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Celtic Deities

Angus of the Brugh - (Oengus of the Bruig - mac Oc meaning 'young son')Father - Dagda, mother - Boannan

Arawn - God of Annwn (the Underworld)

Arianrhod - meaning either 'silver wheel' or 'high fruitful mother' daughter of don

Artio - Goddess of the Bear cult (similar to Artemis the Greek goddess)

The Badb - Red mouthed, bird shaped Goddess of War one of the Morrigan triad

Belatucadros - meaning 'fair shining one'. Horned god of war often equated with the Roman God Mars

Belenus - Bel, Belinus meaning 'shining'. Celtic fire or solar god, often equated with Apollo

Broannan - Goddess of the River Boyne, mother of Angus of the Brugh

Bodb - Irish Goddess of the battle

Bran - (The Blessed also meaning 'raven') hero god, brother of Manawydan ap Llyr

Branwen - Daughter of Llyr. One of the three matriarchs of Britain

Bres - Divine leader of the Tuatha De Danann

Brigantia - 'High One' Pastoral and river goddess

Brigit (Brigid) British/Irish Goddess of poets, healing and fertility

Cernunnos - Stag horned God of fertility and rebirth

Cerridwen (Caridwen/Ceridwyn/Kerridwen) - Celtic corn/dark moon Goddess of rebirth, wife of tegid Voel (lord of the Lake)

Coventina - Goddess of springs and waters

Creiddylad - (Cordelia) daughter of Llyr (Shakespeare wrote of Creiddylad and Llyr as Cordelia and Lear)

The Dagda - Irish Earth and father god

Danu - Celtic Mother Goddess, one of the Morrigan triad. Irish mother of the Tuatha De Danann

Dian Cecht - Healing God

Epona - Goddess of horses

Goibniu - God of smiths, one of the Tuatha De Danann (known as Govannon to the Welsh)

Gvenn Teir Bronn - Welsh triple breasted Goddess of motherhood

Gwydion - Welsh magician God

Hooded Spirits - Celtic triad of healing and fertility

Lir - Irish sea God (Llyr to the Welsh)

Lleu Llaw Gyffes - Welsh hero god (also known as Lug to the Celts)

Lug - Celtic hero god, Also known as.. Lugh, Lleu, Lleu Llaw Gyffes ('Bright one of the skillful hand'), Samildanach ('many skilled') and Find ('fair haired one')

Macha - ('crow') One aspect of the triple Morrigan. Celtic Goddess of war

Manannan mac lir - Celtic Fertility God of the sea. (Manawydan ap Llyr to the Welsh)

Manawydan ap Llyr - Welsh version of above

Math Mathonwy - Welsh sorcery God

Medb - Celtic Goddess of War

Midir - Chieftain god of the underworld

The Morrigan - Collective term for the triad of war Goddesses. Individually - Badb, Danu and Macha

Nuada - Argetlam - ('silver hand'), former leader of the Tuatha De Danann also known as Nud, Nodens, and Llud Llaw Ereint.

Ogmios, Ogma - Grianainech ('sun face') god of eloquence, inspiration and language

Pwyll - God of the underworld, known as Pwyll Pen Annwn ('Pwyll head of Annwn')

Tailtiu - Goddess of the Earth

Tuatha De Danann - The main family of Irish gods


Adapted from 'A guide to the Gods' by Richard Carlyon

I recommend this book for much much more information on these and other deities

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