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This Online Role Playing Game is closed.

*sigh* Yes, this is the end. First of all, I would like to thank all those who supported and aided Syllania, even in it's darkest time. The truth is, however, that nobody could have stopped the inevitable downfall of Syllania. It was just a series of horrible events that wore away at the number of players.
No single event, or person, can be blamed for digging the grave, but it was one event that made me realize the truth. A person, a very dear friend and player, lost faith in me. I once swore that would never happen to me. That was the final nail in the coffin.

Another game idea is floating around in my head, but it will not be implemented for several months. And, unfortunately, it will never rival the great dream that was Syllania: The Epic Online Rpg.

This is the Eye of Chaos, Brandon Pelkey, officially signing off.

click here <bgsound src="lodoss.mid" loop=infinite>