speak
I can still smile

Still waiting 'till the freezing is over
Still feel it stick to me inside
Still falling as I'm holding the table
Still waiting on the sunrise

And I think
I can't even think
I can't even speak
But I can still smile
I can still smile

Buried in the sky like a planet in daylight
Not hidden very well
I can only see half of what's gong on
But I'm all riught, 'cause I can still smile
I can still smile

And I think
I can't even think
I can't even speak
But I can still smile
I can still smile.
