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Seats of Royalty:

Emperor~ As the sole ruler of his Empire, the Emperor holds the highest position in the Empire, his responsibility to maintain it is a must in the Empire.

Empress~ The wife of the emperor. Empress’s are to be shown as much loyalty and respect that is given to the Emperor.

Daughter-Heir~ The daughter of the Emperor and Empress.

Prince~ The son of the Emperor and Empress.

Royal High Council of Advisors:

Lord High Chancellor: The highest Minister of State in the nation and will act as the head of state in the absence of the Emperor.

Lord High Justiciar: The Head of the judicial system and represents the Emperor in the absence of both himself and the Lord High Chancellor.

Lord Captian: The commander of all the military forces of the Empire and second only to the Emperor in the military chain of command.

Lady Chamberlain: Responsible for all matters of the Royal properties.

Minister of Trade: Responsible for all merchant activities, regulation of vendors, and interaction between other guilds and entities where matters of trade and business are concerned.

Royal Archivist: Responsible for all guild records and history.
Nobles:Description: Comming soon...

Kights of the Empire

One, who seeks to become a Knight, but must first prove that he can do what it takes. Being a page is a probationary period to see if you are Empire material.

Squire: A page who has shown he can use his weapon to some extent and holds some honor is squired to a Knight until he can deem himself worthy of serving the empire.

Knight: This rank is bestowed upon a squire who deems himself worthy of serving the Empire.

Knight of the Crown: This rank follows that of Knight, when the Knight has shown that he, or she, upholds the standards of the Knighthood and of the Crown. The Knight’s Council, with the permission of His Majesty shall bestow this rank, providing said Knight has passed a probationary period and it is agreed upon by the Emperor, his Court, and the Knight Council that the Knight is well suited to the Empire.

Honored Knight: Once achieving this rank, the Knight in question is bestowed with the honor of displaying an ideal or object in his, or her, title, which he, or she, defends or upholds and wishes to represent. The attainment of this rank is subject to observations made by His Majesty, the Royal Court, and the Knight's Council.

Knight of the Rose: The Knight of the Rose is a title bestowed upon female Lieutenants of the Knight's Lord.

Knight of the Thorn: The Knight of the Thorn is a title bestowed upon male Lieutenants of the Knight’s Lord.

Knight Lord: This highest position in the Knighthood is entrusted to the Knight whom the Emperor has selected as head of the Knight's Council.

Knights Council: A council of at three members, which shall include the Knight Lord, shall be appointed by the Emperor to represent SmE Knights. Under the direction of the Knight Lord, this council will be responsible for the morale and well being of the entire Knighthood by promoting events to encourage frolic and acknowledge loyalty. The council will give due recognition to Knights, regardless of time served, for outstanding service. The Council will make recommendations for promotions, awards and or public recognition on behalf of all Knights of the Empire members.
The Knight Lord will act as spokesperson for this council and will conduct regular discussions to keep abreast of Knighthood activity in order to make recommendations to the Royal High Council of Advisors for any changes in the Knighthood ranking system and any amendments deemed necessary to Knighthood Policy. Be it known as well, that His Majesty, Emperor Zemeckis promotes individuality and freedom of choice, but wearing a scarlet red cloak or sash is mandatory.

The League of Mages

Only female chracaters will be allowed to be a mage in SmE, they must wear a dress of the color ajah they pick, and anything they wish under thier dress.Next to their title will be an abreviation of the ajah they picked.
1st Circle - Mage Plebeian -
This rank is bestowed upon one who has been newly brought into the League of Mages under the Empire. These mage candidates have a probationary status until they have proven that they uphold the values and standards of the Empire. Before one can be brought into the League as a Plebe the member must have in his/her possession a spellbook, demonstrated the minimum ability to cast three first circle spells one of which must be Heal, and be sponsored by a member with a rank of Mage of the Crown or higher.

2nd Circle - Mage Apprentice -
This title is bestowed upon a Mage Plebeian who has proven himself a loyal and capable subject. A Mage must have the minimum ability to cast Cure, Harm, and any other 2nd Circle spell to achieve this rank. The Master/Mistress of Plebeians recommends Plebeians for evaluation before the Mage Council. Approved subjects are granted this title.

3rd Circle - Mage of the Crown -
This title is bestowed upon a member who has proven his ability to role-play and has demonstrated his/her loyalty to the Crown. A Mage must have developed the minimum capability to cast Fireball, Bless, and Teleport to attain this rank. In addition, a Grand Sorcerer/Sorceress or higher-ranking Mage must sponsor them. The mage is promoted after the Mage Council validates the sponsor’s recommendation. These 3rd Circle Mages are the common foot soldiers of the Alliance’s army of mages.

4th Circle - Grand Sorcerer/Sorceress -
This title is bestowed upon a member who has continued to demonstrate his/her loyalty to the Crown, his/her superior ability to role-play and to perform the magical arts at a high level. A Mage must have developed the minimum capability to cast Recall, Lightning Bolt, and Greater Heal to attain this rank. To attain this level, the Mage Council must validate a recommendation of a High Crown Sorcerer/Sorceress or higher-ranking mage. These 4th Circle Mages are the lieutenants of the Alliance’s army of mages. For the record, a lieutenant in the League of Mages should not be compared to lieutenants in any other corp. Ranks/Titles are solely for a guide within the League of Mages.

