just some humour for u (no i am not doing ballet, sorry )

Yea yea, everyone needs a good laugh... and by the looks of it, you really need a good laugh... lighten up, the sky isnt gonna fall on your head or anything u know.. now lets see.... i could tell a joke here, but i am supposed to be giving u a good laugh, so i will spare you from my jokes (at least for now)... lighten up, hehe

painful stuff ,i really feel sorry for this guy, dont yall?

funny stuff, good for a laugh, especially if u can apply it to somebody you might know, hehe

funny stuff , a good example of time saving methods used by parents today

funny stuff hehehe, a lil christmas humour

funny stuff get a good laugh at the US military ;)

funny stuff one of the new promising cars on the market for fuel conservative people who like a balance between cost and luxury

funny stuff if u ever look out your window one morning and see this u would probably freak out

funny stuff the ex Pres. exposed

painful stuff and they say once they put a plane on autopilot they dont have to look forwards....

painful stuff new defence/offense system in Iraq....

funny stuff i kinda like this kid

funny stuff jesus trying out for the olypics, hehe, he should stick to miracles<

funny stuff another reason not to join the kkk

painful stuff tarzan before he realised that he needed to wear a bit more clothing

funny stuff testing grounds

funny stuff animal rights? i didnt know they had the right to drink... worlds a changin

painful stuff round one..FIGHT

brain teaser hehe... if u think this is hard wait till u see the next one

brain teaser got the first one done? hehe... sure u are up to this challenge?

funny stuff why u shouldnt let your dogs and cats get near the 'puter

painful stuff hmn... chinese water X games? u be the judge