Audience>Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry.
Jerry walks out.
Audience>Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!!!!
Jerry>Hey welcome, are guests to day say they’re Z warriors, but something must be bad or else they wouldn’t be here.
Audience>Jerry, Jerry, Jerry.
Jerry>Meet Bulma. Bulma says her ex won’t leave her alone. What’s going on Bulma?
Bulma>Well Jerry, I had this boyfriend for like 8 years, and we broke up, but he won’t leave me alone. So, I brought your cameras along to show you.
Jerry>And that’s the tape we have?
Jerry>Roll it!
On the video…
Bulma>Well Jerry this is my everyday life.
Bulma walks out of her house.
Yamcha is on her yard wearing nothing but a box.
Bulma runs to her car.
Audience>Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!!!!!
Camera follows Yamcha walking down the street.
Yamcha>Jerry you gotta help me, she’s my life, and I can’t live without her.
Car runs into a puddle. Water gets on Yamcha’s box.
Yamcha is digging in trash.
Yamcha>Know what? Home Depot throws out a lot of good boxes.
Yamcha puts on a new box, and walks down the street, and sees Bulma in an antique store. Yamcha walks in.
Bulma>Son of a b****!!!!!!!
Bulma runs out of store.
Owner of the store>Your going to have to get the h*** out of here!!
Yamcha is digging through Bulma’s trash.
Yamcha>She knows I hate eggs.
Tape ends...
Jerry>This is one classy show.
Everyone laughs.
Jerry>Seriously, he won’t leave you alone?
Jerry>Meet, Yamcha.
Yamcha walks out. Wearing nothing but a box.
Audience>Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!!!!
Yamcha>Look what you did to me, Bulma!!!. I live in a box!!!!!!!!! So f*** you!!!!!!!
Jerry>You’re leaving her?
Yamcha>Jerry, she kept all my clothes. All my stuff. Everything. So I’m leaving her.
Jerry>Will be back!
Jerry>Are next guest says she wants to taste the forbidden fruit. Meet Videl. What’s going on Videl?
Videl>Well Jerry I want to kiss one of my friends, but my friend is a girl.
Audience>We love lesbians, we love lesbians, we love lesbians!!
Jerry>Meet her husband Gohan!
Gohan walks out.
Gohan>H*** yeah!!!!!
Luanch comes out.