5th Circle -High Crown Sorcerer/Sorceress -
This title is bestowed upon members who have demonstrated an extraordinary loyalty to the Crown and ability in the arts of magic, and have been recognized by the Emperor himself. These members are captains of the League of Mages and of the Empire as a whole. They act as mentors and instructors to the lower members of the League of Mages and even to members of the other Corps of the Empire when appropriate.

The following process issues this rank: First of all, the prospective 5th Circle Mage must have the minimum ability to cast Magic Reflection, Blade Spirits, and Summon Creature. A Philosopher Mage or higher must act as sponsor for the member and nominate the candidate to the Council of Mages. The three members then must confirm or deny the nomination by way of a majority vote. If the vote is in favor of promotion, the result of the majority vote is then submitted to the Emperor. Emperor Zemeckis will then determine whether the member shall have the rank of High Crown Sorcerer/Sorceress bestowed upon him or her. He will then inform the Council of his decision, and if appropriate, they will bestow the rank upon the member.

6th Circle -Philosopher Mage -
This title is bestowed upon members who have gained a superior grasp on the upper circles of magic and who uphold the highest values and standards of the Empire and of Emperor Zemeckis himself. Members promoted to this rank must have the minimum ability to cast Mark, Invisibility, and Energy Bolt. These members are leaders of the Mage Corps of the Empire. Each member that has attained this rank adheres to a specific ideal or philosophy and reflects those values in the title they choose (example: ‘Mage of the Sea’). One member of this rank will be given a unique title as the overall teacher and mentor to the Plebes and Apprentices. The title of Master/Mistress of Plebeians will be granted to this 6th Circle Mage. It will be this Mage’s duty to guide and instruct Mage Plebeians and Mage Apprentices.

The following process issues this rank: A member of the Council of Mages must act as sponsor for the member and nominate the candidate to the rest of the Council of Mages. The three members then must confirm or deny the nomination by way of a majority vote. If the vote is in favor of promotion, the result of the majority vote is then submitted to the Emperor.

7th Circle – Mage of the Scepter and Mage of the Sword-
These two titles are bestowed upon the two Lieutenants to the Grand Arch Sorcerer/Sorceress (his/her Sword and Scepter). The two members with this title along with the Grand Arch Sorcerer/Sorceress make up the three member ruling body of the League known as the Council of Mages. These two ranks can only be bestowed upon a member who has been nominated by the Grand Arch Sorceress of the Council to the Emperor and only if that member has demonstrated the ability to cast all of the 7th circle spells. The Emperor himself will then bestow this rank upon the member if he deems it appropriate.
8th Circle - Grand Arch Sorcerer/Sorceress -
The sorcerer who holds this rank is the overall leader of the Mage Corps of the Empire and is also known as the High Seat of the Council. He or she along with the two Grand Council Mages makes up the Council of Mages. The Council of Mages makes all policy decisions internal to the League of Mages and also advises the Emperor in all matters he deems necessary. The Emperor himself will appoint a member to this position by his own devices. As the overall leader of The League of Mages, this seat can only be occupied by one who has achieved complete understanding of all magic within all circles, and thus can cast every known spell with proficiency. Note: It is important to stress that the minimum Magery requirements listed for each rank do not imply that upon gaining the ability to cast the appropriate circle spells that one has automatically proven his/her value and worthiness to attain the next higher rank. These are minimum requirements and most of the time will be well below the abilities of those being promoted.

Archers of the Empire

Description: Comming soon...
Description: Comming soon...
Description: Comming soon...
Description: Comming soon...

Description: Comming soon...

Description: Comming soon...

Description: Comming soon...

Royal Guard

Imperial Royal Guard: The epidimaty of loyalty towards the Emperor and the Empire. They will lay down their lives before one of the Royal family is harmed.

Imperial Guard: Have an unending amount of loyalty and protect the Emperor and his family plus any of the members of the Royal Branch.


Woodsman: Description: Comming soon...

Huntsman: Description: Comming soon...

Herdsman: Description: Comming soon...

Beastkeeper: Description: Comming soon... Beastmaster:Description: Comming soon...

Ranger:Description: Comming soon...

Ranger-Elite:Description: Comming soon...

Judicial System

Justicar:Description: Comming soon...

Magistrate:Description: Comming soon...

Marshal:Description: Comming soon...

Registrar:Description: Comming soon...


Bard:Description: Comming soon...

Rhapsodist:Description: Comming soon...

Troubadour:Description: Comming soon...

Balladeer:Description: Comming soon...

Minstrel:Description: Comming soon...

Jongleur:Description: Comming soon...

Muse:Description: Comming soon...


High Priest:Description: Comming soon...

Archbishop:Description: Comming soon...

Bishop:Description: Comming soon...

Priest:Description: Comming soon...

Vicar:Description: Comming soon...

Canon:Description: Comming soon...

Acolyte:Description: Comming soon...


Prophet:Description: Comming soon...

Cardial Abbot:Description: Comming soon...

Abbot:Description: Comming soon...

Monk:Description: Comming soon...

Friar:Description: Comming soon...

Mystic:Description: Comming soon...

Sage:Description: Comming soon...


Merchants: Merchants travel the lands trading and selling their wares.
Tradesmen: Tradesmen support the Empire with their respective trades, and their title reflects what they do, Blacksmith, Tailor, Tinker etc.
Citizens: Those who have no trade and just wish to go about their lives in peace.

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