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These remedies are not intended to take the place of regular medicine. If your complaint requires it VISIT A DOCTOR!

Remember that all essential oils, with the exception of Lavender, MUST be diluted before coming into contact with your skin. Some oils can cause irritation. Wash the affected area and discontinue use if affected. Check out the 'Important notes on oils' page before you begin.

Ailments U-Z


Live yoghurt should be eaten daily and used as a douche.

Boil 4 tablespoons of Coriander seeds in 4 cups of water until liquid is reduced to 50%. Strain and drink adding honey if required. Drink Cranberry juice daily.

Drink infusions of Corn Silk or Cough Grass.

Add Bergamot, Lavender and Sandalwood essential oils to baths.

Drink plenty of water and take 1g of vitamin C daily.

Vomiting (see Nausea)


Eat plenty of Garlic and rub more onto the wart itself to fight the fungal infection. Apply Cayenne extract or Aloe Vera gel to the wart. Squeeze fresh Dandelion sap onto the wart daily. Mashed Milkwort can also be applied directly.

Apply Lemon oil directly to the wart (avoid surrounding skin) until the wart disappears. When the wart has disappeared, add a few drops of Lavender oil to vitamin E oil and apply daily for a week to prevent scarring and promote healing.


Herbal Pumpkin, Papaya, Bistort, Sage, Black Walnut, Chamomile and Primrose root can all help in ridding the body of worms.

Eat pumpkin seeds and fresh garlic cloves to rid the body of parasites


Information sources:

'The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Healing Remedies' C. Norman Shealy

'Aromatherapy an A-Z' Patricia Davis

My own Book of Shadows


By Ailment


Oil Recipes

Herb Recipes


Crone Spells



Incense Recipes

