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MembersA list of all the Ranger-Protectors of the Ironworks

Name Kit and Alignment Rank Experience
and Level
E-mail Race Merits
Legolas Archer, Neutral Good First Supreme
2000+, lvl 3 Elf Founder
JR Jansen Demi-Forest Runner, Neutral Good Ranger 53, lvl 1 Gnome First non-founding member
Bullwinkle Guardian, Neutral Good Ranger 24, lvl 1 Half-Elf Second non-founding member
YeRFDoG Falconer, Lawful Good Ranger 36, lvl 1 Elf Third non-founding member
Garnet Falcondance Guardian, Chaotic Good Ranger 32, lvl 1 Half-Elf Most active member
Aurican Archer, Chaotic Good Ranger 25, lvl 1 Elf
Ruven of Azusa
(Bad Mr. Frosty)
Guardian, Neutral Good Apprentice 0, lvl 1 Human ex-latest member
Astina the Moon Elf Pureclassed Ranger, Chaotic Good Apprentice 0, lvl 1 Elf Latest member, demi-goddess

I've updated the roster, giving everyone the experience for the first quest.

Racial enemies and preferred locations

Name Racial Enemy Location
Legolas Yuan-Ti Jungle
JR Jansen Goblin Forest
Bullwinkle Ogre Forest
YeRFDoG Ettercap & Forest Spider Forest
Garnet Hobgoblin Forest
Aurican Fell/Deamonic Forest
Ruven Hill Giant Hills
Astina Trolls Forest

Advancement Table

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Experience
Apprentice 0-49
Ranger 50-149
Ranger Knight Tutor 150-299
Ranger Lord Master Tutor Ranger-Protector 300-499
Head of Tutors Master Ranger-Protector 500-999
Lord-Protector 1000-1999
Supreme Ranger-Protector 2000+

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