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Legends of Greece and Rome

The reign of Kronos (Time)

Kronos learned of a prophecy which stated that he would be overthrown by one of his children, as he himself had overthrown his own father Uranus. When he heard this prophecy he vowed that he would not allow this to happen and so ate each of his children as they were born.

Rhea (his wife) was overcome with grief as he devoured his first 5 children Demeter, Hades, Hera, Hestia and Poseidon. When their sixth child, Zeus, was born, she disguised a stone as the child and gave this to Kronos which he ate thinking it was the child. Rhea left Zeus in the care of the Curetes (it is not known where these spirits originated) on Mount Ida in Crete.

While in Crete Zeus was taught by the daughter of the Titans Oceanus and Tethis. Her name was Metis (wisdom) and it was she who taught Zeus how to destroy his father.

Zeus tricked Kronos into drinking a potion which he had aquired from Metis. This potion caused Zeus to vomit and the five children he had previously eaten were expelled full grown. Zeus convinced his siblings to help him in his plans. There was a great war between the Titans (Kronos and his siblings) and the Olympians (Zeus and his siblings). Zeus freed the Hekatoncheires and enlisted their help and that of the Cyclopes, and defeated the Titans. Zeus castrated Kronos and the Titans were imprisoned in the Earth.

With the Titans gone Hades took control of the underworld, Poseidon, the oceans and Zeus was given reign over everything else and became the King of the Gods.


Source: 'Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome'

Morgan J. Roberts

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Book of Shadows