
Fantasy abandoned by reason
produces impossible monsters;
united with her, she is the mother
of the arts and the origin of their marvels.
Franciso Goya: Epigraph
to Los Caprichos, 1970
A Fine Line
Confused in my mind,
Confused of the thoughts and days of the times.
Things that are foreseen, foreshadowed and foretold,
More mysterious are the unknown.
One man sees beauty in everything that is seen,
The other sees the scornful shame of reality.
Which one sane, which one insane.
These two men unknown to each other,
Travel together to lands of wonder.
The wind whispers through the trees.
One hears a beautiful melody chiming through the leaves.
The other hears the painful cry of a bloodcurdling scream.
A lion strolls through the forest.
One sees the elegance of its' grace.
The other sees the horror of its' fate.
The sunrise lightens the day.
One sees the beginning of a new day.
The other sees the heat and searches for shade.
The bird chirping hungrily from their nest.
One enjoys the lovely song.
The other throws a stone to make the chatter be gone.
The soil moist from the morning mist.
One sees the earth yearning to be grown.
The other sees another reason for his sandals to be sewn.
The journeys now complete.
One man proud of his accomplishments, proud to succeed
The other complains and demands compensation for all his travesties.
These two men traveled side by side.
Neither one ever crosses the line.
Which one is sane and which one is insane.
There's a fine line that leaves much to be explained.
These two men will never separate.
For you see,
One is your soul and the other is your mind
and neither one will ever cross the line.
COPYRIGHTS Deviant, 1998-2001. All rights reserved
The above poem was written by Deviant(me).
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Well, this is my first page ever. Hope you like it. Any advice would be appreciated.
Hello....My name is Rachel. My online friends know me as Deviant. It's been awhile since I have updated my page. Well....let's see...what's new??? I have a kitty named Willis. I will be working on his site before long. I started jammin with guys in the band again....and I have met some really strange people...but hey who am I say what is strange hehehe....I have been enjoying life and life has been good...Anyways..I hope y'all like my site...check out some of my poems..I've been writing since I was a kid so there is some really old stuff in there..enjoy..peace

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