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Rituals and Spells




















Here is a selection of rituals and spells from my Book of Shadows. Some of these are written by me, others are rituals I have collected off the net and out of books which I really liked. Once again, if you see something of yours here I haven't credited you with, let me know and we can arrange something. 

If you came here looking for spells to make the man of your dreams mysteriously fall in love in you, or your worst enemy suddenly develop a nasty skin condition, then I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. The most important thing to remember is that your rituals and spells should NEVER be about forcing someone to do something against their will, or harming others... 'An' it harm none, do what you will'.

Love Spells 

Money Spells 

Protection Spells 

Healing Spells 

Miscellaneous Spells