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The necessity of dealing with severe constraint is the lesson of Nauthiz. The positive aspects of this Rune represent the limitations we directly cause ourselves. It’s negative side attracts limitations from those around us. Both can be equally difficult to handle.

The role of Nauthiz is to identify our ‘shadow’, our dark or repressed side, areas where growth has been stunted, resulting in weaknesses that we project onto others, Don’t take this world personally, this Rune is saying. Work with the shadow, examine what is inside you that magnetises misfortune into your life. When at last you can look upon Nauthiz with a smile, you will recognise the troubles, denials and setbacks of life as your teachers, guides and allies.

The need for restraint is unquestionable here. Drawing this Rune indicates that there will be hold ups, reasons to reconsider your plans carefully. There is work to be done on your self. So take it on with good will and show perseverance.

This is a time to pay of debts, to restore, if not harmony, at least balance. So mend, restore, redress: when fishermen can’t go to sea they repair nets. Let the constraints of this time serve you in righting your relationship to your self. Be mindful that rectification comes before progress. And once again, consider the uses of adversity.


As part of the Cycle of Initiation, Nauthiz is the great teacher disguised as the bringer of pain and limitation. It has been said that only at the point of greatest darkness do we become aware of the light within by which we come to recognise the true creative power of the self.

When something within us is disowned, that which is disowned wreaks havoc. A cleansing is required here; in undertaking it you fund a will and strengthen character. Begin with what is most difficult and proceed to what is easy. Or conversely, begin with what is easy and proceed to that which is most difficult. Either way, remember that ‘suffering’ in it’s original sense, merely meant ‘undergoing’. Thus you may be required to undergo the dark side of your passage, and bring it into the light. Controlling your anger, restraining your impulses, keeping your faith firm – all this is at issue here. Modesty and good temper are essential at such a time.

From 'The New Book of Runes' by Ralph Blum