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Ehwaz is the Rune of transit, transition and movement; of physical shifts, new dwelling places, attitudes or new life. It also signifies movement in the sense of improving or bettering any situation.

There is about this Rune a sense of gradual development and steady progress, with the accompanying notion of slow growth through numerous shifts and changes. His could apply to the growth of a business or to the development of an idea. A relationship may need to undergo changes if it is to maintain growth and life. Moral effort and steadfastness are called for when you draw Ehwaz, another of the Cycle runes. Let it be said this way: ‘As I cultivate my own nature, all else follows’.

This Rune’s symbol is the horse, and is signifies the inseparable bond between horse and rider. Bronze Age artefacts show a horse drawing the sun across the sky. Here this Rune is saying you have progressed fr enough to feel a measure of safety in your position. It is time to turn again and face the future reassured, prepared to share the good fortune that comes. the sharing is significant since it relates to the sun’s power to foster life and illuminate all things with it’s light.


Movement that appears to block. Be certain that what you are doing – or not doing – is timely. You have simply to realise that not all opportunities are appropriate, that not all possibilities are open to you. The opportunity at hand may be precisely to avoid action. If you are feeling at a loss, unclear about the need to act, consider what is timely to your nature, and remember: what is yours will come to you.

From 'The New Book of Runes' by Ralph Blum