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Becoming a RangerBecoming a Ranger

          Unlike many other character classes, rangers have no clear career paths. Wizards may be taught in magic academies and clerics may be recruited by a church, but no structured training centers exist for rangers. There are guilds for thieves and worldwide hierarchies for druids, but rangers stubbornly resist organizations of any kind. Since the ranger class stresses self-reliance and independence, it's not surprising that the circumstances under which they acquire their skills are as varied as the rangers themselves. Here are some of the most common ways to become a ranger, along with a few kits typically associated with them. Of course, the standard ranger might have any of these.


          An elderly ranger may wish to make sure that his territory will be in good hands after his death. Rather than award conservatorship of the territory to another ranger or a local government, he may instead decide to recruit an apprentice. The elder not only teaches the ways of the wilderness to the young man or woman, but also passes along his values, ensuring that his philosophy will live on. Friends or family members of the elder make ideal candidates for apprentices, as do orphans and human followers.


          Individuals attracted to this character class may take it upon themselves to master the necessary skills without a formal apprenticeship. Such an individual may be motivated by curiosity (he's fascinated by nature and longs to learn what books can't teach), a compelling event (an army of orcs makes a surprise attack against his village from an unpatrolled forest; he vows to guard the forest to prevent a recurrence), or a restless urge to explore the world (he feels smothered by the secure but boring life his parents have planned for him).
          A self-determined ranger often takes a circuitous route to learning his craft. He may begin by petitioning his lord or king to allow him to accompany military personnel on wilderness excursions, learning from observation how soldiers survive in the field and track their enemies. He may offer to keep house or work for a sage or hedge wizard in exchange for private lessons in botany and other natural sciences. A few years as a neophyte in a nature-oriented church may give him access to priestly magic. And a surreptitious partnership or adoption by a notorious thief may teach him the knack of hiding in shadows and moving silently.


          Occasionally, a king or other official requires a ranger to explore, settle, or administer a recently annexed territory. A replacement may be needed for a ranger who has retired or died. If a suitable candidate isn't available, the most suitable young man or woman may be drafted. Generous authorities may reward the draftee's family with a monthly stipend in exchange for the cooperation of their son or daughter. More often, however, the authorities offer no remuneration, expecting some type of service from all citizens; recruitment as a ranger is generally preferable to the risky life of a soldier or dull routine of a bureaucrat.
          Conscripted rangers often receive first-class training, perhaps at the hands of elder or retired rangers. Some countries have special units of border runners or scouts, which can provide a training ground for the potential ranger. Terms of services range from several years in most cases to a few decades in extremely militaristic societies. Though many choose to re-enlist when their service terms expire, most conscripted rangers eventually part company with the established rulers and continue their careers as free agents.

          A common way for a young character to become a ranger is though circumstances beyond his control. The following are typical. A youth who makes his way to an uninhabited island after his ship sinks has to master the skills of a ranger in order to survive. The lone survivor of a pioneer family slaughtered by grizzly bears wanders for years in the wilderness, becoming a ranger in the process. A youth captured by slavers escapes into the wilderness and eventually learns ranger skills. He returns much later as an accomplished ranger with a mission to destroy or drive out the band of slavers who imprisoned him.

Divine Intervention

          For purposes of their own, the gods may choose a mortal to receive the skills of a ranger. If the gods see a need for a protector of a favored tract of land, or desire an advocate for threatened animals, they may seek out a youth with the prerequisite physical skills, mental agility, and moral attitude. If the youth is open to their offer--generally, the gods won't bother with an unreceptive candidate--he will be guided through a lengthy series of quests and training exercises to develop the skills necessary to become a ranger. In some cases, the gods may grant him the skills directly.

Social Misfit

          Society has no use for some of its citizens, shunning them because of their appearance, race, social standing, or nonconformist philosophies. Outcast youths often find solace in the wilderness. Animals, they discover, are far less judgmental than humans. In time, those with strong wills and a knack for survival may become rangers through sheer tenacity.

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