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Welcome to the Clan

Joining the clan Anyone can become a member of this clan, provided they take the time to fill out this test and E-mail it to Legolas.

If you answer the first question in a satisfactory way, then you are automatically a Ranger-Protector.
The other questions are purely there to determine what kind of Ranger you will be.
If you wish to be a pure Ranger, or a Dual/Multiclassed Ranger-Cleric or Ranger-Druid, you should state so in your E-mail. I would still like you to answer the questions 2-11 though.

After you finish answering the questions, type the following:

Ironworks nickname: ...................
Date of birth:................................
Country of Origin:........................

    1) Why do you think you will make a good Ranger?
Use no more than 200 words to explain. If you can accurately describe why you want to join in two or three sentences, you can do so. If you need a full essay to do so, go right ahead.

But don't make the answer too long, as I have to read all the replies :p.

    2) What is your race?

    3) What is your gender?

    4) What type of surrounding do you dislike most?

    5) What type of surrounding do you prefer most?

    6) How do you view animals?
Animals are our allies
Animals are our friends
Animals are our family
Animals are our servants
Animals are our equals

    7) How do you view society?
Society is a threat to nature
Society is a neccesity
Society is something best left alone
Society is an aspect of nature
Society is for the weak
Society is exploitation of the weak

    8) Which do you prefer?
Other animals

    9) How do you prefer to solve conflicts?
With arms, up close and personal
With arms, from a distance
With the aid of animals
With the aid of the Gods
By gathering information and assassinating key figures
By gathering information and talking
I avoid conflicts as much as possible
I let nature take it's course

    10) Can you stay in the same place for a long time
Yes, if it is far away from society
Yes, anywhere
No, but I avoid civilisation
No, I'd go anywhere to keep my scenery fresh

    11) Describe your character in a single word

*Altruistic: A selfless humanitarian who puts the welfare of others before his own, the Altruistic ranger tirelessly fights for the common good. Unhampered by jealousy or self-interest, he commands respect from friends and foes alike. He shows mercy to his opponents, compassion to the dispossessed, and unwavering loyalty to his friends.
Analytical: An agile mind and eclectic interests mark the Analytical ranger. He loves knowledge and relishes every opportunity to ponder the mysteries of nature. New cultures, unusual creatures, and scholarly strangers fascinate him. He respects intellectual prowess more than physical skills, and may seek to negotiate with a potential opponent rather than engage in combat.
Arrogant: An arrogant ranger believes he can do no wrong. He views indecision as weakness and compromise as cowardice. He glories in the memory of his accomplishments, which typically have been both numerous and impressive. If there are stronger, smarter, or more skilled rangers than himself, he is unaware of them--or at least, he chooses not to acknowledge them.
Boisterous: A boisterous ranger has little patience with social etiquette. He says what he thinks and behaves as he pleases, and may be oblivious to how his actions might offend others. A man of action, he likes to get to the point, avoiding what he considers to be time-wasting conversation and endless planning. Beneath it all, there often beats a heart of purest gold.
Distrustful: Usually as a result of limited contact with other people, the distrustful ranger remains emotionally distant from strangers and comrades alike. He may be cordial and cooperative, but he rarely gets close to anyone other than his animal followers. He is awkward in social situations, uncomfortable in large groups, and suspicious of friendly overtures. The reason is usually hidden in his past.
Inspiring: The inspiring ranger radiates authority and confidence, making him a natural leader. He instinctively takes charge in times of crisis, displaying bold initiative when others hesitate to act. His companions depend on his decisiveness and common sense, and he rarely lets them down. Always, he is the first to the battlefield and the last to leave.
Laconic: The laconic ranger is a soft-spoken, thorough professional. He says little, sees much, and lets others go their own way as he goes his. He takes quiet pleasure in a job well done, and avoids needless confrontation with lazy, the foolish, and the incompetent (though he might remark with shrewd humor upon their foibles). He nearly always lends his neighbor a helping hand.
Melancholy: The melancholy ranger shoulders the weight of the world. Plagued with self-doubt and tormented by the injustice of a seemingly indifferent universe, he is preoccupied with his own misery and prone to deep depression. Ironically, though he may perceive himself as a failure, he may actually be quite accomplished. Whatever success he experiences, however, doesn't seem to bring him much pleasure.
Merry: The merry ranger is full of the joy of life. He spreads springtime and sunlight wherever he goes, regardless of how bleak the situation may be. Always ready with a tale, a story, or a practical joke to break the tension, he puts the counsel of the eternal doom-sayer to shame. Though he may, in fact, have serious problems of his own, these never discourage him for long, nor does he inflict them on his companions.
Mysterious: The mysterious ranger envelops himself in an aura of secrecy, keeping even the most pedestrian details of his background hidden from his companions. He seldom speaks, and when he does, his words may be ambiguous or laden with cryptic overtones. Though he dutifully fulfills his role within a party, he minimizes his contact with his comrades. For no apparent reason, he may disappear for days at a time, then reappear as unexpectedly as he departed. He may whisper poetry to his followers, make bizarre notations on the trunks of trees, or brew sweet-smelling soup which he dumps on the ground rather than drink, all without explanation. His strange behavior may be due to religious reasons, cultural requirements, or merely a desire to keep his companions at arm's length.
Nurturing: The nurturing ranger serves as a caretaker and counselor, supporting his companions and followers in times of stress. He comforts the troubled, reassures the doubtful, and soothes the anxious. He has a kind word for all and strives to bring out the best in his friends by bolstering their self-esteem. He may leave leadership roles to others, preferring to work in the background, or a loss of leadership or sudden crisis may bring him to the fore.
Obsessed: A single, all-consuming goal motivates the obsessed ranger to the exclusion of all else. Typical obsessions include destroying a species enemy, revenge on an overlord who illegally annexed his territory, or locating a animal believed to be extinct. Though an obsessed ranger may function effectively within his party, the party=s objectives are always secondary to his own. Often, such a character will mature out of the obsession as the campaign continues.

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