Mr.Popo Gets His Groove Back

Kurrin>What a beautiful morning even the birds are up. That bird seem to be coming strait at me.

Bird flys into tower

Kurrin>Yadjarobi a birds in the tower!!!!!!!

Yadjarobi using BBQ

Yadjarobi>So what Kurrin?

Bird flys into BBQ’s flames

Yadjarobi>F****** bird!

Yadjarobi slam top shut with the bird in flames

Kurrin>About 500 more birds just flew in!!!!!!


Kurrin>All the birds are out.


Kurrin>Bulma will know how to get rid of those birds.


Kurrin>So can you help us Bulma?

Yadjarobi>Maybe you some use some computers to help us.

Bulma>Computer what the h*** is that?

Kurrin>Lets speak to DR.Breifs instead Yadjarobi, I forgot Bulma had no IQ.

DR.Breifs>This capsule will put a glass shield around your tower.


Kurrin>Ha the birds can’t get in now!

Kurrin puts up glass shield.

Kurrin>Stupid birds.

Next morning.....

Kurrin>Those birds are flying over here again.


Bird smashes head against glass.



Mr.Popo>Kami, your tower blew up again!!

Kami>Yes Mr.Popo.

Mr.Popo>And you expect me to clean it up don’t you!

Kami>Mr.Popo have you been drinking again?

Mr.Popo>So what if I have?!!!!!!

Mr.Popo pulls glass out slam it against a tree then puts it to Kami’s troat.

Mr.Popo>Ya goin ta make me stop, huh!!

Kami pulls switch blade from pocket puts to Mr.Popo’s stomacth.

Kami>Maybe I will!!!

Gohan>Hey guys!

Kami & Mr.Popo>Hey Gohan!!

Gohan>Have you guys seen Bulma?

Kami>Ask Kurrin.

Gohan>Ok thanks!

Mr.Popo>That Gohan kid wants ta start a fight dosen’t he!!!!!!!

Gohan flys down.

Gohan>Hey Kurrin.

Gohan hits face against shield.


Gohan>You know where Bulma is?

Kurrin>She’s at your house.

Gohan>Thanks Kurrin.


Gohan>Bulma do you have that pill that makes Oolong s*** when someone says piggy?


Gohan>Can I have one?


Next morning....

Gohan drop pill Sharpeners lunch bag.

Then at after lunch....

Gohan>Hey Sharpener.

Sharpener> What nerd?


Videl>What's that smell!!!?

Erassa>Sharpener s*** his pants!!!!

English teacher>Sharpener!,If you cant controlle your Dieareiha or s*** problem maby you should go home!!


Sharpener runs down stairs.

Trail of s*** on stair.

Mean while........

Master Roshi>Killin can I ask you a question?


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